


2017-07-30 11:41:30 | 日記
Sri Lanka signs deal on Hambantota port with China

Sri Lanka has signed a $1.1bn (£837m) deal with China for the control and development of the southern deep-sea port of Hambantota.
The deal had been delayed by several months over concerns that the port could be used by the Chinese military.
The government has given assurances that China will run only commercial operations from the port, on the main shipping route between Asia and Europe.
Sri Lanka's government says money from the deal will help repay foreign loans.
Under the proposal, a state-run Chinese company will have a 99-year lease on the port and about 15,000 acres nearby for an industrial zone.
計画によると、 国営の中国の会社が、 その港と、産業地帯として約1万5千エーカー(約6千70万平方メートル)ちかくの土地の、99年の賃貸借契約をする。
The plan envisages the eviction of thousands of villagers but the government says they will be given new land.
その計画は、 数千人の村民の立ち退きを予想する、しかし 政府は、彼らは新しい土地を与えられるだろう、と述べている。
China has pumped millions of dollars into Sri Lanka's infrastructure since the end of a 26-year civil war in 2009.
Protests against the agreement, which were organised by the Port Workers Union, took place on the streets of the capital, Colombo, on Saturday.
港湾労働組合によって組織された、その契約に対する反対派は、 土曜日に首都コロンボの通りを占拠した。 
A coffin was carried through the streets before cardboard cutouts of Sri Lanka's President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe were set alight.
Hambantota port, overlooking the Indian Ocean, is expected to play a key role in China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, otherwise known as the new Silk Road, which will link ports and roads between China and Europe.
インド洋を見渡す、ハンバントタ港は、中国の新しいシルクロードとして知られている「一帯一路」主導権で 重要な役割を果たすことを、期待されている。
「一帯一路」、それは 中国とヨーロッパの間の港と道を連結するでしょう。
The initiative is being keenly watched by regional trade rivals including India and Japan.
その主導権は、 インドと日本を含む地域の取引競争相手によって、熱心に見られています。
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2017-07-28 20:04:11 | 日記
Barcelona train crash injures 54

At least 54 people have been injured, one seriously, after a train crashed at a station in the Spanish city of Barcelona, officials now say.
スペインの都市バルセロナ駅で、列車が衝突したあと、一人は重傷、 少なくとも54人が負傷した、と当局は述べた。
The incident happened during the morning rush hour at the Francia station, in the city centre.
Reports said the train did not brake when entering the station, hitting the buffers at the platform.
Dozens of emergency personnel were sent to the station, with most of the injured being treated at the platform.
数ダースの救急隊員が、その駅に送られ、 負傷者のほとんどは、プラットフォームで手当てされている。
Emergency services said as well as the seriously wounded person, 19 people had been moderately hurt - among them the driver, who is said to be in a state of shock.
救急隊は、 重傷者だけではなく、19人が軽傷、その中にいる運転手は、ショック状態にあると言われている、と述べた。 
They are all in hospital. The remainder were lightly injured. 
The toll of injured has fluctuated but officials say the latest report is definitive.
The accident happened at 07:15 (05:15 GMT) after the train had travelled from the village of Sant Vicenç de Calders, some 60km (37 miles) to Barcelona's south-west.
Íñigo de la Serna, the minister for public works, has travelled to Barcelona, in the country's north-eastern Catalonia region, to oversee the rescue operation.
The state-run railway firm Adif said an investigation had been opened. 
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2017-07-27 22:30:28 | 日記
Chinese police detain 'female Jesus cult' members

Police in China have detained 18 suspected members of a banned religious cult, state news agency Xinhua said.
The group is notorious for some of its members beating a woman to death in a McDonald's restaurant in 2014 after she refused to give them her phone number.
その集団は、 2014年にマクドナルドの飲食店で、電話番号を教えることを拒否したあとに、その会員の何人かが、一人の女性を死ぬまでたたいたことで、悪名が高い。   
The Church of Almighty God cult was started in the 1990s and claims Jesus was resurrected as a woman in China.
Chinese authorities frequently crack down on the cult, having arrested many of its members over the years.
As part of the current detention, police also confiscated computers and books used by the cult for recruitment.
現在の拘留の関係で、警察はまた、新人募集のために、そのにせ宗教が使った コンピューターと本を押収した。 
The Church of Almighty God refused to give a direct response to the BBC and referred to its US-based website which contains multiple alleged testimonies of believers tortured by Chinese authorities.
The cult's core belief is that "Almighty God, Christ of the Last Days" has returned to earth as a Chinese woman to wreak the apocalypse.
The only person who claims direct contact with this woman is a former physics teacher, Zhao Weishan, who founded the cult 25 years ago and has since fled to the United States.
The cult is also explicitly anti-communist, referring to China's communist party as the "red dragon".
While many Christian sects find it hard to worship freely in China, the Church of Almighty God is accused of isolating members from friends and families and pressuring them to donate money in exchange for salvation.
多くのキリスト教の宗派が、中国で 自由に教会に行くのは難しいと考える一方、全能神教会は、友人や家族から会員を孤立させていることと、そして、魂の救済と交換に、会員に金を寄付するように圧力をかけていることで、非難されている。  


2017-07-26 19:46:19 | 日記
New diesel and petrol vehicles to be banned from 2040 in UK

New diesel and petrol cars and vans will be banned in the UK from 2040 in a bid to tackle air pollution, the government is set to announce.
Ministers will also unveil a £255m fund to help councils tackle emissions from diesel vehicles, as part of a £3bn package of spending on air quality.
The government will later publish its clean air strategy, favouring electric cars, before a High Court deadline.
Campaigners said the measures were promising, but more detail was needed.
They had wanted government-funded and mandated clean air zones, with charges for the most-polluting vehicles to enter areas with high pollution, included in the plans.
After a protracted legal battle, the government was ordered by the courts to produce new plans to tackle illegal levels of harmful pollutant nitrogen dioxide.

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The virus is said to have fatally rates between of up to 30% and is especially severe in people over 50.



2017-07-25 17:49:53 | 日記
Woman dies from tick disease caught from infected cat

A Japanese woman has died of a tick-borne disease caught from a cat, in what is thought to be the first such mammal to human transmission.
日本人女性が、猫からかかったダニによる病気で死亡した、 そのことについては、最初のそのような哺乳動物から人への伝達と考えられている。
Japan's health ministry said the woman in her 50s had been helping a weakening stray cat when she was bitten.
日本の厚生労働省は、50代のその女性は、 弱っている迷い猫を助けていたとき嚙まれた、と述べた。  
Ten days later, she died of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS), which is carried by ticks.
With no tick bite detected, doctors assume the illness must have been contracted via the infected cat.
ダニに嚙まれたことは、発見されなかったので、 医者たちは、その病気が、感染した猫を経由してかかったに違いない、と想定している。 
Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS) is an relatively new infectious disease emerging in China, Korea and Japan.
The virus is said to have fatally rates between of up to 30% and is especially severe in people over 50.
According to Japanese media, SFTS first occurred in the country in 2013.
Japan's health ministry said the recent death was still a rare case but warned people to be careful when in contact with animals in poor physical condition.
日本の厚生労働省は、最近の死亡は 依然として稀な症例である、と述べた、
Globally, tick bites are widely associated with transmitting Lyme disease which can lead to severe illness and death if left untreated.
世界的に、ダニの嚙みは、 重病を引き起こし治療しないと死亡する、ライム病の伝染に広く関係している。  
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