
French Bank Says Rogue Trader Lost $7 Billion

French Bank Says Rogue Trader Lost $7 Billion



「The scandal brought more scrutiny to European banks, which have been criticized for their lack of transparency, and particularly to Société Générale.

“It is quite surprising that positions of that magnitude would not have been monitored much more carefully in this era of intense focus on risk management,” said Mary L. Schapiro, chief of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, an American regulator. She was in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum.リスクマネジメントに強く焦点が当てられている時代にあって、あれほどの大きさの取引がもっと注意深く監視されなかったのは驚くべきことだ。」

「Howard W. Lutnick, chief executive of Cantor Fitzgerald, said that such a huge fraud by one trader indicated a bigger weakness in the bank’s systems. あのような巨額の不正がひとりのトレーダーによって引き起こされたというのは、銀行のシステムに大きな弱点があることを示している。

“One person could engineer it — but how could one person finance it?” Mr. Lutnick said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum. “The question for the risk management department is, How was this kind of fraud financed? Where did that money come from?”ひとりの人物が不正を工作することはできるが、そのための資金をひとりで調達できるのだろうか。リスク管理部門に問いたいのは、この種の不正がどのようにしてファイナンスされたか、その資金はどこから来たのかということだ。

Howard Davies, former chairman of the Financial Services Authority of Britain and now director of the London School of Economics, said the bank’s explanation of events seemed incomplete. “I don’t think we’ve had the full story,” he said, arguing that one person, however well informed on the bank’s control procedures, should not be able to hide a trade of this scale.

“It’s a lot of money,” he said. “Normally you have a compliance mechanism,” which involves trades like these being run by more than one person, to avoid a situation where it is “only one pair of eyes.”通常、このような取引が複数の人間によって行われるようにするコンプライアンス・メカニズムがある。

C. Ricardo Esteves, executive director of Banco Hipotecario of Argentina, was more blunt: “It is not credible. One person responsible for this? I just don’t believe it.” これをひとりの人間がやったとは信じられない。」





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