

On accelerationism, the United States is a professional household

2021-10-25 12:21:04 | 日記

On across accelerationism, the United States is a professional household, and Trump's acceleration is the 21st century new angenmish. Take a look at the US
The number of epidemic deaths and diffusion is the most direct embodiment of US accelerationism. Even if Trump has lost big
Choose, but his acceleration in the United States is still prevalent, and imperialism will not care about the death of citizens.


BYD carries with Levo deploys 5,000 pure electric vehicles in the United States

2021-10-15 15:49:49 | 日記

#accelerate#intelligently#maintenance# venture#

On October 7, according to BYD car released, Los Angeles local time on October 5, BYD has signed strategic cooperation plans with US Company Levo Mobility Llc (hereinafter referred to as Levo), and both sides plans to integrate NUVE HOLDING (NUVVE below) "Car to Power Grid" (V2G) technology and BYD's electric vehicle technology.

The plan provides a complete financial service for the team owner and operators through Levo's V2G technology, and StonePeak Partners LP, and Evolve Transition Infrastructure LP (later referred to as Evolve) capital.

According to the information, Levo is a joint venture consisting of three major companies. The three companies are V2G technology providers NUVVE; StonePeak provides financial solutions for purchasing pure electric vehicles; Evolve is a "team 即 service" solution Fleet-As-a-service, referred to as Faas's intelligent trip can help the team to achieve rapid electricity.

Simply, Levo is a joint venture that realizes a one-stop service of the fleet electricity, while intelligently intensing electric vehicles into the grid and improving the penetration rate of cleaning energy.

According to the plan, Levo plans to purchase 5,000 V2G BYD medium and heavy pure electric vehicles within five years, including buses, passenger cars, garden tractors, trailers, sanitation trucks, and solving the last Mi travel logistics car and school bus.

Specifically, Levo provides a complete solution to the team owner and operators through its integrated services, making the deployment of the electric team easier. These services include electric vehicles, related charging infrastructure, and energy management systems, maintenance services, and venue planning supported by NUVVE. Customers purchase these services simply pay the monthly fee, no need for advance payment.

NUVVE proprietary V2G technology utilizes high-power two-way charging station, not only charge battery, but also releases the battery's power supply back to the power demand to help balance the temporary peak of electricity demand.

With NUVE's two-way charging station, the pure electric vehicle can act as the energy storage device, release several megawatts to the grid, and perform other services that help to stabilize the power grid and prevent power outages, and ensure that each pure electric car has sufficient power For the next travel. In addition to the charging cost, the NUVE platform can also obtain profitable opportunities from these grid services when charging the charging cost.

As of now, BYD pure electric bus and taxi have exported to six continents, more than 50 countries and regions, 300 cities. Among them, BYD has delivered more than 65,000 units in global accumulation.

In the United States, BYD has received more than 60 enterprises including Los Angeles International Airport, California Long Beach Transport Department, California Antelope Transportation Bureau, California Los Angeles, Facebook, etc., accumulated approximately 1,000 electric bus orders, have been implemented A zero emission driving record of more than 15 million miles.

Not only in the commercial vehicle area, BYD passenger cars have also opened the "Out" program in this year. The first batch of 1,000 Tang EV has entered the Norwegian market. BYD will rely on the layout experience of the Norwegian market to further expand overseas markets. Expanding strategy.

Japanese roller coaster is forced to stop

2021-10-12 10:21:24 | 日記

#accelerate#mountain#Amusement#thoroughly #
[Global Times Special Reporter Li Hai] Japan NHK TV Station reported that the Fuji Anopa Park located in Yamanashi County has "the fastest roller coaster" global acceleration, but the roller coaster has caused at least 4 fractures due to more than half a year, indefinite Stop operation. The Yamanashi County Government has established a special consulting service center on the 25th to learn about whether other tourists have injured or fractured.

Fuji Anopai Park is located in Fuji Mountain, Yamani County. According to the official website of the amusement park, the roller coaster "Do-Dodonpa" is 1244 meters full, the maximum distance is 49 meters, the highest speed is 180 km, from starting acceleration to the fastest speed only 1.56 seconds , The fastest in the world.

