
Men with Prostatitis Should Learn Five Tea Options

Physiologically, the prostate is the biggest accessory gonad in male reproductive organs, while prostatitis is a very common disease in males, which makes many male patients suffer a lot. There are many treatment for patients with prostatitis, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which can help males to improve the urogenital system, improve blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Tea, as is known to all, is similar to the herbs. During the herbal treatment, you can also try this method. So what tea can patients with prostatitis drink? There are five options for you.

1. Green tea

Green tea is a diuretic drink, and the leaves taste sweet, bitter and slightly cold, which is a natural health drink around the world. The main components of green tea include theine, tea polyphenols, protein, amino acids, sugars, vitamins, lipids, organic acids and other organic compounds, as well as 28 inorganic nutrients such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and copper. Moderate green tea drinking for patients with prostatitis can play a certain role in medical care, which can lift the spirit, dispel the fatigue, improve the digestion and feature anti-inflammatory function.

2. Peach blossom tea

This is a natural plant that grows in Xishuangbanna, China. According to the dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this tea is used in Dai medicine to drain the kidney poison, wash the urinary tract, dispel the inflammation and improve the urination. During the early period of this drink option, patients can have more urine with a strong smell. While continuous drinking can gradually alleviate the urine white, frequent urine at night and other problems.

3. Bamboo leaf tea

People with prostatitis or obesity can make tea with bamboo leaves, jade bamboo, chrysanthemum and hawthorn. This product can play a great role in clearing away heat and promoting diuresis, which can help to improve prostatitis symptoms. What's more, pumpkin seeds and dry red wine are also recommended if necessary.

4. Ginsen Tea

Firstly, slice the ginsen thinly and dry them. Then you can make a hot tea with those slices added in. This product has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying kidney. And patients with prostatic hyperplasia can often drink this product to improve their condition.

5. Tangerine peel tea

Collect the tangerine peel, orange peels and other peels, and then make them dry. Among them, the tangerine peel is more effective. Wash the tangerine peels, tear them into small pieces, put the boiling water into the cup, and add in sugar, then the drink is done. This product invigorates the spleen and stimulate the appetite, which is most suitable for patients with chronic prostatitis. Just be careful, do not drink too much strong tea at night.

Points need to be noticed in drinking tea for patients with prostatitis:

Patients should eat more cool food, such as pears and cane, and eat more fruits and vegetables, while quit smoking and drinking wine as well as spicy food. When the symptoms are serious, they can try pomelo, which has a certain auxiliary curative effect.

Generally speaking, patients with prostatic hypertrophy and habitual constipation should drink black tea to make up for deficiency and constipation. In more serious cases, qolong and puer tea can help them lose weight, reduce fat and improve blood circulation. Patients with prostatic hypertrophy in remission can often drink scented tea, such as tea with rose or jasmine, to better remove stasis.

If the patient with chronic prostatitis has neurasthenic symptoms such as uneasiness, insomnia, palpitation, upset, he should not drink tea. Because some substances such as theobromine, theobromine and theophylline in the tea have the effect that can excite the nerve center and heart, which will make the anxious mood aggravated and do harm to the patient's health.





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