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Korean drama "You're Beautiful" Episode 2 (7)

Korean drama "You're Beautiful" Episode 2 (7)

Sayuri, the president of the A.N.JELL fan club, noticed the article.
"What is it! Taecyeon is assaulting?"

Sayuri's friend looked into the internet screen from behind.
"What ... Ko Minam was injured ... but he strongly denied Taecyeon's assault ...!?"
Sayuri stood up driven by anger.
"This is ... you used Taecyeon to get your attention, didn't you? Ko Minam ... you have to get rid of it. The new members are against it!"
The friend and others were in tune with Sayuri's determination.

Sayuri and others immediately started the action of Sprehikor.
"New member, opposition! Ko Minam, get out! Ko Minam, get out! New member, oppose! Ko Minam, get out! Ko Minam, get out! New member, oppose! ..."

Minyo was confused when he looked down at his exclusion movement from the rooftop.
Looking into his cell phone, Huni made a booming voice in front of Minyo.
"Oh! After the search, the 1st place is" Ko Minam ". The 2nd place is" Hwang Tae Kyung's assault ". The 3rd place is" Ko Minam withdrawal ". ? Minam-san, good-looking guy? 5th place, "Ko Minam injured" "
At the end, I sighed. But it wasn't a disappointing sigh. Looking at Minyo, Huni said.
"It's a great response."
However, even if the response is great, the misunderstanding must be resolved. Minyo stood up as if he couldn't collect.
"I have to explain to those people properly ..."
"That's no good"
Funi said while operating the mobile phone.
He won Minyo, who was willing to go.
"Shall I show you what happens when I go?"
Funi grabbed Minyo's jacket and threw it down from the roof. He shouted.
"Yes, this is Ko Minam's jacket."
A.N.JELL's guards rushed towards their jackets. I stomped on his coat with my foot and tore it with my hand.
The two looked down from the roof. Huni said.
"Did you see it?"
Minyo trembled with the terribleness of the fans.
Funi muttered sideways.
"You're Beautiful ...!"

Minyo returned to the dormitory with a sigh.
A man's voice was heard near her in a state of absentmindedness. A white dog barked and rushed at her.
Minho shook her hips in fear. Seeing that, Germi smiled with joy.
The dog attacks Minyo's face and licks it. While enjoying the situation, Germi is biting an apple.
He points his finger at the right moment.
"Jolly, stop!"
The dog stopped attacking Minyo's face.
Germi walked up near the fallen Minyo.
He picked up the dog's sword and said.
"Hey, pig manure, tsunami. Did you pollute your brother's room?"
Upon hearing that, Minyo got up.
"... the room will be cleaned up soon"
"Oh, restore it properly."
Germi stood up and ordered the dog to attack.
"Jolly, Kakeru"
Minyo screamed and collapsed. The dog's face attack begins again.
"Yes, do more. There, do. Yes, more ...! Good."
Minyo stands up irresistibly. He tries to escape.
"Hey, do you run away?"
Germi squeezes Minyo to escape from behind.
Minyo screams in a daze. He screams and resists.
"Stop! Please let go"
She was the same friendship ridicule that Jermi had struck her dog, but she desperately resisted. She desperately grabbed Germi's arm and escaped into her room.
Jermi was confused when she was desperately unraveling her arm and escaped. She seems to have felt something strange.
"He's ... a weird guy. He's just a little playful, but what's that ...?"
Germi complained after Minyo's escape.
"Am I a molester !? Don't scream ...!"
She tried to bite the apple and didn't bite, adding more.
"I think I'm a pervert. At all ...!"

Minyo, who escaped into the room, met Shinu.
She remembered Germi's words and bowed her head.
"excuse me"
"are you OK?"
Shinu has reached out to her forehead. It's a gesture for women.
Minyo unknowingly avoided her hand of her. Shinu stopped her hand.
"In that situation, you'll soon get caught."
"See, see you again"
Minyo looks like she is seeing through her true identity. It was
"That's why ... I'm so scared that everyone misunderstands that Taecyeon did it."
"Oh, that's right."
Shinu passed by with a mysterious smile.


★ Jang Keun Suk, latest information

Donated 1.2 billion won to Hanyang University while attending school ... "Jang Keun Suk Scholarship" newly established

Actor Jang Keun Suk has donated 1.2 billion won to Hanyang University, where he is still a student, and is attracting much attention.

Jang Keun Suk tried to hide this fact at first, but the list of donors on the school site was released, revealing the fact that he made a donation. Currently, Jang Keun Suk, a fourth-year student in the theater and film department at Hanyang University, is taking part in classes while he is busy with entertainment activities in Korea and Japan. He gives a lot of advice and words of encouragement to his juniors studying in a harsh environment.

Jang Keun Suk said, "I tried to keep (donations) from being known to anyone, but I was very confused when the facts became clear." I showed a good appearance. Hanyang University has announced that it plans to establish a new "Jang Keun Suk Scholarship" and use it for theater and film science students in an agreement with Jang Keun Suk.

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