カリフォルニアからシニアー日誌 (Senior Dairy from California) 


Last minutes to France

2014-12-17 07:15:07 | エッセイ

Couple things has happened before departing to France.

1. Delay flight notice came from Air France. Departing time will be 7:40 pm. Original time was 2:50 pm.

2. My daughter asked me to get International Driver License. Re-sized her photos due to denied small sized photos. I hope re-sized ones accepting.

3. Express mail to Europe needs to be done for sending Graduation Certificate 

My daughter is kind of last minutes person. How many times have I run abound for her business which taking care of expired passport, International drivers license, etc.

She was lucky this time. If my flight fly on original time when 2pm, I would not have done these things.

It might be porpose this delay departure to France.



