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Because we have Yuri... (Girls' Generation)

Because we have Yuri... (Girls' Generation)

Girls' Generation's Yuri has drawn attention with a selfie she took on her bed.

Yuri posted the photo on her SNS account on the 7th with the comment, "Goodnight, dream of me."

In the photo, Yuri is lying on her bed and gazing at the camera with a seductive gaze. Her white slip and messy black hair, combined with her intense eyes accentuated with eyeliner, give off a mysterious charm.

(From Entertainment News)

What kind of presence does Yuri have in Girls' Generation?

It's Yuna who vaguely evokes the image of Girls' Generation. For example, it's like the nine members are lined up inside Yuna's face in a giant oblate.

It's Yuri who exists as the opposing axis of Girls' Generation members. She is very kind and modest at heart, but her presence itself is always strikingly stimulating.

Sooyoung is not competing with Tiffany for beautiful legs.
It's Yuri. Tiffany has straight, beautiful legs.
You wonder how Tiffany's legs have grown up to be like that.
They look like the legs of a mannequin taken from a mold.
Yuri's legs are not like that. In fact, they are the opposite. Yuri's legs are well-balanced, with a sexy sense of flesh, and are feminine and beautiful.
One fan who saw Girls' Generation's performance wrote that when he saw Yuri, she looked like she had stepped out of a photograph.
He said that her legs were not only beautiful, but also strong and muscular. There is a lot of truth in these words.
Yuri is also competing with Yuna for beautiful skin. Other than Yuna, there are other members who have skin as beautiful as snow, but no one else has the unique tan color known as black pearl. That's why Yuri's skin stands out next to Yuna's.
Like a black swan and a white swan facing each other with a lake in the background...
Yuri is also a rival to Hyoyeon in dancing. While Hyoyeon's dancing is exemplary, unadulterated, and straightforward, Yuri's dancing is original.

Watching TV, I feel that no one can match Yuri when it comes to improvising dance moves.

Her dancing makes the most of her flexible body, and if she were to join a Chinese acrobatic troupe, she would instantly become a top star. She has that kind of glamour and looks.

She would easily beat out Sunny and Jessica in terms of glamour.

She seems to be competing with Sooyoung in intelligence.

Of course, that's not all good.

She sometimes sings off-key, but she would probably compete with Jessica for the top spot.

It is because of Yuri that the individuality of each member of Girls' Generation stands out.

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