
Can Herbal Medicine Work on Acute Prostatitis?

When mentioning prostatitis, male friends are familiar with it, but not all of them can know it well. Actually, prostatitis can be divided into many types, including acute prostatitis, chronic prostatitis, non-bacterial prostatitis, prostate pain and so on.

How is acute prostatitis treated?

For patients with acute prostatitis disease, they can use antibiotic treatment, and they also can use Chinese traditional medicine to get treated, which for antibiotic treatment is aimed at the patient's body with obvious symptoms. When the temperature is higher, the inside of the blood leukocytes have obvious rise, it is suggested to use intravenous administration, using a week later to be replaced for the oral medications.

When the whole body symptoms become not serious, and body temperature and blood condition is normal,you can take oral medicine, and the duration of the treatment is generally a month, anti-infective agents that diffuse into the prostate gland and are effective quickly should be chosen so that the symptoms of discomfort can be quickly controlled to avoid turning into chronic prostatitis.

For the chronic prostatitis, it is often suggested to take herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill produced by Dr. Lee Xiaoping is a fine option. It obeys the principles of the holistic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, and it can effectively solve the symptoms and improve the urogenital health in men. Its effect is working on the whole male urogenital system with no side effects.

In addition to traditional Chinese medicine treatment, it mainly is the use of the acupuncture points targeted treatment, the principle of combination of acupuncture and drug for the treatment. Use proprietary Chinese medicine for the prostate gland, which is made up of kusnezoff monkshood root, vermillion, stone pu, madder, myrobalan, and combination of pure Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials. There is no side effects on the human body, and remember that all the drugs should be used under the guidance of doctors.

In daily life, if you keep some good habits, you will be free from the problems of prostatitis. For example, you should eat more healthy foods and avoid spicy foods. Doing more exercise and drinking more water are helpful. Don't overwork, stay up late, hold urine too often or sit for too long. You should also give up on smoking and drinking alcohol.





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