西表島おさんぽ気分&NEST Iriomtoe 日々の出来事♪


11th Pinaisara Waterfall & Caving Iriomote Tour

2015年04月13日 | 西表おさんぽ気分ツアー日記/西表島カヌー・カヤックアウトドアツアー
On 11th went to Pinaisara Waterfall with Rowbothman san from UK and Mark&Chorlohe from UK and Demmark
Row joined tour half day, and Mark & Chorlohe went to Pinaisara & Caving.

The weather was not good, but there were no problem for them about weather.
We enjoyed very much kayaking & trekking in the rain.

We could see huge waterfall, cause of rain
Mark san stand up on the pride rock

They jump into water

We explore Iriomote Cave We had good time there.

Thank you very very much.
Hope see you someday
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