雨の記号(rain symbol)

Korean drama "You're Beautiful" Episode 2 (2)

Korean drama "You're Beautiful" Episode 2 (2)

"Lip too?"
"Kuchibiru ..."
Minyo opens his eyes.
Jermi is biting an apple in front of him. Looking at that mouth, Minyo sneaks involuntarily.
"It's lips"
Germi brought her face closer to Minyo.
"Where is it okay?"
He said so and grabbed the apple. Juice drips from the lips.
Minyo flutters while looking at Germi's mouth.
"It's a thick-skinned guy."
Germi had a runny nose.
――If ... that lips ...! ??
Minyo turned to the side. He didn't want to admit the reality in front of him.
"I don't remember at all"
"What !?"
Germi glared at Minyo.
"This guy is lying."
He grabbed her cheek from below and brought her face closer.
"I really remembered it !? Did you remember it? I wonder!"
Minyo became a crying voice.
"Please let go"
Jermi blamed Minyo for his actions, shaking his chin as he grabbed him.
"What do you say with that mouth. You're sorry if you do it this time. I drank alcohol that I couldn't drink and got drunk. I even did something I shouldn't do. This skatan guy!"
"excuse me···"
"If you think so, please apologize as soon as possible."
Minyo, who thought that the victim was Germi, shook his head.
"You think it's bad? Apologize properly."
"Then, wasn't it Mr. Germi?"
"If the other person is me, I'm throwing it from the roof. Go fast!"
Germi said so and bit the apple. She stood in front of Puito Minyo. He recalled the feel of her cheeks at a distance.
"He's funny. He's a man, but his cheeks are smooth."
He muttered and waved his hand, and was creepy. However, he quickly regained his mood and bit the apple.
Minyo sank in doubt after being left by Germi.
Apologize, he said. But no one told me who that person was.
"If that person is different, who is it ...?"
Minyo headed for the room.
Then Shinu is brewing tea in the dining room.
"Sit down"
He called to Minyo without looking behind him.
"Drinking hot tea will make things a little easier."
--Mr. Shinu ... Is this the person ...?
Go near Shinu while suppressing confusion and upset. Turn your back on him and sit down.
Shinu makes tea and presents it in front of Minyo. Minho corrects his behavior and turns to the table.
Shinu opened his mouth as he was dragging his mood.
"Last night ... it's overkill."
"I was terribly disappointed"
That said, I drank hot water and smiled softly. He wiped his lips with his fingertips, as he remembers.
Seeing that, Minyo was once again stimulated by anxiety. He closed his eyes with a sigh.
"Are you there?"
As she was told by Germi, she seriously bowed her head.
"I'm sorry. I had a headache and went to the rooftop."
She began to explain her to tell herself.
"I feel refreshed and feel good ..."
"But ... the place where I fell down wasn't good."
Minho nodded with her eyes rounded.
"It's like hitting the floor and fainting."
Shinu saw Minyo.
"No ... that doesn't mean the floor, that is ... oh, think you hit a falling stone. I'm really sorry."
Germi appeared there.
She shouted "Hey" and she said. "I said apologize early, but what are you doing here?"
"So I apologize."
"I'm not Shinu's big brother."
Jermi was angry and bent her mouth. It was
"Isn't it Shinu-san?"
"Taecyeon," Shinu replied. "In a word, it's not you, but Hwang Tae Kyung who fainted when he hit the falling stone."
"Are you fainted?"
Shinu began to explain her.
"Oh. Not only did you lean on him and hit him in the face, but he was also vomiting again. I caught it in my mouth and fainted ..."
Minho lost her words.
"Taecyeon is a terrible addiction. If he encounters such a thing, he will faint."
Germi added to Shinu's story.
"Clean water has been covered with pig manure."
"Pig manure ...?"
"It's a tsunami of pig manure."
Following Germi, Shinu said.
"If you want to apologize, go to the room."


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