人的サービス Jinteki Service


Gifu / English Conversation for Grown-Ups

2022-04-08 08:53:51 | 日記

English Conversation for Grown-Ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito / ~ Nice ~ / very nice/ You have a nice car. / He is a nice kid. / They nice couple./ I enjoyed a nice party./ It was nice meeting you again./ Have a nice weekend ( holiday) ! / This restaurant has a very nice selection of cheese./ Are you taking me out tonight ? Nice!/ Date:2022.4.8./

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Gifu / English Conversation Lesson

2022-04-08 08:48:37 | 日記

English Conversation Lesson ( 英会話教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito / ~ Help~ / May I help you ? Can I help you ? / Is there anything I can do for you ? What can I do for you ? / Date:2022.4.8./

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Gifu / English Lesson

2022-04-08 08:40:06 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( ~ Simple English ~ ) / ~ Lifestyle~ / Does your room get plenty of sunshine? Yes,It does. It faces south. It's a very comfortable room./ Do you often go to the convenience store ? Yes. Even after midnight ,I go out to buy things./ Do you sometimes wear perfume ? Yes. I sometimes put on perfume for a change./Date:2022.4.8./

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Today's Saying

2022-04-08 08:36:07 | 日記

A drunkard is not master of his own soul.

( 飲んだくれよ、おのれ自身の魂の主人である)~酒は飲むとも飲まれるな~

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Gifu / English Lesson

2022-04-08 08:23:31 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / They say the boss is going to retire pretty soon. /They say he will run for the senate ./You know./ You know,this is your turn./You know,prices are going up./ You know,husbands don't grow on trees./ You know,they are down on you./ You know,he's a bit hard of hearing./ No stopover on this ticket,you know./ I'm too old to fall for such kind stuff,you know./ Like father,like son./ Date:2022.4.8./

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