


2017-10-12 20:58:33 | 日記
Vietnam flash floods and landslides kill dozens

Vietnamese authorities say 37 people have died from floods and landslides caused by heavy rain.
Another 40 are missing, and thousands have been evacuated from their homes, as a tropical depression sweeps across northern and central Vietnam.
Among the missing is a local journalist reporting on the floods, who was swept away after a river bridge collapsed.
The South East Asian country often experiences severe storms, and sees several deaths every year from floods.
東南アジアの国は、しばしば重大な台風を経験する、そして 毎年、洪水による何人かの死を見る。
The latest bout began on Monday, and weather officials have warned that the tropical depression may intensify into a more powerful storm in coming days.
The death toll was one of the highest ever recorded in the country that was caused by flooding, Reuters reported Vietnam's disaster prevention agency as saying.
Officials say at least 16,000 homes have been submerged.
The northern Yen Bai and Hoa Binh provinces have been particularly hard hit, with reports of widespread inundation and deadly landslides, and homes washed away.
"We had no time to react. My oldest son was swept away by the floodwater," one Yen Bai resident told news outlet Tuoi Tre.
On Wednesday several people, including a Vietnam News Agency reporter, were swept away by a torrential river after a bridge they were crossing in Yen Bai collapsed, local media said.
Meanwhile 18 people were buried in an overnight landslide in Hoa Binh, with most of them still missing by Thursday, according to state media.


2017-10-12 18:59:52 | 日記
British IS recruiter Sally-Anne Jones 'killed by drone'

British IS recruiter Sally-Anne Jones was reportedly killed in a US drone strike in Syria in June.
Jones, 48, who had no previous military training, joined so-called Islamic State after she converted to Islam and travelled to Syria in 2013.
The BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner said she had been a useful propaganda agent for IS on social media and her death would be "significant".
Her death was first reported by The Sun.
Jones, from Chatham in Kent, had been used to recruit Western girls to the group and posted threatening messages to Christians in the UK.
She used her Twitter account to provide practical advice on how to travel to Syria.
Previously a punk musician, Jones married the jihadist computer hacker Junaid Husain, who was killed in a drone strike in 2015.
Hussain was described as a key IS operative before he was killed by a US drone strike.


2017-10-11 23:15:57 | 日記
Deadly 'supercell' storm scatters ships in South Africa

Moored ships were blown away as a "supercell thunderstorm" swept through South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal region, killing at least eight people.
The dead include a child swept away by rising waters and two patients killed when a wall collapsed at the Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, near Durban, the region's main city.
その死者は、上昇した水で流された子供、 その地域の主要な都市ダーバンの近くにあるプリンス・ミシェニー記念病院で、壁が崩壊したとき死亡した二人の患者を含む。     
KwaZulu-Natal and other parts of the country were hit by a "supercell thunderstorm", the South African Weather Service said.
Such storms are characterised by a persistently rotating updraft like a tornado.
"Satellite pictures show lightning over the sea and it seems to be moving off the coastline," Weather Service spokesman Hannelee Doubell was quoted by South Africa's TimesLive news site as saying.
「衛星写真は、海の上の稲妻を示しています、そしてそれは、海岸線を離れて動いているように見える」、と南アフリカタイムズライブニュースサイトによって、 気象サービスの代弁者ハンネレ・ドウベルは引用された。
The storm forced the closure of the Port of Durban, one of the busiest in Africa, on Tuesday.
Three vessels were grounded while others broke mooring lines and drifted in the channel, the port authority said in a statement.
Emergency rescue worker Paul Herbst said a little girl had been washed away by floodwaters in Umlazi, a residential area south of Durban.
"A creche lying close to a nearby river flooded," he told the privately owned IOL news site.
"The teacher from the creche managed to grab three of the children. Unfortunately a fourth child got swept down to the river in the floods."


2017-10-11 20:44:45 | 日記
North Korea crisis: US bombers conduct military drills

The US has conducted a joint military exercise with South Korea, flying two strategic bombers over the Korean peninsula.
The B-1B combat bombers were joined by two South Korean F-15K fighter jets, and carried out air-to-ground missile drills off South Korean waters.
It comes amid heightened tensions with North Korea over its nuclear programme.
Pyongyang conducted its sixth nuclear test, and launched two missiles over Japan, in recent months.
The bombers took off from the US Pacific territory of Guam on Tuesday night, before entering South Korean airspace and conducting firing exercises over the East Sea and Yellow Sea, South Korea's military said.
The training was part of a programme of "extended deterrence" against North Korea, it added.
The US said Japan's air force also took part in the drill.
US President Donald Trump met top officials from his national security team on Tuesday night for a briefing on ways to respond to threats from North Korea, the White House said.
Mr Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have exchanged heated rhetoric in recent weeks.
In a speech at the UN in September, Mr Trump accused Mr Kim of being "on a suicide mission" - while Mr Kim responded by vowing to "tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire".
On Wednesday, a South Korean lawmaker said North Korean hackers had reportedly stolen a large cache of military documents from his country, including a plan to assassinate North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, and wartime contingency plans drawn up by the US and South Korea.
The South Korean defence ministry refused to comment about the allegation, while North Korea denied the claim.


2017-10-10 22:53:06 | 日記
UN bans 4 ships from global ports for violating N Korea sanctions

The United Nations has banned four ships from visiting any global port, after they were found violating sanctions imposed on North Korea.
Hugh Griffiths, co-ordinator of a UN panel on North Korean sanctions, described the move as unprecedented.
The ships were reportedly the Petrel 8, Hao Fan 6, Tong San 2 and Jie Shun.
その船は、報道によると、the Petrel 8、Hao Fan 6、Tong San 2そしてJie Shunです。
The UN Security Council expanded sanctions on North Korea last month in response to Pyongyang's sixth and largest nuclear test yet.
The ban was announced following a UN meeting on Monday.
Mr Griffiths, speaking after the meeting on the enforcement of sanctions on North Korea, said the ships were found "transporting prohibited goods".
He said the ban, which went into effect on 5 October, did not entail asset freezes or travel bans.
According to the MarineTraffic website, a maritime database that monitors the movement of vessels, Petrel 8 is registered in Comoros, Hao Fan 6 in Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Tong San 2 in North Korea. The registered country of Jie Shun is not listed.
船の動きを監視している海事データベース、海運ウェブサイトによると、Petrel 8は、コモロ籍、Hao Fan 6は、セントクリストファー・ネイビス籍、Tong San 2は、北朝鮮籍。Jie Shunの船籍は、載っていません。
Exports banned
In August, a UN resolution banned exports of coal, seafood and iron ore from North Korea. Sanctions were expanded last month to include the export of textiles and North Korean guest workers, as well as a cap on oil imports.
The tightening of trade restrictions followed Pyongyang's sixth nuclear test and the firing of two missiles over Japan.
North Korea's main economic partner China has signed up to the measures, along with Russia. Both have previously vetoed harsher sanctions on the secretive state.
The export of coal, ore and other raw materials to China is one of North Korea's few sources of foreign cash. Estimates say that North Korea exports about $3bn worth of goods each year - and the sanctions could eliminate $1bn of that trade.
However, repeated sanctions have so far failed to deter North Korea from continuing with its nuclear and missile development programmes.