English Conversation ( 3 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / carry out-achieve./ On paper,this plan looks good,but do you think we can carry it out? /Yes,I don't think it'll be hard at all./ Cary over./ hand over./ Mama just chased them off with a broom./Date:2024.9.20./
- Gifu / Bank 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前
- Gifu / Shopping 10時間前