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Comparison of electro-acupuncture needle stimulation and manipulation

2016-02-23 11:54:26 | Medical equipment

EA and hand manipulation are two different kinds of stimulation, acupuncture is dependent on electric currents excited points to the role of the organization, and the way it is by means of needle lift and thrust twisting mechanical action to stimulate acupuncture points organizational purposes.

Experiments show that acupuncture and hand manipulation of acupuncture and afferent nerve fibers of different categories, the former Ma, mainly through in class Ⅱ crude fiber incoming center-based, hand manipulation to soreness based, mainly through to  class-based fine fibers incoming center. Effects of acupuncture and electro-acupuncture needle manipulation are not the same.

For example, rabbits bladder filled with warm isotonic sodium chloride solution 50ml, most bladder can form a state of calm, some appear small rhythmic fluctuations. With 2 to 4 times / s, amplitude 360 & deg; approach twist acupuncture points times by 2 ~ 3s incubation period, the visible bladder pressure, each needle 15s allows the bladder pressure is increased 0.392 ~ 0.980kPa, needle 500 times the effective rate of 90%; with the same method of acupuncture points next to one centimeter control point, can not make the bladder pressure, increased pins 200 only 1%, and rise no more than 0.196kPa, significant acupoint specificity. Also suitable electrical stimulation can not make the same points are generally the bladder pressure is increased only when the stimulus strength of increased blood pressure, dilated pupils make when the bladder pressure, but after 1 or 2 times after needle acupuncture efficacy diminished or disappeared, only to continue to increase the pressure to stimulate changes in the bladder, and the control point and other points have the same effect, no specific acupuncture points, this phenomenon is clearly caused by the emergency response to painful stimuli.

Therefore acupuncture points to improve the times in terms of the pressure within the bladder, the effect of hand manipulation to be more significant than the EA. Experiments show that the way to reduce the needle to improve skin temperature, pain acupuncture anesthesia, gastric electrical adjustment, promote lymphocyte transformation, inhibition of epileptiform discharges, reduced at elevated status epilepticus cortex Ach and K + activity, improve epilepsy state the Na + activity, it is also better than those of acupuncture, and for the promotion of electric reticuloendothelial system function and on the front Appy polypeptide hormone related aspects are more phagocytic good hand manipulation. Thus, electric needle and hand manipulation should be based on the specific circumstances, respectively.

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Peritoneal drainage tube, pancreatic drainage tube care

2016-02-17 14:53:48 | Medical equipment

Peritoneal drainage tube care indications:
1. The production of hollow organs hole or trauma rupture often occurs secondary to peritonitis;
2. peritoneum and internal organs hematoma, available catheterization or surgical drainage;
3. surgical wound big, local infiltration night, bleeding more easily when secondary infection.

Peritoneal drainage tube Nursing process:
1. good drainage pipe according to the role or name tags;
2. The records were observed and the amount of fluid drainage traits, such as drainage and flow speed or bloody, should immediately inform your doctor;
3. To maintain the drainage tube patency and prevent discounts or extrusion, slide should be replaced with new pipe is inserted;
4. The need to suction drainage should adjust negative pressure, pay attention to the maintenance of negative pressure;
5. When handling patients, the first clamping and then move to prevent backflow;
6. Observe the drain can cause complications such as compression of tissue necrosis bleeding, intestinal fistula, infection, pain or tube should be in time for extubation, treatment of complications;
7. To make the lumen flushing principle should be strictly aseptic operation.

What is Peritoneal drainage tube

Pancreatic drainage tube care
Objective: containing trypsin, and organizing the removal of toxic substances, so smooth drainage of pancreatic juice to prevent acute attacks, improve nutrition, adjust the pancreatic function.

1. hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis, in particular infection;
2. pancreaticoduodenectomy;
3. Acute medical treatment further worsening.

Nursing process:
1. properly fixed, regular checks of fixed conditions;
2. maintaining unobstructed drainage, avoid twisting pressure to prevent blockage;
3. Observe and record the shape, color and amount of drain;
4. Regularly check the drainage fluid amylase and bacteria;
5. When necessary, replace the drainage bag, pay attention to strict aseptic and properly handle the dirt;
6. After the vital signs stable semi-recumbent position;
7. The timing of daily blood glucose testing and urine;
8. The orders timely application of pancreatic secretion of drugs;

Complications observed:
1. pancreatic fistula: observe whether the abdominal drainage often colorless peritoneal fluid spills, high amylase content of pancreatic juice leakage caused when infection was purulent drainage;
2. infection: drainage occurs first decrease after chills, fever, drainage tube should be replaced;
3. pancreatic pseudocyst: occurred in 2-3 weeks after severe pancreatitis disease.

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