歴史に学ぶ会計の「なぜ?」: ―アメリカ会計史入門 トーマス・A. キング Thomas A. King 税務経理協会 2014-12-29 by G-Tools |
More Than a Numbers Game: A Brief History of Accounting (Wiley Finance) Thomas A. King by G-Tools |
King addresses the why of accounting instead of the how, providing practitioners and students with a highly readable history of U.S. corporate accounting.
Each chapter covers a controversial topic that emerged over the past century. Historical background and discussion of people involved give relevance to concepts discussed. The author shows how economics, finance, law and business customs contributed to accounting's development. Ideas presented come from a career spent working with accounting information.
会計や監査をどのようにやるのか(how)を書いた本はたくさんありますが、この本では、歴史的背景や当時の人たちの議論が示され、どうして( why)そうなのかが、わかるそうです。