


2005-06-08 04:33:45 | Weblog










「GPS」と「強震地震計+高感度地震計」、さらには「加速度計」と「ポータブル・データロガー」を組み合わせた、「機動観測装置」というものがある。今はEthernetを組み込んだ組み込みCPUもある(Rabbit 3800)。モバイルシステムや衛星通信装置と組み合わせることで、どの自治体でも使える簡便な装置が出来てくるだろう。

What is Science?

2005-06-07 23:15:23 | Weblog
About the problems "regarding scientifically".

Katsuharu Tanaka

Science, there is with a conclusion which is led as definition and theorem from deductive theory and a conclusion which positivism is led from induction theory. In recent years, we can say, problem of false science is good to the place where deductive theory is expanded, but that there is about to be lacking in the actual proof characteristic.

In mathematical history, timewise Georg Cantor and others of beginning of 20th centuries lectured about the complete theory which proves unlimited theorem as a last problem of mathematics. David Hilbert destroyed axiom factor study. We can call that the means, that truth was removed from mathematics. But, Hilbert presented the problem which it should you solve with mathematics. That is Hilbert's 23 problems.

But, It was decided that is done depending upon Kurt Gödel that had the perfect theorem regarding logic in 1930, the imperfect theorem regarding mathematics in 1931, and relative consistency proof of construction combination theory in l938.

With these, in the proof which comes from deductive theory, be sure to be decided that the theorem whose "theorem +1" or more is new to that is required. The fact that this theorem is abused is the problematical point of false science. If non perfect theorem, a certain axiomatic system is put in place "A", the new meta axiomatic system where it exceeds that there is no contradiction and in order to prove "A+1", the fact that it becomes the tautology that was proven to becomes necessary meta axiomatic system "A +2". In other words, in order to do the proof which does not have contradiction, it means that the proof which is not the contradiction to become necessary inside axiomatic system.

In other words, the theoretical system, it is necessary that science proving the new branch which derives from deductive theory. But, exceeding age, it is based on the simple principle that in the theory which survives positivism proof which is necessary from induction theory.

Furthermore, any idealization is possible in regard to thought of experiment, and it is possible whatever is included by kind of contradiction. But, it was done from limit and the theory where idealization, it is necessary for the theorization which conforms to actual problems to be done in the theory which derives in regard to thought experiment. Actually, it has been experimented and has been proven, the theory which is lectured so far is materialized in that kind of way.
And, regarding the system of scientific theory, it is required proving the consistency.

In addition, as Galilei Galileo pointed out in 16th century, also it is necessary to be able to measure. In other words, it is based on the simple reason that "those which can be measured if it tries to be able to measure, are good". However, the standard must be objective ones. In other words, it is the sufficient thing where it is necessary to be the measurement standard whose mutual verification is possible.

Furthermore, it is the thing with there is also an inexpressible side as for standard of measurement universal. Because, according to relativity and Theorem of Variable Speed of Light, "time" and "the space" is based on the notion that where it is relative. In other words, "time" and as for "the space" as for thinking that it becomes the relationship which depends mutually it probably is proper regarding "3 dimensional spatial-temporal continuum". Change of the parameter which "the measures time", gives change to the parameter which "the space measurement". "The space measurement", change of "parameter", "measurement does time," change is given to "parameter". Depending, contradiction does not exist in relationship of this mutual change. It does not contradict in the request which comes from relativity to reason.

In other words, the relationship that, "time" and "the space" is folded in space early state, is that mutual parameter becomes "0". If in reason, we see from the relationship of energy between mass, because it becomes "E/m=c^2", it means becoming "c=0". Those where this shows become of "size =0" the arrival point of the space "light", it means that size as a whole of cosmos.

Quantization of this time the fact that it is lectured by converting 12 dimensions mathematically, is "Super Strings theory" and "M theory". Those are called quantization gravity theory. Quantization gravity theory, when quantizing gravity, it is obtained, to classify the excited mode of the gravity which is called super gravity, the graviton of this time to " transfer", and we can call the theory which defines the behavior of "gage particle". This, is from "SuperStrings theory", "graviton" and the "chord vibration" requesting behavior of "gage particle", "the particle (super sphere)" the fact that it seeks is "M theory".

Furthermore, it designates that is deduced by "Latteice QCD theory", to by the fact that they observe the "lattice conversion gauge place", as purpose it has empty verifies various quantum physics theories of "the gauge potential". The lattice conversion gauge place, has the respective particle (elementary particle), by the fact that you divide on the lattice that the place around (the gauge place) , they will elucidate that the interaction in between the respective elementary particle (gauge potential), it is thought that it is the theory which is lectured.


