These are my watercolors. Click on date to leave a comment.


2006-05-21 01:07:14 | Watercolor Painting
I know. It’s been a L-O-N-G time and I feel soooooooo ashamed...
But let me emphasize this: it was a long interval indeed, but I didn’t mean to quit. No, I won’t. Watercolor painting is going to be my long-time hobby, so I never want to quit it. It just has to be on an on-and-off basis… OK. I admit it. I’m writing this to convince no one else but myself. ;P

Anyway, I’m going to re-start watercolor painting, but it will be a while before I post my next watercolor. Why? For the time being, I’m going to practice by copying someone else’s work. I want to learn some techniques now rather than continuing the struggle empty handed. And I don't feel like posting that kind of paintings here because they are not "my watercolors," after all.

These are my first Holbein tubes. Since most of my watercolor pans got hardened with time, I bought some watercolor tubes (primary colors only) at 100-yen shop a few months ago when I felt like starting painting again. It was a lot easier to squeeze out colors from those tubes, but cheap paints were nothing more than cheap paints. They were just flat, clear colors with no murky touch to make the painted colors look “real." It was discouraging and I ended up staying away from painting for another couple of months...

To motivate myself better this time, I bought a few useful colors from the Holbein series today so that I can mix them with the cheap paints to make the colors I want. This may be a stupid idea… Maybe, maybe not... I don't know. Well, let’s see how it works.