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From the 4K performance of "LOVE DIVE" (IVE)

From the 4K performance of "LOVE DIVE" (IVE)
「LOVE DIVE」の4Kパフォーマンスから(IVE)

"LOVE DIVE" is a dance that conveys a unique "playfulness" by skillfully combining the "sway" and "softness" of curves rather than the "sharpness" and "stretch" of straight lines.

In the MV, vehicles appear halfway through.

The members are riding them and exuding "fun" and "excitement."

From there, you can get a glimpse of the motif of this music.

It's similar to the "excitement" of a seesaw in the park, a buffet at an amusement park, or even looking at the earth from a spaceship.

Since it's an idol music stage, of course the emphasis is on showing (appealing).
Not only is it an objective performance, but as a member of DIVE, I'm really happy to see that their performance is strongly influenced by their heart (the sharing of fun) and their sentiment that "We're having the most fun when we're singing and dancing in front of everyone.

The first thing we want to convey to everyone is this feeling."

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