Mysterious Mass Faintings at Cambodian Factories Leave Scores Sick

2017-09-21 19:43:14 | 日記


PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Scores of garment workers have fallen sick this week at factories in Cambodia including two that produce clothing for sportswear giants Puma SE and Adidas, police and workers said on Thursday.

A total of 118 employees passed out at work on Thursday at the Shen Zhou and Daqian Textile factories in Phnom Penh, police said, another blow for an industry fraught with disputes but critical to Cambodia's fledgling economy.

Puma and Adidas said they were investigating the faintings at the two factories and would respond soon.

Garment manufacturing earns Cambodia more than $5 billion a year in revenue and employs some 600,000 people, many of them breadwinners for impoverished families in the countryside.

"We don't know why but one worker was sick and others just saw them and began to collapse," district police chief Khem Saran told Reuters.

He said 53 employees had fallen sick at another factory because of the strong smell of paint. Labour rights NGO Community Legal Education Center said more than 200 workers had fainted this week.

Mass faintings are all too familiar in Cambodia, which has become an important manufacturing center for many high street fashion brands.

Garment makers have often complained of poor ventilation, strong chemicals and use of potent glue for footwear, although official investigations in recent years have been largely inconclusive.

There were more than 1,000 faintings reported in 2011 alone in factories that are mostly owned by Chinese, Taiwanese and South Koreans. Most workers earn less than $100 per month and many volunteer for overtime to boost their income.

"It was hot and I began to vomit, I had diarrhea and others had the same problems," said Nguon Sarith, 30, who was hooked up to an intravenous drip at a hospital in the capital.

She said she didn't know the cause.

The problems do not stop at faintings. The industry has been plagued by unrest in recent months, with long-running disputes over pay mushrooming into nationwide strikes and anti-government protests that have been violently suppressed by security forces.

Some 18 unions plan to hold a week-long strike on April 17 to demand a minimum wage rise to $160 monthly from $100. The last strike was put down hard by authorities, who on January 3 used live ammunition to disperse crowds, killing five workers.

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My Weekend: Julie Meyer

2017-09-21 19:41:40 | 日記


Curriculum Vitae

An American with German grandparents who moved to France at 21, Julie Meyer went on to be named one of the top 50 alumni of the European business school INSEAD. Her entrepreneurial instincts and early interest in the web led her to instrumental roles in the nascent stages of businesses like Skype and In 2000, she set up Ariadne Capital and, in 2011, was honoured with an MBE for Services to Entrepreneurship. She lives in London and is a practising Christian in the Lutheran tradition.

Friday evening

During the week, my life is one big whoosh, so by the time I get to Friday evening, I'm craving time on my own. I'll treat myself to a quiet salad, a glass of wine, and read a magazine at one of my favorite restaurants, like Maroush, in Earl's Court – my neighbourhood. Or I might sort out the house and make lists with some music in the background; maybe the Italian singer Paolo Conte – it's the happiest music in the world – or anything from Fleetwood Mac to Elton John. I'm really showing my age now.

Saturday morning

I naturally wake up between seven and eight on the weekends. I go down to this gorgeous little café called the Kensington Quarter. I'm a regular there, and I'll sit at the bar and have an omelette, or Eggs Benedict, and drink too much coffee. It's sort of become my kitchen. I get a facial and a manicure every Saturday morning. It might sound excessive, but it makes me feel good. I also do all the normal chores.

Saturday afternoon

I like to eat well on the weekend. I see it as the two days I can control what I eat, because during the week it's a cocktail here, a big lunch there, and so forth. So I'll have two days of just eating salad, fresh shrimp and good vegetables. I'm from California – so I've made every kind of salad you can imagine. My personal trainer also comes around to my flat, and I'll do an hour on both Saturday and Sunday. I know I sound like Gwyneth Paltrow, but the weekend is my time, and I try to be good to my body. I'm not 22 any more.

Sometimes if I've had to travel somewhere on Friday for work I'll just stay there for the weekend. I lived in Paris during my twenties, so I feel I grew up there, and I also love Milan and Rome. I found myself in Athens one Friday night, and I thought, you know what? I'm flying to Santorini. It was lovely.

Sunday morning

I go to church at Holy Trinity Brompton every Sunday morning, because it puts me in a good mood. Then I usually start thinking about the week ahead. I get a huge kick out of my work. I wouldn't say I live to work, but the core concept of my work is designing your life, and designing society, and everything I do is about being an actor in the world, and not just accepting what the world gives you. To me, it's not work, it's just fun.

Sunday evening

I always joke that I start to feel like a human being again by Sunday evening, because on every level – physical, spiritual, organisational – I've got myself regulated back to Julie. But everyone in my firm knows they can reach me on a Sunday evening. Inevitably, people call.

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