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Hats off to A-PINK

Hats off to A-PINK

Girl group Apink's 'LUV' again took first place.

MBC's 'Show! Music Core”, Apink’s “LUV” took first place. Along with Apink, they overcame Kyuhyun and EXID, who were nominated for No. 1, and set a record of being No. 1 for 5 consecutive weeks.

Apink was not able to attend the event due to other schedules, and could not see the award scene. Apink's "LUV" is a dance music that is different from the healing songs of the past and has a uniquely lively feeling, with a more mature and nostalgic sensibility of first love.
(From K-POP News)

On the second day of the consecutive holidays, I got up before 6:00 in the morning. After breakfast, after 6:00, I watched the drama "Idiot's Warning - All You Need Love" co-starring Lim Joo Hwan and Kang Sora for the second time.
She wanted to know why she was enamored.

★ Although it was a long drama with 133 episodes, the introductory part was smart and had a good tempo. I found that skillfulness was the reason why I was drawn into this drama. For long dramas, the decisive factor is often the production of the introductory part.

After watching it over and over again, I fell asleep around 10:00 and took a nap. It was past 1:00 when I went to bed last night. I didn't get enough sleep.
"But I was woken up by a neighbor's phone call." I slept for about two hours. If the phone hadn't rang, I would have slept more.

 Brought beer to my neighbor's house and played a game of shogi before starting to drink. I won and got drunk.
It is said that the sluggish pure literature magazine "Bungakukai" was reprinted with novels written by comedians and lined up in bookstores.
He has blossomed into literary theory and idol theory in the music world. When I was talking about idols, my friend started asking questions one after another in a half-teasing way.
"A-PINK's song is good." When I said I'd let you watch it on YouTube later, the neighbor was dumbfounded and cut off the question.
The drinking continued while enjoying the grand sumo wrestling on the television that kept ringing.
When I ran out of sake, my neighbor said, "Let's go buy some," but I'm not that good at it. The sumo match broadcast is over, so I decided to open it.
The two of them left the front door together, and the neighbor rode his bicycle to buy alcohol.
"I went home and turned on my computer." I went to YouTube and immersed myself in the music of A-PINK and others that I mentioned earlier.

Girls' Generation's "divine" is a new song that has become a hot topic as Jessica shed tears after leaving the group.
I also listened to this music.
I first entered from (Story ver) and fell into a strange feeling.
It may be because I haven't listened to their music very much since Jessica left the group.
“Is this really Girls’ Generation?”
"I couldn't believe my ears." I thought it was not Girls' Generation, but a leading new Japanese singer who debuted and sang.
As I listened, I picked up Jessica's voice and understood it, and I realized that it was Tiffany's voice, Taeyeon, and Seohyun's voice, but when I listened to ``divine'' from (Story ver), the fans who are enthusiastically chasing Girls' Generation. Unless you are one of them, you may not be able to distinguish between the members' voices properly.

Thanks to A-PINK, the frequency of my visits to YouTube has increased.
My favorite is Naeun and Hayoung's line. The charms of Eunji and Bomi, Choron and Namjoo are also hard to put down.
"NoNoNo", "MY MY", "U You", "Mr. Chu", "LUV"...
After watching their various stages, an hour passed in the blink of an eye.
Hats off to the girls who have taken over from Girls' Generation and created a new charm.

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