NHK Hiroshi HASEGAWA and 9/11

NHK NEWS Chief Commentator


Uniformly small coverage of his unnatural death on newspapers

2012-07-12 09:57:02 | 1

Very Similar Coverage of Major Japanese Newspapers

Please Compare Them Very Closely


You'll Know Something Was Behind the Scene

The death of Mr. Hiroshi HASEGAWA was reported as many as two days after his death. But there was mysterious unifomity in the coverage and layout among the major Japanese newspapers.

Their treatment of Mr. HASEGAWA's death looks very unusual as if trying to make the article as inconspicuous as possible. If it were a single article alone, it would pass unnoticed by ordinary readers. But when a very similar pattern is repeated four times, it's very difficult to let them pass as coincidence.

And their uniformity also arouses suspicion whether the decision of such treatment was made by each newspaper on its own judgement or was made "far above."

Just look for the article in question in each newspaper below. You may overlook it unless you're very careful. All of them have similar titles starting with "NHK."


Asahi Shimbun Oct.17, 2001, Evening edition


Far below and buried among advertisements.

This layout appears to be intended to divert readers' eyes or to cause overlooking as much as possible. You might say that's too far-fetched a remark. I would agree if this was an isolated single case. But the very similar pattern repeats in every major newspaper as shown below. For one thing, every article in question below is sandwiched between advertisements. Just check and compare one by one with your own eyes carefully.





Yomiuri Shimbun Oct.17, 2001, Evening edition


 Far below and buried among advertisements.

The article is very similar in terms of content and size. And here again the layout appears to be intended to divert readers' eyes and to cause overlooking as much as possible.  Please keep on comparing downward.




Nikkei Shimbun Oct.17, 2001, Evening Edition


Far below and buried among advertisements.

Here again this layout appears to be intended to divert readers' eyes and to cause overlooking as much as possible.




Sankei Shimbun Oct.17, 2001 


Far below and buried among advertisements.

Here again this layout appears to be intended to divert readers' eyes and to cause overlooking as much as possible. Take a good look at it. This is the fourth time that the article is sandwiched between advertisements. In this Sankei case, we can see another very elaborate workmanship to divert readers' eyes by splitting the article. Please study carefully if the splitting was really necessary here. 




My song "Conspiracy, Brainwashing, I've been manipulated" on YouTube

2012-07-04 00:57:27 | 1

I came to think that writing on the website is not enough.

I started to make songs and came up with the following song at first.

It took me more than six months but if you watch it, my efforts will be rewarded.

I hope you will enjoy it!


"Conspiracy, Brainwashing, I've been manipulated"

English SONG:
English KARAOKE :

Japanese SONG:
Japanese KARAOKE :



English SONG:
English KARAOKE :

Japanese SONG:
Japanese KARAOKE :