

Daddy's Safe With His D2s Bulb Powered Headlamps

2017-08-02 13:54:15 | 日記

Everybody's talking about the HID headlamps. That includes a little something called the D2S bulb. Find out what it is all about here.

The missing jigsaw piece

There are bulbs and more bulbs. Car owners are in a dither wondering what to go for when converting their headlamps from halogen lamps to the HID lamps. For owners, the D2S bulb would do well for their old car models as long as the headlamp housing can take in the new lamps.

A D2S bulb was initially used by BMW. This differs from the D2R at the base. The D2R was designed for Mercedez-Benz, so that's where the difference lies. This difference is not about the lighting quality but about fitment purposes. The notch and the fastening system differ. You'll also know if it is a D2S because the capsule does not carry ceramic paint on the sides.

A D2S bulb can only be used in vehicles carrying Xenon headlights from the same manufacturer. If in your case the missing piece is the Xenon headlights, you will need an HID kit. So, before you gleefully jump into the conversion bandwagon, check out your car if you need a kit or not. Don't go for those tinted headlights because you won't be getting the genuine thing.

What to Watch Out For When Buying a D2S bulb

The D2S will have a color shift and flux reduction throughout its lifetime. These can run for 2,500 hours or more. These can stand strong vibrations and are waterproof.

Xenon headlights are not tinted. When you get a D2S bulb replacement kit, you will be given other combination elements to produce that tinted effect. The ignition will give that color effect. The higher the voltage, the deeper the color effect because of the heightened activity at the molecular level.

When your D2S bulb has a kelvin of 9,000K, you will have a purplish light. A 7,000K will give you a blue light. Better get two bulbs to have well matched colors. A kelvin is the basic unit of thermodynamic color temperature. The higher the number, the whiter the light. At 9,000K and 7,000K, you get real white light.

If your car has a 12V 35 watt HID system, note the plug design. Just to make sure, remove one of the HID capsules from your car and compare it with the plugs that are shown online. Yes, no need to drive to the shop just to compare the plugs. You also have the convenience of ordering the kit online.

Light Your Night On the Road

As with all HID technology lighting that produces the arc light, your car headlamps will illuminate more of the road ahead. You can prepare for a sharp turn because area signs are visible from several feet away compared to the usual halogen lamps.

When driving at night, your family kids will know you are okay even during those long drives. The kids can sleep well because they know their daddy's kept safe by the D2S bulb, and two of those at that. 

That the promotion of religion may be expected to produce many contests and bitter feelings.

2017-07-27 08:58:49 | 日記

Many in the World are taking concern and truth, for hatred and condemnation of other religions by Christians. In some circumstances they are correct, but in the majority they are wrong.

Christians are not reactionaries, confrontationalist, nor an army, seeking the death of all non believers. We must look closely at the messages and comments that are being made by concerned Christians over false religions, and their lack of, being able to provide salvation for the soul of man.

In John 9:4-5, we see the reason that many Christians have, and are still, speaking out, for the time is come to prepare to meet the Lord. Jesus Stated; "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."

Here He was speaking of the proclamation of God, when He stated, "My Spirit shall not always strive with Man." Once the Spirit of God is withdrawn from this earth, Darkness Falls. Jesus Was and still is, doing the works of the Father, for He stated that without Him we can do nothing.

The Spirit of Christ is manifest thru us, as witnesses of the Light. "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." This was speaking of the Spirit Of Christ that dwells within every believer. As Long as there are believers in Jesus and His light, He will be upon the Earth. Jesus exists within us, because we believe, without faith is would be impossible for any man to be saved.

Where there is light, there is also the possibility of darkness just around the corner. We have seen darkness and hatred of Christianity, Israel and Jesus. That old serpent Satan, has in the past weeks showed His willingness to kill converts to Christianity because they desired to come into the light, rather than to stay in Darkness.

