カリフォルニアからシニアー日誌 (Senior Dairy from California) 


invitation for 4th of July

2020-06-26 19:16:56 | エッセイ

July 4th is coming and I was invited to a friend house for a dinner. We have not seen each other and her family for about 4 month due to this Colona. I usually take her offering, so I show my application and took it. I thought about my menue to bring. There were my salada with avacado, fluiets salad with different kind fresh fluites and summer dish ratautooe. Now I sent her decline her offering. I started feeling little uncomfortable to attend the dinner. She said about 10 people will be invited. Curenlly I do not meet anybody outside. Even my doaughte has waited for visiting me. I decided staying home.

