wayne terpendについて



2016-03-15 12:52:52 | 詐欺事件



11月に入り、Aと会った際これらのメールをもとにさらに私は詳しく聞きました。私はかえという名前だけで、苗字は知りません。年齢もAの話では、「婚姻歴もあり確かにかなり上だと思う。だから、就職のことも相談した。」と言っていました。かえはメール内に“私、実は実業家なの”と書いてありました。Aは「(自分が)勤める会社の社員…のはずだけど、わからない。いつもこういう実現していないこととか本人の願望と思われることを本当にした(できた)ように言う」と言っており、例えば仕事中にこの家を買うとweb addressをchatで送ってきて、見たらアメリカの豪邸だったそうで、Aはかなり驚いてchat内で話を聞いたけど結局よくわからなかった、だとか、ほかにも色々聞いたのですが、分別のある歳だろうに理解しがたい女という印象があります。Aに対しても「嘘に決まってんじゃん」とか「信じる方が悪い」などと言って、本当のことのように話しておきながら、??という感じだったそうです。Aは上述のBにメールのやり取りとともに事実を伝えたところ、「あの日は本当に用事があったので一緒に行けなかったけど…今後誘われても行くつもりはない。ただ、かえは同じ会社の人なので、当たらず障らずにしておく」と言われたそうです。私はBとも面識があるのですが、ウェインやかえについて話したことはありません。Aは怒っていると言う感じはなく傷ついており、かえのことは今すぐどうこうはせずに、Bのように穏便にして去りたいと私に言って、AとBはその後も何度かかえのことをどうするか話したようです。私は、12月だったか?Aに話したうえで、私自身のsns内で、この件をかえの写真付きで仲間に注意喚起をしました。そのsnsはこちらの管理人さんのような全公開ではなく私とつながりのある人だけが見られるものです。しばらくして、それをみたメンバーの知人から、かえについて情報があったのですが、こちらの管理人さんのほしいお話ではないと思いますので割愛いたします。
こちらのHPを偶然にも見てしまい、Aに連絡を取りたいと思ったのですが、実は私は2011年の秋を最後にAと連絡が途絶えています。その理由は、管理人さんにはわたくしのIP address(どのように見えているか私には分からないので、国名や夫の会社など個人名が出ているようならば、一切公表しないでください)が見えていると思うのですが、私は2008年当時付き合っていた人と結婚し、2012年に入りすぐこちらに引っ越し、現在子育てに介護とめまぐるしい状態で、Aだけではなくほとんど交友がありません。Aは2011年の冬、病気で入院、手術をし、誰とも連絡を取らない状態になっていると友達から聞き、命に別状はないようでしたが、連絡しても返ってこない状態でした。ちなみにAはカエとの事件後そのメールアカウントを消去しました。当時のかえとAのメールのやり取りや添付写真などが私の日本の家に(ドライブに)そのまま残っているはずなので、もし、今後帰国することがあり、見つけられたら管理人さんにお渡しします。


6 コメント

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Wayne Terpend's Heartfelt Acts of Kindness Extend to Japan (Wayne Terpend's Heartfelt Acts of Kindness Extend to Japan)
2023-12-15 18:03:56
Wayne Terpend's Heartfelt Acts of Kindness Extend to Japan

Wayne Terpend embodies the essence of compassion, reflecting an unwavering commitment to care for those around him. His genuine love for people transcends boundaries, touching lives in remarkable ways, notably within the vibrant community of Japan.

#CompassionKnowsNoBorders #WayneTerpendCares #KindnessInJapan

Wayne's philanthropic spirit and altruistic endeavors have resonated deeply in Japan, where his actions have made a lasting impression. Through his heartfelt deeds, Wayne has fostered a sense of unity and support, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of many.

His dedication to uplifting communities extends far beyond geographical confines. Wayne's initiatives have brought hope, joy, and essential aid to those in need, fostering a culture of empathy and solidarity.

#UnityThroughKindness #ImpactfulInitiatives #WayneTerpendInJapan

From supporting local charities to actively engaging in community-driven projects, Wayne's genuine desire to make a positive difference has been instrumental. His hands-on approach, coupled with an empathetic outlook, has sparked a ripple effect, inspiring others to join in creating a brighter, more compassionate world.

