BALL OUT-by Jo Kurino


HEY I AM BACK!-8/25 (new version)

2005-08-26 20:26:24 | Weblog
Hey what up,

It's good to be back in Japan. As I mentioned in my last entry, I returned to the US to attend my graduate school residency.

I thought that my trip to the states would be a semi-vacation, but not EVEN close. I spent so much time in the computer lab and the classroom all day、everyday and that was not fun at all. But I made the decision to go back to school and further my education to another level. However,I was able to meet alot of people coming from different parts of the world. There were business owners, recent undergraduate students, parents, etc. The professors where bright and at the sametime, I was able to network.

Otherwise, I made sure that I got some shots up so I don't lose my touch. I also ate some steaks and food that I would not eat in Japan. I also bought some clothes. Not to mention, I bought some new CD's!

I returned to practice on tuesday and I was okay. I just felt alittle sleepy because of the minor jetlag and my knees were stiff from all the economy seat travel. We did alot of shooting drills and real basketball type of stuff. Very tired, and WE HAVE TO HIT OUR FREETHROWS. All the running accompanying the miss shots are rewarding, yet NOT Otherwise, I hurt my hamstring and my calves during the rest of the week and it is very very painful! I am going to rest it this weekend!

And on the side note, I was in Los Angeles on my way back to Japan and was able to watch the ABA Summer League Championship Game! And guess who I saw??? Takuya Okada, formerly of the Saitama Broncos. He did play in the game and unfortunately, they lost. He was playing for the Inglewood franchise. But all in all, it was good to see a Japanese person represent well. I hope things work out well for him and also the Gymrats.

Well holla,



Hey what up,








p.s. 更新が遅れてすみませんでした。

I'm back-8/25 version!

2005-08-23 17:11:31 | Weblog
Hey what up,

It's good to be back in Japan. As I mentioned in my last entry, I returned to the US to attend my graduate school residency.

I thought that my trip to the states would be a semi-vacation, but not EVEN close. I spent so much time in the computer lab and the classroom all day、everyday and that was not fun at all. But I made the decision to go back to school and further my education to another level. However,I was able to meet alot of people coming from different parts of the world. There were business owners, recent undergraduate students, parents, etc. The professors where bright and at the sametime, I was able to network.

Otherwise, I made sure that I got some shots up so I don't lose my touch. I also ate some steaks and food that I would not eat in Japan. I also bought some clothes. Not to mention, I bought some new CD's!

I returned to practice on tuesday and I was okay. I just felt alittle sleepy because of the minor jetlag and my knees were stiff from all the economy seat travel. We did alot of shooting drills and real basketball type of stuff. Very tired, and WE HAVE TO HIT OUR FREETHROWS. All the running accompanying the miss shots are rewarding, yet NOT Otherwise, I hurt my hamstring and my calves during the rest of the week and it is very very painful! I am going to rest it this weekend!

And on the side note, I was in Los Angeles on my way back to Japan and was able to watch the ABA Summer League Championship Game! And guess who I saw??? Takuya Okada, formerly of the Saitama Broncos. He did play in the game and unfortunately, they lost. He was playing for the Inglewood franchise. But all in all, it was good to see a Japanese person represent well. I hope things work out well for him and also the Gymrats.

Well holla,



Hey what up,




2005-08-14 02:13:45 | Weblog

今週皆様に紹介したいのは COMMONって言うラッパーのALBUM ”BE"です。

最初に印に残るのはSOULです。ほんとにCOMMONはこのALBUMに気持ちを込めた事です。僕も長年彼がCOMMON SENSEの時代から聞いてますけどこれはもうクラシックレベルです。過去にいろんなサウンドを巡り、スタイルをちょくちょく変えてましたが今度は大物プロデューサーのKANYEWESTと一緒にALBUMを作り凄いコラボレーションになった!”


Lotta work

2005-08-12 18:33:33 | Weblog
Hey fans, friends, family,

How is everything? I am glad that it is FRIDAY!!! We are going to be off for the weekend! Nothing better than working hard and being off.

Practice is hard and tiring as usual. The temperature is hot as ever, along with all the humidity. This week, we probably ran more than anyother week, punishing ourselves. We are working on freethrows because we are struggling. Otherwise, there are guys being worn out, but we trying to be fighters.

On the private life, I went out to Oita last weekend like I mentioned. But I also went to see King K (who made our theme song) perform. This weekend, I am going home for my graduate school orientation. It is mandatory so I have to go. But I will make sure our maintain my focus.
By the way, I am going to be attending the School of Business to study Sports Management. So please support me with that too. Thank you










2005-08-05 18:31:03 | Weblog

What is going on!? Don't ask I am tired as heck. As usual. We survived our second week of training camp and I must reiterate that it is tough. Everybody is hurting alittle, but we have some soldiers here and we are pulling together. We just have to make sure we maintain our focus and not lose mentally to the stress. We want to win a championship so with pain,there will be gain. And oh, we are about to assemble all the members of our team soon, since we found our americans. Who they are are? You will have to wait for the media guide or opening night! But we are coming!!

How is the picture? I told you, I love me some koala's march! The new banana shake is off the chain!

What am I going to do this weekend? Well, I am thinking about going to Oita City so I can visit the Oita Art Museum and maybe visit the beach. All of us players gotta go together sometime soon! Otherwise, I am interested in visiting Fukuoka sometime soon too! Why am I interested in visiting places now??? Because I finally got a car! A toyota and the dealer was really nice!

Well, have a safe and joyous weekend!





