雨の記号(rain symbol)

Korean Drama "Legend of the Blue Sea" Episode 8 ①

Korean Drama "Legend of the Blue Sea" Episode 8 ①

Episode 7 ⑫

Sefa opens her closed eyes while she's underwater.

Junjae is back at her house. She opens the door and she walks in.

“Our true identities will never be accepted by humans.

Junjae heard the sound of water coming from the pool. The inside is peeking through the gap in the slightly opened door.

"Junjae approaches the pool."

"So - be careful enough. Never be noticed."

Sefa sticks her head out of the water. She felt someone's presence outside. Sae-hwa is upset when she finds out that she is Jun-jae.


Se-hwa cried when she realized it was Jun-jae outside the pool.
"Dont come!"
Junjae flinched at Sehwa's voice. She looked at Sefa through the gap in the door and asked.
"Hey! What are you doing there?"
"Don't look! Don't look!"
Junjae turns to her side.
"Okay, okay. I won't watch it."
Jun-jae, who had closed her eyes, opens her eyes.
"What do you think I am?"
The shrieks get louder as she gets closer.
"Don't look!"
Jun-jae hurriedly turned his back on her. Se-hwa, who only turns her face, shouts again.
"do not look back!"
she closed her eyes.
"You said you got it... but why are you playing in the water without cleaning it? He's a hopeless guy..."
Se-hwa shouted when Jun-jae moved even a little.
"Don't look!"
"Just close here"
"Don't close"
"What are you talking about? Then what should I do?"
"Do not do anything"
She freezes again.
"...Then, let me ask you one thing."
Sefa changed her clothes and showed herself.
Junjae is confused when he sees Sehwa.
"Okay... where?"
"What's your question?"
"Oh?" Junjae puts his hand on his head. "that is…"

She had an epiphany when she saw Se-hwa's long hair, but it was a sudden thing and she can't remember it. she told another story.
"More importantly, you... This is a house where many men live." She pointed at the gown-clad Sefa. "Is it okay to be so defenseless?"
"Be careful over there. It's bad to come home suddenly."
"Junjae was silent." She reconsidered and raised her face.
“This is my house.” Junjae looked around her room. "It's up to me to decide when to come back."
"You're the one who needs to be careful."
"It's you."
"No. It's you."
"I'm glad you found me. It would have been difficult if it was someone else."
“Do you mind?”
"I am" you... and stopped. "He's a man of few words. Get dressed quickly."
"Are you watching me change?"
"Ah...that's right...then"
Junjae cleared his throat and left the house.

She goes back to where Junjae is waiting for her.
"What were you doing? Aren't you late?"
"Namdu groaned."
"Do you have a mobile phone?"
She couldn't bring her phone because of an argument with Saehwa.
"I don't need a cell phone"
"I do not need it?"
"Oh. Let's go."
Jun-jae gets into her car and stops her from moving.
she saw them.
"From now on, when you enter the house, be sure to ring the chime."
The two exchanged glances at Junjae's story. It becomes an incomprehensible face when you meet.
"Junje answered."
"I will do the same, so let the two of you ring. Also, make noise after entering the house."
"So what is it for?"
"I am the owner of this house."
Namdu turned away in amazement.
"Theo, you're too quiet, so be careful."
"Do you know that?"
Saying so, Theo opens the car door. Joon-jae presses his attention to Theo as he gets on board.
"Make sure you do... Oh, but how hot it is."
"It's hot? It's not hot at all."
Namdu gets into the car as he agrees.
Junjae also repeated "It's hot" as he got into the car.
The car left the parking lot with creaking tires.

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