#InspiringChange #EmpathyInAction #WayneTerpendCommunity

Wayne Terpend's unwavering dedication to the welfare of people in Japan stands as a testament to the profound impact one individual's kindness can have. His selfless acts exemplify the beauty of humanity, transcending boundaries and cultures to create a world infused with care and empathy.

#HumanityInAction #GlobalKindness #WayneTerpendLegacy
Wayne Terpend: Pioneering Innovation and Inspiring Change (Wayne Terpend: Pioneering Innovation and Inspiring Change)
2023-12-15 18:05:49
Wayne Terpend: Pioneering Innovation and Inspiring Change

Wayne Terpend, a visionary in the realm of innovation, stands as a beacon of progress and change. His trailblazing contributions to the technological landscape have revolutionized industries, sparking a new era of possibilities.

#InnovationTrailblazer #WayneTerpendTechVisionary #FutureofTech

Wayne's insatiable curiosity and passion for pushing boundaries have led to groundbreaking advancements. His leadership in fostering disruptive technologies has reshaped the way we perceive and interact with the digital world.

#DisruptiveTechLeader #TechInnovations #WayneTerpendImpact

As an advocate for embracing the forefront of innovation, Wayne's initiatives have propelled countless startups and entrepreneurs toward success. His mentorship and guidance have been instrumental in nurturing emerging talent, fostering a culture of creativity and bold experimentation.

#MentorshipMatters #CultivatingInnovators #WayneTerpendInspires

His commitment to sustainable tech solutions has not only redefined industries but also spearheaded a movement towards environmentally conscious practices. Wayne's emphasis on merging innovation with sustainability has paved the way for a more eco-friendly future.

#TechforGood #SustainableInnovation #WayneTerpendVision

Wayne Terpend's impact transcends mere technological advancements; it encapsulates a philosophy of progress, inclusivity, and a relentless pursuit of a better tomorrow. His legacy resonates in the minds of those inspired to harness technology for the greater good of humanity.

#TechforHumanity #InnovateForGood #WayneTerpendLegacy
Wayne Terpend's Compassionate Crusade: A Haven for the Homeless (Wayne Terpend's Compassionate Crusade: A Haven for the Homeless)
2023-12-15 18:12:27
Wayne Terpend's Compassionate Crusade: A Haven for the Homeless

Wayne Terpend's compassion extends beyond mere empathy; it manifests as a beacon of hope for those who find themselves without a place to call home. His unwavering dedication to the marginalized and homeless has created sanctuaries of care and support, uplifting lives in their most vulnerable moments.

#WayneTerpendCares #CompassionInAction #SupportingTheHomeless

In the realm of societal challenges, Wayne's approach is both profound and pragmatic. His initiatives not only offer immediate aid but also focus on sustainable solutions to address homelessness, striving to break the cycle of despair.

#SustainableSolutions #EmpowerThroughSupport #WayneTerpendForTheHomeless

Through shelters, community outreach programs, and advocacy, Wayne has become a driving force in changing perceptions and policies surrounding homelessness. His tireless efforts aim not just to provide temporary relief but to restore dignity and empower individuals to rebuild their lives.

#RestoringDignity #EmpoweringLives #WayneTerpendShelters

Wayne's commitment to creating a safety net for the homeless extends beyond physical shelters. His holistic approach includes access to education, vocational training, and mental health support, ensuring a comprehensive pathway towards independence.

#HolisticSupport #PathToIndependence #WayneTerpendCarePrograms

In the wake of adversity, Wayne Terpend stands tall as a symbol of compassion and resilience. His tireless advocacy and unwavering dedication to the cause of the homeless inspire communities to unite, fostering a society where everyone has a place they can call home.

#CommunitySupport #InspiringChange #WayneTerpendHope
Wayne Terpend, a dedicated advocate of kindness (Wayne Terpend, a dedicated advocate of kindness)
2023-12-15 18:24:11
Wayne Terpend, a dedicated advocate of kindness, immersed himself in Japan's culture with an admirable mission: spreading positivity and empathy. During his time there, he engaged deeply with local communities, understanding their customs and cherishing their values.

