


2016-12-29 15:20:12 | IBM

試験名称:IBM FileNet P8 V5.2.1, Deployment Professional
準拠認証:IBM Certified Deployment Professional - FileNet P8 V5.2.1
IBM Certified Deployment Professional - FileNet P8 V5.2.1資格C2070-991テストは、テストスコアレポートに診断フィードバックを提供し、テスト目標に関連付けてフィードバックし、テスト担当者にテストの各セクションでどのように行ったかを通知するように設計されています。 その結果、各テストの完全性を維持するために、質疑応答は配布されません。

弊社のIBM FileNet P8 V5.2.1資格C2070-991試験資料は一年以内に無料でアップデート版を提供し、一回で合格することを保証いたします。
弊社のIBM FileNet P8 V5.2.1資格C2070-991勉強資料は試験によっては、関連分野も出題される内容を習得できます。
弊社のIBM FileNet P8 V5.2.1資格C2070-991試験対策を利用すれば、有効で受験者のオラクル方面の大量の知識を補充できます。

IBM FileNet P8 V5.2.1資格C2070-991テストには7つのセクションがあり、合計61の多肢選択式質問があります。
Section 1 - Planning, Preparation and Security (Users and Groups) (19%)
Identify requirements for high availability, architecture and supported environments (Installation/upgrade worksheet)
Demonstrate knowledge of defining appropriate operating system accounts and privileges
Demonstrate knowledge of defining LDAP user/group roles for use in IBM FileNet P8
Show knowledge of operating system and network configuration pre-requisites for IBM FileNet P8
Demonstrate knowledge of defining database requirements
Demonstrate knowledge of storage areas options for object stores
Demonstrate knowledge of application server configuration requirements
Identify basic performance tuning parameters

Section 2 - Installation, Upgrade and Migration (30%)
Demonstrate knowledge of prerequisites for software installation and upgrade
Demonstrate an understanding of the Composite Platform Installation Toolkit (CPIT) for a single server install
Demonstrate an understanding of installing a distributed system:
Demonstrate knowledge of installation using GUI and Silent modes
Identify the sequence of P8 component installation
Identify specific High Availability installation methods
Demonstrate an understanding of P8 CPE client installation and files
Demonstrate knowledge of using the Configuration Manager tool
Identify and demonstrate the differences in upgrades processes and procedures between IBM FileNet P8 V4.5.X and V5.X to IBM +FileNet P8 V5.2.1
Demonstrate knowledge of migrating and deploying applications

Section 3 - Configuration (30%)
Identify the proper procedures for initial startup tasks, creating and configuring object stores, database storage areas, filestores and fixed content devices
Demonstrate knowledge of creating and configuring the workflow system
Demonstrate knowledge of Content Search Services
Demonstrate a basic understanding of Content Federation Services (CFS) configuration
Demonstrate knowledge of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Single Sign On (SSO) configuration
Demonstrate knowledge of client application connections to CPE

Section 4 - System Validation (8%)
Demonstrate ability to test IBM FileNet P8 CPE server status
Demonstrate the ability to validate basic IBM FileNet P8 CPE system interaction and functionality
Explain High Availability (HA) testing methodology

Section 5 - Troubleshooting (13%)
Demonstrate knowledge and use of the MustGather technical document
Demonstrate knowledge of application server log location
Demonstrate knowledge of CPE component logging and tracing
Demonstrate ability to interpret log files and decide on courses of action
Demonstrate knowledge of evaluating and applying system fixpacks