The earliest fracture accident report was December 20020. At that time, a female tourist who was 30 years ago felt a dramatic pain after riding Do-Dodonpa. After the hospital, I found that the neck and chest fractures were found, spent two months. get well. In May and July this year, there is a 40-year-old male and a fracture of a 50-year-old woman. Fuji Anopai, before, it was a detailed inspection of the cars and tracks of the roller coaster, and emphasized that the roller coaster was "no problem", the park believes that the passenger injury is "not in the right posture" to sit through the mountain car.

On August 12, Fuji Avus Amusement Park received a report of "Do-Dodonpa" to report to the relevant service and thoroughly inspected after the report of "Do-Dodonpa" led to the fracture. However, as of August 17, the park has not reported to the Yamanashi County Government, and Yoshi County, the singer's singer, said, "regret" at the press conference on the 24th. Another Japanese media reported that since the disclosure of this matter, nine tourists reported injuries, two of which fractured, and the park was confirmed.

Aging acceleration, Japanese medical market stall

2021-10-11 11:11:23 | 日記


Over the past few years, almost all pharmaceutical companies, the domestic pharmaceutical market depicting the milk and honey:

Even if the medical market has reached tens of trillions, it will continue to grow high, and the speed will be faster and faster.

The core logic is roughly the same, that is, the domestic aging trend is irreversible and is accelerating. Since the elderly population is the main force of medical spending, the number of old people will increase, naturally, will bring an increase in medical consumption demand.

Listen, such logic is impeccable. But the fact, perhaps not this.

At the end of the 1990s, Japan aging accelerated, but the scale growth rate of medical market continued to decline, even negative growth.

According to the theory of economics, the market size = amount * price. The growth rate of the Japanese medical market has declined in the pressure of supervision, and the price of medical market fell, thus offset the increased "quantity".

Obviously, if only the "increment" brought about aging, the price change factor is ignored, then the "growing medical market", the big probability is only a desirable and unreasonable Utopia.

/ 01 / Japanese pharmaceutical industry, with aging trends

As the first country in Asia, the development of the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, can bring us many enlightenment.

From 1990 to 2010, Japanese aging began to accelerate. In just 20 years, the number of seniors over 65 years old in Japan accounted for about 10%, rising to about 25%, and the elderly population increased by 13 million.

However, the development of the Japanese medicine market has launched with the trend of population aging. According to Japanese Ministry of Labor, since 1991, the scale growth rate of Japanese medical market continues to decline:

In 1991, the growth rate of the Japanese medical market was approaching 15%. In 1992, it fell below 5% ... After 1997, the Japanese Medicine Market entered a negative growth era and lasted until 1999.

After 2000, the Japanese medical market returned to the growth trajectory, but the growth rate was still limited. During 2008, the growth rate of most years was between 0% and 5%.

Japan's entire medical market develops almost stagnation, and the days of head pharmaceutical companies are not good. It can be seen that Japan's largest pharmaceutical companies in Wudian Pharmaceuticals, 1991 to 2000 decade of battalion rate of only 3.25%.

This is not an example. Including Anstea, Sweet, Cooperative Qilin, etc., the complex growth rate of ten years is in the number of digits. And the revenue, such as a Japanese doctor, a well-known pharmaceutical, and a negative growth.

For Japan, although the number of seniors expands sharply, the pharmaceutical industry is lost ...

/ 02 / lost twenty years, the drug price reduction is too large

Why is the development of the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, will it face the market?

The reason is that the market has more powerful "negative power" to offset the increment of aging.

So, what is the mysterious power? What is it from? The answers are: "Price Reduction", "Ministry of Health".

Any country's medical career is a people's livelihood project. Japan of "National Medical Insurance" is typical. In 1960, medical insurance has achieved a 98% of people.

With the sharp expansion of the aging population, superimposed Japan's "medicinal health" mechanism, the phenomenon of drug rebate, etc., leading to rapid growth of medical expenses. In the 1970s, Japanese drug expenditures accounted for about 40% of the national medical expenses.

During the economic boom, Japan may not be too worrying about this. But the economic development of any country is impossible to continue.

In the 1980s, Japan began to enter the "lost twenty years", medical insurance and government are facing the pressure of financial resources, so Japan began to "hurt the killer" in drug prices.

On the one hand, the "foam" of the strong squeezed circulation is strong. In 1986, the average importance difference rate of Japan's medical treatment was 23%, and the decline in decline in 2004 has dropped to 6.3%.

On the other hand, Japan began to control drug pricing. In 1988, the government conducted a price adjustment of the medical insurance catalog, involving more than 13,000 drugs every two years, involving more than 6% of the average decline.