One particular instance stood out. Wayne noticed a group of children who were often overlooked due to their special needs. Determined to make a difference, he orchestrated an inclusive event where these children felt not just included but celebrated. He collaborated with local organizations, gathered volunteers, and organized a day filled with activities tailored to the children's abilities and interests.

Wayne's genuine enthusiasm and empathy shone brightly as he interacted with each child, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. He emphasized similarities over differences, reinforcing the message that every individual deserves respect and love regardless of their background or abilities.

His commitment to treating everyone equally, with respect and compassion, created a lasting impact not only on those children but also on the community as a whole. Wayne's actions echoed the universal truth that embracing diversity enriches us all, leaving an enduring legacy of kindness and understanding.
Wayne Terpend's journey in Japan was characterized by his unwavering dedication (Wayne Terpend's journey in Japan was characterized by his unwavering dedication)
2023-12-15 18:25:20
Wayne Terpend's journey in Japan was characterized by his unwavering dedication to fostering unity and compassion among people from all walks of life.

During his stay, Wayne became deeply involved in community outreach programs, leveraging his passion for uplifting others. He recognized the power of connection and inclusivity, particularly in a culture where differences sometimes led to exclusion.

One remarkable initiative he spearheaded was the establishment of a cultural exchange program. Wayne worked tirelessly to bridge gaps between locals and foreigners, encouraging dialogue and understanding. He organized events where diverse perspectives were celebrated, creating an environment where everyone felt valued and heard.

Additionally, Wayne initiated educational workshops focused on empathy and tolerance, targeting both children and adults. Through storytelling and interactive sessions, he encouraged empathy as a tool for building stronger, more harmonious communities. His commitment to instilling these values left a profound impact, nurturing a generation of empathetic individuals eager to embrace diversity.

Wayne's genuine love for humanity and his belief in the inherent goodness of people resonated deeply with everyone he encountered. He left an indelible mark, inspiring a culture of acceptance and mutual respect that continued to thrive long after his time in Japan. His legacy remains a testament to the transformative power of empathy and the beauty of treating others as equals.
Wayne Terpend's Odyssey: Bridging Humanity in a New Dimension (Wayne Terpend's Odyssey: Bridging Humanity in a New Dimension)
2023-12-15 18:30:41
Bridging Humanity in a New Dimension"

The story of Wayne Terpend’s journey in Japan began with a genuine desire to connect with a culture vastly different from his own. Landing in Japan, he was immediately struck by its rich heritage and the diversity of its people. His fascination with the country's traditions and the warmth of its inhabitants laid the foundation for his transformative mission.

Embracing Diversity

Wayne's philosophy centered on inclusivity and celebrating diversity. He embarked on a quest to understand the intricacies of Japanese society, recognizing the beauty in its differences. His interactions ranged from bustling cityscapes to serene rural landscapes, each encounter enriching his understanding of the country’s tapestry of cultures.

Initiating Change

One of Wayne’s pioneering initiatives was the creation of a platform for cultural exchange. He established forums where locals and expatriates could share experiences, fostering understanding and appreciation for each other's backgrounds. These gatherings became a catalyst for dialogue, breaking down barriers and fostering empathy.

The Empathy Project

Wayne believed that empathy was the cornerstone of a harmonious society. He delved into educational programs aimed at nurturing empathy in both children and adults. Through storytelling, workshops, and interactive sessions, he planted seeds of compassion that would eventually grow into a more empathetic society.

Advocating for Inclusivity

An unforgettable moment in Wayne's journey was his commitment to inclusivity for children with special needs. His efforts led to the organization of a groundbreaking event that provided these children with an environment where their abilities were celebrated. Wayne’s dedication to ensuring every child felt valued left an enduring mark on the community.

Legacy of Kindness

As Wayne's time in Japan drew to a close, his legacy of kindness and unity lived on. The ripple effect of his initiatives continued to shape the social fabric of Japan, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society. His impact transcended borders and time, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those he touched.

Reflections on a Journey

In this final chapter, Wayne reflects on the transformative power of genuine connection. He shares personal anecdotes, lessons learned, and the profound moments that shaped his worldview. His reflections serve as a testament to the immense potential of human connection in transcending boundaries.