Many of the so called peaceful religions have showed here recently, that they are Hippocritical within their own beliefs and have showed that they are, the darkness in a frightened world. These false religions would rather kill a convert rather than to allow many more, to convert to Christianity, believing that they would eventually lose their power over those they have kept in Darkness these many years.

This is where Christians, that have total faith would give their life instead of saving it, and speak out against this darkness. In Matthew 16:25 we see this. "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." This world wide darkness is just a shadow, a lie, a deception, that keeps the unlearned and frightened, subject to the temporary power of Satan and His followers.

Many evangelicals are getting involved in politics and mans business rather than being about the Fathers Business. We are not to break the law but rather obey the law and not aid those that would break established law. In Luke 1:79 we see that many are sitting in darkness and at the point of immanent death. "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."

John 1:9 That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Every man that comes into this world, born of woman is introduced to the light, at the age of accountability, after, they must chose for themselves. There will be no excuse come judgment day. John 3:19 And this is the condemnation,(condemnation= an expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable. blame, censure, denunciation, reprehension, reprobation.) that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Darkness takes many forms in many religions, here is an example;

Koran; [9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.(This shows forced religion.)

[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. [9.30] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah(Jesus) is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

[9.31] They have taken their doctors of law and their monks for lords besides Allah, and (also) the Messiah son of Marium and they were enjoined that they should serve one God only, there is no god but He; far from His glory be what they set up (with Him).

Luke 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? This fire is, a fire of religious differences, hatred of the Light of Jesus by all other religions. Barnes states of Luke 14:49; And what will I ... - This passage might be better expressed in this manner: "And what would I, but that it were kindled. Since it is "necessary" for the advancement of religion that such divisions should take place; since the gospel cannot be established without conflicts, and strifes, and hatreds, I am even desirous that they should come. Since the greatest blessing which mankind can receive must be attended with such unhappy divisions, I am willing, nay, desirous that they should come."

He did not wish evil in itself; but, as it was the occasion of good, he was desirous, if it "must" take place, that it should take place soon. From this we learn:

1.That the promotion of religion may be expected to produce many contests and bitter feelings.

2.That the heart of man must be exceedingly wicked, or it would not oppose a work like the Christian religion.

3.That though God cannot look on evil with approbation, yet, for the sake of the benefit which may grow out of it, he is willing to permit it, and suffer it to come into the world.

In Luke 9:52 we see that Jesus did not desire the death of those that would not believe, but rather rebuked the Disciples for even considering it. Luke 9:52-56; And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elijah did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

Here we see a spirit within James and John, that Jesus recognized but these two didn't. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives(No killing, Murder, not to kill but to save.), but to save them. And they went to another village. When people reject Jesus and the Bible as being Light, we do not condemn but we simply leave them to God and Move on. Remember we don't, As Christians, Condemn the people, for it is not within our Power, but we condemn only the darkness and sin that is within them.

John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. So what does this all meen? The Darkness is runing rampent, and the Light is about to be extinguished so that no man can work(Ministers, Preachers, Teachers of the Truth.)

Isa 66:3 He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. Isa 66:4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. ars

Psa_81:11, Psa_81:12, Psa_109:17; Isa_29:9-14; Joh_12:39-43; Rom_1:21-25, Rom_1:28 1Ki_22:18-22; 2Ch_18:18-22; Isa_6:9, Isa_6:10; Eze_14:9 Isa_44:20, Isa_66:4; Jer_27:10; Eze_21:29; Mat_24:5, Mat_24:11; 1Ti_4:1. ars

In your case, a picture might worth a thousand dollars!

2017-07-21 09:29:33 | 日記

You might save a small amount with those cheaper "tent-style" fabric version. Also, for diamond in particular, a daylight colored LED light is best suit to do the job.

As such, there should be no compromise on taking jewelry photography. Using these daylight colored natural lighting will be least likely to distort the color of the diamond on the final photo. Using a quality photo studio box is essential.