・Fundmental mathmatics theory, Masahiro Ayabe 2003, Air University Educational Organization, Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 459523676X
・What is mathematics? 2nd ed. -An elementary Approache to Idea and Methods, Richard Curant and Herbert Robins 1941(renewed 1969), revised by Ian Stewart, Oxford University Press 1996, OX2, UK.
・A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram media inc. 2002, IL, USA. ISBN 1579550088
・Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond, Editors BjÖrn Engquist Wifried Schmid, Springer-Verlag 2001, Berlin, DE. ISBN ISBN 3540669132
・The Principles of Quatam Mechanics 4th ed., Paul A. M. Dirac, Oxford Unversity Press 1930-1958, OX2, UK. ISBN 0198520115
・Relativity -The Special and the General theory-, Albert Einstein 1961, Authorized translated by Robert W. Lawson, Random Hose inc., NY, USA. ISBN 0517884410

And, end of the volume bibliography.

Occasionally think. The Japanese one as for education level is high much to the high school. But, it is excluded when the university which is called the old empire university, making a foolish mistake at a stroke in Europe and America, the Japanese university.Because, as for the problem, education level compared to, we understand at the quantity of the assignment and the report. In other words, those where it has polished problem solving power just that by handling many topics, are the student of those universities. Perhaps, here in many cases difference probably will be attached. Of course, those universities have changed to graduate school concern. Because, before, little child advancing age, is because it means to seriously consider research and specialty education the university originally as the mission which it should carry out. In addition, the research which is superior with the is seriously considered, is in order to maintain the environment whose quality is higher. In other words, the specialty education where the university changes to culture concern, becomes insufficient later is done to the graduate school. Furthermore, to cooperate with the university and the institution what makes easy probably is purpose at the time of basic research and applied research.


2005-06-07 17:10:24 | Weblog








なお、測定の基準は「普遍的な(Universal)」ものであるとは言いがたい側面もある。なぜならば、「相対性理論」及び「Theorem of Variable Speed of Light」からの要請によれば、「時間」及び「空間」は相対的であるということに基づく。つまり、「3次元時空連続体」においては、「時間」と「空間」は相互に依存した関係になると考えることは妥当であろう。「時間を測定する」パラメータの変化が、「空間を測定」するパラメータに変化を与える。「空間を測定」する「パラメータ」の変化が、「時間を測定」する「パラメータ」に変化を与える。よって、この相互変化の関係には、矛盾が存在しない。ゆえに、相対性理論から来る要請にも矛盾しない。つまり、宇宙初期の状態において、「時間」と「空間」が畳み込まれるという関係は、お互いのパラメータが「0」になるということでもある。

このときの量子化を12次元の数理化を行うことによって提唱されたのが、「Super Strings理論」であり、「M理論」という事である。それらは、量子化重力理論と呼ばれている。量子化重力理論とは、重力を量子化したときに得られる、超重力と呼ばれる重力の励起モードを分類し、この時の重力子の「繰り込み」及び「ゲージボゾン」の振る舞いを定義した理論といえる。この「重力子」及び「ゲージボゾン」の振る舞いを、「弦振動」に求めるのが「SuperStrings理論」であり、「粒子(超球体)」に求めるのが「M理論」である。

なお、「Latteice QCD理論」は、「格子化ゲージ場」に注目することで、「ゲージ・ポテンシャル」から導き出される、様々な量子物理学理論を検証することを目的にしている。格子化ゲージ場とは、それぞれの粒子(素粒子)が持つ、周囲の場(ゲージ場)を格子上に区切ることで、それぞれの素粒子間における相互作用(ゲージポテンシャル)を解明しようと提唱されている理論だと考えられる。


・数学基礎論, 隈部正博 2003, 放送大学教育振興会, 東京. ISBN 459523676X
・What is mathematics? 2nd ed. -An elementary Approache to Idea and Methods, Richard Curant and Herbert Robins 1941(renewed 1969), revised by Ian Stewart, Oxford University Press 1996, OX2, UK.
(邦訳:数学とは何か 原書第2版, 森口繁一:監訳, 岩波書店, 東京. ISBN 4000055232)
・A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram media inc. 2002, IL, USA. ISBN 1579550088
・Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond, Editors BjÖrn Engquist Wifried Schmid, Springer-Verlag 2001, Berlin, DE. ISBN ISBN 3540669132
・The Principles of Quatam Mechanics 4th ed., Paul A. M. Dirac, Oxford Unversity Press 1930-1958, OX2, UK. ISBN 0198520115
・Relativity -The Special and the General theory-, Albert Einstein 1961, Authorized translated by Robert W. Lawson, Random Hose inc., NY, USA. ISBN 0517884410


