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2024-08-18 | 日記











Economic globalization refers to the phenomenon of the integration of world markets, the liberalization of trade, investment and labor flows between nations, and the active conduct of cross-border business. The merits and demerits of globalization are shown below, and finally, whether globalization should be promoted or suppressed is discussed.


Trade liberalization promotes global competition, resulting in higher quality and lower prices.
The presence of foreign companies will increase competition with local companies, increase the flow of technology and knowledge, and improve the capabilities of local companies.
Globalization liberalizes the flow of capital and labor, thereby increasing production efficiency.
Economic growth is expected to reduce poverty and improve living standards.


As globalization increases the number of immigrants crossing national borders, social problems may arise.
The entry of foreign companies into the market may have a negative impact on local companies.
Globalization may accelerate the destruction of resources and the environment.
The gap between rich and poor can widen.

Whether globalization should be promoted or constrained depends on how and to what extent. Done well, globalization maximizes benefits and minimizes disadvantages. Specifically, we need systems and policies to deal with social issues such as poverty and environmental problems while enjoying the benefits of globalization.

In addition, globalization needs to be handled flexibly according to regional characteristics and culture. On the other hand, it is not realistic to curb globalization completely. It is important to address social issues while promoting economic globalization. For example, since globalization can widen disparities, it is necessary to improve social security systems and correct disparities. Also, regarding environmental issues, it is necessary to establish international rules and frameworks and encourage companies and nations to voluntarily carry out environmental protection activities.

On the other hand, completely curbing globalization would lead to restrictions on trade and investment freedom between nations, which could result in stagnation of the global economy. Furthermore, globalization can promote innovation by promoting the sharing of technology and knowledge through cross-border collaboration between companies and nations.

Therefore, it is desirable to promote economic globalization by appropriately balancing its merits and demerits and by developing policies and systems to deal with social issues. However, international cooperation is necessary for problems caused by globalization, and the development of international organizations and international rules is also essential.