Thanks to a strong control measures, Japanese drug expenditures accounted for a rapid decline in the total proportion of medical expenditures. In 1992, this number was approximately 23%, and the beginning of 2000 fell below 20%.

In 2007, Japanese health expenditure accounted for 8.02% GDP, below the global average level of 9.65%. As an old population, Japan can drop to this extent, which is obviously very rare.

However, it is obvious that the Japanese Ministry of Health controls the cost of control, and it is never a good news to the pharmaceutical industry.

/ 03 / Innovation + Key to Growth Growth

In the case of the health control fee, the overall performance of Japanese pharmaceutical sections is not good.

Under the large price reduction, a large number of companies in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry closed. In 1995, the number of Japanese pharmaceutical companies was 1512, and this number fell to 1062 in 2003.

This is also reflected in the capital market. Between 1988 - Between 1996, the Japanese pharmaceutical sector index mid time to run the market. During this period, only two years in 1991 and 1993 exceeded the market.

Only a few drug companies have good performance during the control. For example, Wudian Pharmaceuticals staged a big "counter attack" that was close to 7 times during the period 1995-2000.


So, behind these pharmaceutical companies, what is it benefited? Can be incatenated as "innovation + internationalization".

In terms of innovation, Wudian pharmaceutical is typical. In 1992, 1997, 1999, Wudang Pharmaceutical Heavy Bomb Drug Lamorazole, chopped, pioglitazone, so that the company's 1995-2000 revenue growth rate is not fast, but operating profit composite growth rate is close to 20 %, The final stock price rose sharply.

In the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, we can also find that during the control fee, the profit margin of innovative drugs is not affected, but there is an improvement.

However, for Japanese drug companies, it is not allowed to maintain performance on continuous growth only by innovation. After all, in the control fee environment, the growth of the medical market is relatively limited.

From 2005 to 2018, Anste from Japan's domestic income composite growth rate is only 2.3%, and the Wudian pharmaceutical is negatively increased (-1.25%).

In this context, Japanese head pharmaceutical companies have come out of the country. Overseas business has become the main growth point of Japan's innovative drug enterprises.

Also in 2005 to 2018, Anstea, Da Japanese Sumitomi Pharmaceutical, Yanfei, Tianbi Mitsubishi and other pharmached enterprises have 15.03%, 27.49%, 19.51%, 18.62%, and a long high In Japan's business growth.

Currently, including Austntai, Wudian Pharmaceuticals and other head pharmacies, overseas income accounts have exceeded 50%, making it a well-deserved global pharmaceutical enterprise.

It can be said that under the main trend of charge, the Japanese head pharmaceutical enterprises achieved the stable growth under internal and external attacks through research and development innovation and export, and finally responded in the stock price level, avoiding "lost" with the pharmaceutical industry. .

From the perspective of the development environment, the development of the medical industry in my country is quite similar to the early days of Japan. So, which innovation drug companies can go out of innovation and internationalization, go out of different growth curves?

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Japanese car giants accelerate the improvement of electric vehicle production system

2021-10-08 17:00:06 | 日記

[Common Social October 7th] Japan's domestic car giants are accelerating the efficient production system of electric vehicles such as hybrid vehicles (HV) and electric vehicles (EV). In order to deal with global propulsion, multiple models need to be launched, and the cost is also indispensable.

Mazda has been rebuilt for the second factory of Shankou County in 8 to September, making it a gasoline vehicle and electric vehicle in the same production line. The company's strength is "mixed production", which can be assembled and different from the same production line, and the object is expanded to the electric vehicle.

The use rate of the components used in the main equipment is also increased from the original approximately 30% to about 5%. It is reported that when the new model is produced, only the mobile route of the handling engine and the motor and the motor can be changed, and the production system can be adjusted to reduce the 90% equipment investment fees.

Mazda plans to put three EVs and 5 HV models to the domestic and foreign markets in 2022 to 2025, as well as 5 plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs). Directors said to Jingwei: "(demand) The change speed of the item is very fast, how to improve the ability to become a topic."

Other competition companies also accelerate electrification. Nissan Motors have been rebuilt in the new EV "Ariya" booking of this winter with the same production line for the same production line for the same production line in the Tumens Factory (Sanchuan Mikawa-machi, Miki County). "His Wind" and HV are produced in the same production line. Toyota and Honda also put the domestic EV production line with gasoline, HV partial side.