With most higher end photo studio box system, this daylight natural color LED lighting is usually a standard accessory. It sure makes life much easier. No more running wires all over the place, and no more setting up different lighting tripods at different heights and at different angles. Most important, it will save you lots of time. Time that you can spend to promote and advertise your business, instead of spending countless hours on setting up the "perfect" stage for your jewelry photography session. But with this tent type photo box version, a high quality lighting effect jewelry photo session would be more difficult and time consuming to achieve.

To achieve an optimum jewelry photography result, you should adjust the color setting of your LED Glass Tube camera to compensate for the various lighting effect that might affect the photo quality. The jewelry photo you take should be sharp, high detail and depicting the real color. Viola, it's done. As the saying goes, Vintage Edison Bulb a picture is worth a thousand words.

Using this photo studio in a box system, you simply need to place your jewelry item inside the studio box, adjust the flexible LED lights to create the desired light intensity and reflection angles. In particular if you are selling diamond, gem stones, and other precious metals of which the color could easily distorted by light that is not suitable for jewelry photography. You might want to lower the color setting, and vice versa. Then take the photo with your camera.

For those who are selling on ebay or online, or any jewelry store owners, taking quality jewelry photos is a daunting task.

In short, if you are serious about making high quality jewelry photos that will attract the attention of potential customers.

By using a "photo studio box" product, a jeweler or jewelry seller can take high quality jewelry photos in a snap.

For example, if you want a whiter background and a "whiter" jewelry exposure.

You are selling a product that is relatively expensive, and requires a high quality photograph to showcase your jewelry product.

In your case, a picture might worth a thousand dollars! A good piece of jewelry could retail for $1,000's or more.

This month we are going to go into some detail about the care of cattleya orchids

2017-07-20 09:23:13 | 日記

Cattleya Care: a bit more in-depth.

This month we are going to go into some detail about the care of cattleya orchids. These orchids are probably the easiest to care for and like all plants need water, light and fertilizer. Playing some nice music or talking to them doesn't hurt either.

Most of the wild cattleyas grow in rain forests of South America, namely in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Mexico. They flourish in the Andes from altitudes near sea level to high altitudes of 9 - 10,000 feet. These orchids are truly epiphytes or air plants. So, they are used to being partly covered by the canopy of the rain forest and get considerable humidity and bright light to grow.

Being in the forest as noted above they are used to diffuse light all be it bright light. They generally do not have direct mid day sunlight. The bright light helps them to develop hard pseudopods. The pseudopods are the orchids main way to hold water which is so important for their growth and life. It is from the pseudopods that the orchid flowers come from.

Being in the forest and at various altitudes there are a wide range of temperatures that these plants are used to. In the winter and higher altitudes these plants become accustom to temps which can go as low as 50 - 55 degrees in the winter and as high as 80-90 degrees in the summer.

Humidity is the friend to cattleyas. We can understand this from being in rain forests. Most cattleyas do well with being set on humidity trays. These are metal or plastic trays that are filled with pepples and then half full with water. The plant roots cannot sit in water for a long period of time or else they will get root rot. Allow for good air circulation but not sitting in direct aim of an air vent.

Generally, watering twice a week does well during their growth and flowering period and once a week during their period of rest. Cattleyas are orchids that can and should get dry between watering. This aids in the growth of healthy pseudopods. Be sure that the potting medium allow the water to drain out fairly rapidly.

To check to see if a plant needs water stick your finger about 1 inch into the potting material and see if it comes out dry or damp. If dry it needs watering. If damp it may be able to go another day or two without water.

When watering allow the water to flow into the plant and then drain right out into the sink and not into the humidity tray. You can let the water water flow onto the plant for about 20-30 seconds and the pseudopods will get enough water for storage.

If plants are blossom in the winter or spring this means that these orchid plants deserve a rest period of about 6 to 8 weeks. During this time water them about once a week and keep the lighting the same.

If the plants blossom in the summer time no rest period is needed.