2005-06-07 01:06:08 | Weblog







これまで、数多くの人財論で語られてきていることではある。しかし、真のリーダーシップとは、常に挑戦を続ける人のことでもある。また、EQ(Emotional Quality)という評価値で語られることも多いが、この際において、考えられることは、



アブラハム・マズロー(1908年~1970年 A.H.Maslow アメリカの心理学者)は、彼が唱えた欲求段階説の中で、人間の欲求は、5段階のピラミッドのようになっていて、底辺から始まって、1段階目の欲求が満たされると、1段階上の欲求を志すというものです。








Emotional Intelligence Why it can matter than IQ, Daniel Goleman 1995, A Bantam Book, NY, USA. ISBN 0-553-37506-7
Primal Leadership -Realizing the power of emotional intelligence-, Daniel Goleman 2002, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee, Harbard Business School Press, MA, USA. ISBN 1-57851-486-X
High Flyers -Developing the next generation ofleaders-, Morgan W. McCall, Jr. 1998, Harbard Business School Press, MA, USA. ISBN 0-87584-336-0
Managing in the next society, Peter F. Druker 2002, Truman Talley books St. Martins Press, NY, USA. ISBN 0-312-28977-4
Rethinking the east asian miracle, Joseph E. Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf ed., The international bank for reconstruction and development/The world bank 2001, Oxford University Press, NY, USA. ISBN 0-19-521600-8

2005-06-05 17:43:38 | Weblog





About sustainable growth.

2005-06-05 01:56:59 | Weblog
Katsuharu Tanaka

Decreasing consumption, paradox we consider we do not obtain concerning the fact that we bear independence.

In regard to the virulence of the chemical substance, the fact that it disappears at half-life is only-too-natural thing as a natural law. Until and, it becomes the shape which is proportionate that the virulence reduces by half, e^-t (e= natural logarithm t= time). Because, the chemical substance naturally to be absorbed, time until it is disassembled, is suitable in poisonous half-life.

Depending, it designates that we do not apply load on natural environment with the chemical substance and the like, as if it is purpose, reducing the gross, brings the largest effect. As for this, it is to be able to say in all territories, reducing the chemical substance which is synthesized and the chemical substance which is discharged serves to reason. In other words, to carbon dioxide also to a fluorine carbonizing element also furthermore to a nitrogen oxide, as for the end, it is the same thing even to the radioactive waste.

The fact that, load is not applied on terrestrial environment, to decrease consumption, it is correct, is the case that it becomes the conclusion that ultimately. With reuse and recycling, the fact that consumption is held down is of course thing. But, not only that, to decrease the behavior which is done as wasteful consumption, it becomes the conclusion that is correct after all it.

Of course, it is thing, but also the effort which holds down the consumption of the whole energy probably is necessary. For that, it is necessary to decrease the energy which presently is consumed wastefully as a topic of time before the alternative source of energy. From something, the energy where we ourselves can become independent is necessary. Finally, we do not obtain the energy source which serves to the purpose, it is solar optical generation of electricity, it does not become the atomic energy. In reason, it is necessary that actualization of fusion generation of electricity. All people, in order to live in peace. And, in order to continue the growth which is continuance.

The soliloquize with Wikipedia

2005-06-04 00:07:07 | Weblog
Katsuharu Tanaka

I perceived translating the article of James Cook.First it had buying to the parent, the first book was the biography of this person. Originally, the book-reading which is begun with the New Year's greeting card which is received from the teacher elementary school of that time. However you do not know, some cause and effect, it means that never I translate with this article.In regard to the quality of translation, there is no honest self-confidence. However it is sad, that actuality. Because, it is not the case that I know everything of the English culture. Simply, while remembering, I wrote the fact that I can say. While remembering pleasant boyhood. However I were hard on in the school, while including the appreciation to the teacher and the parents who are rescued. If it returns especially of translation. With the article of first voyage, it seems that has entry from here and there, I think that it is description. Perhaps, first godhood conversion being done, there is an atmosphere where after that it can add various facts.Therefore, with so or after all the person in history the reason which the person only is not, normally it probably won't be? Anyhow, I became tired. Honesty, I would not like to write the article already so it. Because I would not like to remember, it is past. who helps or having written to that. Just, the fatigue profit of trouble loss. Anyhow, it to be.


2005-06-02 23:56:22 | Weblog

ユビキダスネットワーキング時代を迎えるにあたって、「組み込みシステム」のみならず、「サーバシステム」の安定性を増す仕組みづくりも同時に求められているのです。そして同時に、透明性が高く、高速に処理できるシステム構築が重要です。RealTime Processinngが行き着く先は、大容量なデータ処理をリアルタイムで処理し、シュミレーションを行ったり、警報を発したり、様々な局面で生かされると思うからです。











2005-06-02 23:10:15 | Weblog







As a scientist, as a Engineer.

