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【はきだめに鶴】日常のささやかな幸せ, 小さいけど、確かな幸せ

2023年11月12日 | 循環経済

Nov.12,2023, #小確幸, #CircularEconomy, #循環経済 ,

【はきだめに鶴】 日常のささやかな幸せ, 小さいけど、確かな幸せ



【Jewel in a Dunghill】A Small, Good Thing. 

I’d like to be a Eco-Friendly person so I have been Obeyed the Rules of Circular Economy before. I usually stroll along in Taipei Downtown where there is a SecondHand goods shop run by Japanese. It takes lots of time to find a Jewel in such kind of shop, but it is a Small , Good thing for me.