


2009-02-12 16:53:51 | Weblog
Hi Everyone!


それは「服を着る」という意味の「wear」と「put on」はどう違うかという質問です。

体につけるものはすべて「wear」と「put on」という2つの動詞を使います。


「wear」か「put on」かは物によって変わるわけではないです。

「put on」は「着る動作」を表します。

例えば「make-up(化粧)」で考えてみましょう。「make-up」は名詞です。それに付ける動詞は「wear」か「put on」です。

「wear make-up.」は「顔に化粧が付いている」状態を表します。
「put on make-up.」は「今化粧をする作業・動作」を表します。

例えば授業中には「wear make-up」はしていいです。(むしろして頂きたい[笑])。でも授業中に「put on make-up」をすごく失礼です。

授業で「I saw a girl wearing make-up on the train.」と怒っていた生徒さんがいました。それだと「電車の中ですっぴんじゃない女の子を見た」という意味でしかなくて、なんで怒っているのかなと不思議でした。やはり生徒さんが言いたかったのは「I saw a girl putting on make-up on the train.(電車の中で化粧の作業をしている女の子を見た)」ということでした。

See you next time!!

Nic Williamson


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I just want to say thank you to you ^o^ (coco)
2009-02-15 18:09:13
Hello Nic&Nik How are you?
I have wonderful news and want to tell you guys about it.
The news was a problem at first but I managed to sort it out.
I'm going to tell you about the problem first.
I went traveling some overseas the end of last year.There was an exciting event there and I did it.
I booked it on the phone one day before the event.They asked me what your credit card number was and said they needed the number for "just holds" the reservation then so I told them it.
The next day I went to an activity agency and paid it by check before the event.
But I got the credit statement shows 2weeks ago.That's funny,right? I just told them my card number on the phone so I didn't even sign up with the activity desk.
I emailed the agency and asked to cancel it quickly...they emailed me back right away and said they didn't get the fee from my credit card. I was not convinced,,, aftre that We kept in touch about it 3or4 times and then they figured it out and said Sorry for the mix-up. They ended up sending me the check. I got it yesterday.
I'm so glad I made it in English !!!
I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't studied at GENIE.
It's thanks to you guys ^o^

I think there are many mistakes this email.
Can you check it?

Anyway There is a nasty cold going around.
Don't get a cold.
Make sure you don't forget to gargle and wash your hands when you get home.
Byebye o-'