Revealed: Why Knicks Had the 23rd Worst Defense in the NBA Last Season

2018-01-26 19:46:09 | 日記


As the Knicks prepare to begin their preseason on Wednesday, there seems little to be excited about in New York.

The team lost Carmelo Anthony last month, traded to the Oklahoma Thunder in return for Enes Kanter, Doug McDermott and a second-round pick for the 2018 draft. There isn’t much optimism over the deal.

And that comes after a season in which the Knicks had the 23rd worst defense in the league, with a points differential of minus 3.7. But coach Jeff Hornacek is pretty certain he knows why.

Last year, Hornacek left the defensive organization to the veteran players in his team, giving them the opportunity to determine the opposition. That didn’t work out so well, so Hornacek and his staff have learned from their mistakes.

Related: Carmelo Anthony has left New York, so do the Knicks have a plan in place?

“We're not doing that this year," Hornacek said, as quoted by ESPN. "When we go to shoot around that (defensive) plan will be in place. We'll know the adjustments, instead of trying to give the guys the idea, ‘Hey, you guys play, you guys know these guys. What's the best way to do it?'"

Hornacek suggested the errors last season may have been down to him, but insisted the Knicks have spent this summer focusing on defensive work.

"I played on teams that had great veteran players,” he added. “We had a basic thing, but most of the time it was, ‘Okay, I'm going to be doing this, you're going to be doing this and we worked it out.' That's maybe what I thought we'd be able to do last year with the guys. But that's, we found out that didn't work the best for us. This year we worked all summer to try to figure these things out."

The Knicks launch their preseason at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday, with the Brooklyn Nets traveling to New York for the first warm-up game of the campaign.

They then face the Wizards twice, Nets again, Rockets, and Thunder before starting the regular season in Oklahoma where Anthony will face his old team in his first competitive start for the Thunder. The defense, by then, may not be as easy to beat as he remembers.

Reddit Bans Neo-Nazi and European Nationalist Subreddits (Again)

2018-01-26 19:46:09 | 日記


Reddit is taking additional action to prevent users from spreading violent and hateful content by updating some rules and regulations that the company said were "too vague." In a statement released on Wednesday, Reddit said it would be making site-wide updates that have already resulted in a wave of subreddits being banned on the social news sharing site.

Reddit said some policy changes are needed to ease confusion on what content is shareable on the site, as prior rule changes had directly affected subreddits that included Nazi and European nationalist propaganda.

“In particular, we found that the policy regarding “inciting” violence was too vague, and so we have made an effort to adjust it to be more clear and comprehensive. Going forward, we will take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, we will also take action against content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals. This applies to ALL content on Reddit, including memes, CSS/community styling, flair, subreddit names, and usernames,” the statement read.

“We understand that enforcing this policy may often require subjective judgment, so all of the usual caveats apply with regard to content that is newsworthy, artistic, educational, satirical, etc., as mentioned in the policy. Context is key.”

Seven communities are no longer accessible on Reddit, according to Gizmodo, including r/EuropeanNationalism, r/Nazi, and r/pol, which was an extension of the 4chan community board of the same name. Of the newly banned channels, the most-visited subreddit had more than 7,000 followers.

This isn’t the first time Reddit has taken extra measures to prevent hate speech or violent content from being shared.

In 2015, Reddit made policy changes that forced a number of subreddits to clean up content promoting anti-Semitism and white supremacy while two notorious subreddits—r/coontown and r/fatpeoplehate—that were widely known for toxic, violent content and hate speech were shut down.

The move directly countered the sentiments of the company’s former CEO, Yishan Wong, who vowed to “not ban questionable subreddits.” Wong was the head of the company from 2012 until resigning in 2014.

Following Reddit’s first-ever community bans, hate speech on the site dropped some 90 percent for some users, according to a September study from researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University and the University of Michigan.

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