NHK Hiroshi HASEGAWA and 9/11

NHK NEWS Chief Commentator


Possibility of a Murder Case

2012-04-21 22:26:03 | 1

NHK Hiroshi HASEGAWA's Death may be a Murder Case

The police decided the case as a suicide without performing autopsy.During the embargo of two days in question until the final release, no autopsy of his body was performed, which was unthinkable for a case of unnatural death. No investigation as a possible murder case was done.  Normally “a death from a fall” has three possibilities, i.e., suicide, accident or murder.

"A death from fall" has the following three possibilities:

1)  a suicide

2)  an accident

3)  a murder

 The police decided that his death was a suicide ruling out both the second and the third possibilities, without even performing autopsy. The police even denied the possibility of accident. They allowed only the first possibility, "suicide," or "killing himself by jumping." But no notes were left behind and no motives were given by anybody. He had no medical records of depression or mental instability. Yet the police decided his death as "a suicide." Whence came this forcible conclusion?

Mr. Hasegawa was found lying at the bottom of NHK Broadcasting Center building. But no details about the first discoverer, the exact place and the situation of the discovery were given.

If it was a murder, there are again, three possibilities. The first scenario was that Mr. Hasegawa was forced to fall from high window of the building “by force.” The second is that he was killed in his room and his body was fallen from a high window. And the third is that he was killed somewhere else and his body was brought to the bottom of the building. Murderers often try to make their crime appear “suicide.” The above three scenarios all contain such possibility of faking as “killing himself by jumping.”

An apparent "death from a fall" as a murder case has the following four scenarios:

1)  the victim was fallen to death "by force" from a high window

2)  the victim was killed on the high floor and the body was fallen from a high window

3)  the victim had been killed somewhere else and the body was brought to the bottom of the high building 

4)  the victim had been killed somewhere else and the body was brought up to his room to be dropped from the window

Despite such malicious efforts, autopsy would usually reveal almost everything about the truth. But this was the very thing that the police wouldn’t do. The Japanese police didn't do the most essential work to clarify the cause of unnatural death. They are to blame for this grave negligence. But why didn't they perform autopsy? Were they really so lazy? Can’t we imagine a situation where they were "unable" to do autopsy? One possibility is that there was a message beyond the law from above, far above the Japanese police, to the effect that autopsy must not be done. Otherwise it would be extremely difficult to explain such unusual negligence on the part of the police. There might have been some frustration even in the police at that time.


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