








Attorney General James Sues Donald Trump for Years of Financial Fraud

The lawsuit alleges that Donald Trump, with the help of his children Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, and senior executives at the Trump Organization, falsely inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to induce banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms than would otherwise have been available to the company, to satisfy continuing loan covenants, to induce insurers to provide insurance coverage for higher limits and at lower premiums, and to gain tax benefits, among other things. From 2011-2021, Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization knowingly and intentionally created more than 200 false and misleading valuations of assets on his annual Statements of Financial Condition to defraud financial institutions.


問題の焦点は、ドナルド・トランプの貸借対照表(Statements of Financial Condition、財政状態計算書)だそうです。その貸借対照表には、トランプの純資産に関するトランプ自身や彼のトラスティによるアサーションが含まれています。2011年から2021年まで、計算書はトランプ・オーガニゼーションの役員によって作成され、トランプの会計事務所によるコンピレーション(調製)報告書として発行されました。計算書では、その作成がトランプまたは、2016年からは信託のトラスティ、Donald Trump Jr., および Allen Weisselberg. の責任であることが明記されています。この計算書は、金融機関に提出される際、そこに含まれる情報に金融機関が依拠できるようにという目的と意図をもって、トランプまたは彼のトラスティによって、正確性が証明されています。

Statements of Financial Condition

This years-long fraudulent scheme centers on the annual Statements of Financial Condition (statements) for Donald Trump that contain Mr. Trump’s or his trustees’ assertions of his net worth. From 2011-2021, these statements were compiled by Trump Organization executives, and were issued as a compilation report by Mr. Trump’s accounting firm. The statements are explicit that the preparation was the responsibility of Mr. Trump or, starting in 2016, the trustees of his revocable trust, Donald Trump Jr., and Allen Weisselberg. The statements were personally certified as accurate by Mr. Trump or by one of his trustees when being presented to financial institutions with the purpose and intent that the information contained in the statement would be relied upon by those institutions.


They also issued statements that were in blatant violation of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States, despite representing that the statements were prepared in accordance with these principles. They ignored the most basic rules and standards for financial reporting, including:

  • Representing that Mr. Trump had cash on hand that he did not;
  • Ignoring critical restrictions that would significantly lower property values when setting valuations;
  • Changing the methodology used to value properties from year to year, without reason or notice;
  • Using vastly different methods to value different properties even in the same year; and
  • Including intangible items, such as brand premiums, when calculating an asset’s value, despite representing in the statements that such items were not included.







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