Fertilizing should take place about every other week with a balanced formula like 20-20-20. If the plant is flowering you can fertilize with a blossoming mixture with a higher nitrogen factor, e.g. 30-10-10.

With these rather easy steps you will get many years of joy from your cattleya orchid plants.


As soon as the herbs have grown enough leaves to be pinched without affecting their growth

2017-07-18 09:26:29 | 日記

In a container, the roots are stuck in a small space and quickly mine it free of any nutrients, especially if you were going easy on the nutrients to begin with.. The oils in herbs make them special. The plant still needs some food to grow, and when that food runs out you will need to fertalize.

But what if you need your does not like water on its leaves.

If you love fresh spaghetti sauce or pesto, than you've just got to have fresh basil and other herbs all year round! Sure, a nice 1 X 4 window garden getting at least 4 or 5 hours of direct light from a sunny window will give you something to pinch here and there. Basil would take well to the bright conditions under a metal halide, as it is a Mediterranean, sun loving herb. This is usually about 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the herbs.and lots of it? Basil and cilantro need just a bit more light, and really prefer 8 hours or more of direct light each day.

If you feel the top of the soil and it is dry, than you need to water. Very fast growing herbs often grow plain leaves and stems more quickly than they can produce tasty essential oils.

If you really want to keep your plants healthy, I also recommend 10 ml/gallon Thrive Alive B1 and Maxicrop liquid seaweed in every drop of water you give to your plants.

The goal is a vegatative light cycle (18 hours on), with eight or more direct sun or bright artificial light. You need to have containers with holes in the bottom, and you need to add an inch or so of perlite or gravel to the bottom of each container as you transplant. In addition to this if you want fresh pesto, just a pinch here and there is not going to cut it. Whenever the light levels are low, give them a boost.

To keep initial growth rates in control, I use a soil mix with just enough nutrients. Your herbs like their soil to drain fast. What these people really mean is "don't grow your basil too fast" (sorry to pick on basil). Here's what you can do about it. You can grow enough basil for a few servings of pesto now and then, and Emergency Light still have enough always at your fingertips.

Or, with a small metal halide light you would have a larger area with better lighting.

When the herbs have been in any container for ten days or more, you need to begin feeding them. You could surely produce an abundance of any herbs you choose for your culinary and aromatic delights. It is best to water thoroughly, but less often.

It has been said that some herbs grow better, or should be grown in, poor soil..

Feed with half strength nutrient such as Maxsea 16-16-16 every two weeks. You will get your highest essetial oil levels when you harvest at the end of the dark period, assuming you do not leave the lights on 24 hours a day..

As soon as the herbs have grown enough leaves to be pinched without affecting their growth, you can begin using some of the herbs. Gardens with mint, rosemary, bay leaf, savory, oregano, chervil, sand thyme are some of the easiest to grow this way. Mix 2 parts sphagnum peat to 1 part perlite, and than add 20 percent worm castings. Often you will hear "basil grows better in poor soil" or "your basil will taste better if you don't fertalize". Use this mix whenever you transplant. Adjust the Ph of any mix using sphagnum peat moss by adding 2 teaspoons of hydrated lime for every gallon Led High Bay Light of soil mix. Finally, water basil from around the base. However, as you will see in the next two sections, this is all taken into consideration together with the growth habbits of your herbs. Herbs like basil are best when harvested before flowers open. or You can substitute peat with coconut coir or vermiculite, which do not need Ph adjusting. This will help with essetial oil production.

When growing in a container, it is a little different.. Finally, I add 1 tablespoon of kelp meal for each gallon of soil to add plant hormones and to give beneficial micro-orgnisms something to feed on. The B1 is vitamins and root hormones, and the seaweed is trace nutrients and plant growth hormones. Water the container until some water comes out the bottom. Another way is to pick up the container and check how heavy it is. Two or three fluorescent lights above your plants will greatly increase their growth and yield.