2005-06-02 20:40:31 | Weblog
Katsuharu Tanaka

In regard to the Article, without using numerical formula, in order to explain.

There is no border in the scientist or the Engineer.

In addition, I call the newspaper article which you make a mistake, or because I looked at the decision of the courthouse, just you write a little. You do not make a mistake science. But, because the scientist is the child of the person, We make a mistake. Similarly, you do not make a mistake technology. But, because also the engineer is the child of the person, We make a mistake. You think that around this there is making a mistake in logic.

Well, in the reason where do not have the border, it will be explained that "the scientist" and "the Engineer". Because science and technology are only universal ones in working of the human. Because, as for considered as the point that is possible handing down, the "knowledge" and "technology", it logically there is no contradiction. it does problem that are to think that the "science" and there is a utilization method of technology. There is various purposes in "science" and "technology". Largest purpose, probably is that serves the purpose of the person.

Our Japan, If you thought with, why?, After the war stabilizing and growing?, because We used in order to use that science and technology in life of the person. In other words, as for the notion that you are not wrong because leaving in minimum, persisted military intended engineering development in "application" to of "national welfare technology" and "application" to of "industrial technology" with the reflection of the World War II. Furthermore, after the World War II, the territory and chemistry of physics, furthermore while in the territory of biology, in accordance with the doctrine of the senior of European-American countries as for being taught it is certain. And, also it is certain to apply those which you taught, to technology. Until among those, you can lecture also various individual theories, it became there were also some which and, are not appraised in Japan, are appraised in Europe and America.

If you think with "Why?", because there is no border in science and technology. Everyone in the world, the proper degree receiving "education", if "training" is received, it probably is proper to think that because sufficiently it is possible to master "science" and "technology". This I have written even with certain BBS, but there is, a foundation of science and technology, it does to be the proof to which "mathematics" is universal language. In addition, it is proof of the thing where also the method, and is universal "observation" and "experiment".

As for "mathematics" of recent years, because it enters to complicated theorem and complicated proof, in our normal people it has started becoming something which you cannot understand. But, sufficiently it is understanding possible by the fact that it is to receive training, uses the appropriate software. For that, is also it probably is certain to require time. The time, it is the genius being born, when it proves at a stroke. Sufficiently it is possible generally as for "proof" being unreasonable, utilizing those which "are proven", to utilize "science" and "technology". Actually, in the field of software, as the technology which utilizes the proof characteristic and non proof characteristic of mathematics various applications have done with the field of "neural network" and "Baysenetwork", "dynamic programming" and furthermore "cryptographic formation decipherment" etc..

As a direction of future development, it is mathematical proof in life science field, there is a possibility the mathematical proof and the like in space theory being required. Of course, perhaps new mathematical thought is required. And, in order to prove those fields which derive from deductive mathematical theory, utilizing induction theory, proof advances, probably will be. Regarding the field of computer simulation, perhaps it reaches the point where behavior of the system which used the large-scale data can be described mathematically.

As for the field which is called complicated factor study, presently aiming toward various applications, it is certain to be able to advance research. Especially, in open-ended system, with "statistical mathematics" and "realistic natural phenomenon" because it is the phenomenon which often is seen. It is very difficult to prove complicated system mathematically, probably will be. But, that is becoming possible with the derivation from mathematics and the observation and experimental mathematical field which use the data. In other words, being to think, that by the fact that it combines even in this world, you can expect the following progress it.

It is the same in regard to theory of probability mathematics. In the future, although it occurs with only infinitesimal probability in natural phenomenon, it does not relate, there is a phenomenon which is observed in actuality. In this kind of phenomenon, you think that the model of the stochastic process which can manage the stochastic process is lectured, would like to expect to being proven. Because, there is a possibility in the world of quantum mechanics and the world of brain science in the future of being able to become the necessary model.

In addition, concerning the model which causes the Milky Way cluster in outer space in the world of large-scale dynamics, being able to prove by the physics model and the mathematical model we would like to expect to. By the vibration and mass of the neutrino, those which are called dark matter exist in outer space. It is thought that it does not limit to just the neutrino, but in regard to this point expectation is moved aside to being proven in the future.

A New kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, Stephen Wolfram LLC. 2002, IL, USA. ISBN 1-57995-008-8
Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond, Editors BjÖrn Engquist Wifried Schmid, Springer-Verlag 2001, Berlin, DE. ISBN ISBN 3-540-66913-2
The Principles of Quatam Mechanics 4th ed., Paul A. M. Dirac, Oxford Unversity Press 1930-1958, OX2, UK. ISBN 0-19-852011-5
The Code Book, Simon Singh 1999, Doubleday division of Ramdom House inc,. NY, USA. ISBN 0-385-49531-5

in addition.