

[Two Marines Die in Failed Deep State Arrest]RRN

By Michael Baxter -March 9, 2023


Two United States Marines were killed in an explosion Monday while trying to apprehend a Deep Stater White hats considered a “low risk,” “high value” target, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.


Late last week, U.S. Army Cyber Command forwarded to Gen. Smith’s office a conversation between Ashish Jha, the regime’s Covid-19 Task Force Coordinator, and Lisa Barclay, his deputy. Jha told Barclay he would drive solo from D.C. to Savanah, Georgia, on March 6 for a brief “working vacation” and to contact him only in case of emergency.


Upon reviewing the brief, Gen. Smith arranged for a Marine reconnaissance squad to tail Jha and, when appropriate, make an arrest, for Jha has been on the White Hat radar since mid-2020 when he advocated for a national quarantine while serving as Dean of the Brown University of Public Health. At the time, he had frequent contact with Doctors Fauci and Birx and advised them in an “unofficial capacity,” our source said. On April 5, 2022, Biden appointed him to helm the Coronavirus Task Force.


When Jha left the driveway of his lavish home in the wealthy suburb of Kalorama—he lives on the same street as the Obamas—14 Marines in three civilian SUVs prepared to shadow him along the 574-mile, 9-hour trip to Georgia. Jha took the predicted route, heading south on Interstate 95 in his silver Mercedes AMG sedan. He must have been a stickler for road rules, as he never exceeded the 70-mph speed limit.


Since Jha didn’t leave until 5:00 p.m., the Marines hoped their quarry would grow tired and spend the night at a motel—or at least stop at a gas station to urinate–rather than drive all night. They knew Jha’s Mercedes could travel only 530 miles on a full tank, meaning he would have to make at least one pitstop before reaching Savannah, unless he carried spare cans in his trunk—an improbability. The Marines, too, would have to pause for a fill up, but had numbers on their side; if necessary, one vehicle running on fumes could track Jha while the others refueled.


The Marines trailed Jha on the congested interstate, keeping his Mercedes in sight as they weaved through Virginia and North Carolina traffic, where Jha exited the interstate to top off at an Exxon station in Fayetteville. But the place was crawling with people—motorists, pedestrians, loiterers, and the homeless seeking a handout—hindering the Marines’ chance of grabbing Jha without drawing unwanted attention. He didn’t even ask the clerk for a key to the restroom to take a leak.


The Marines continued the hunt, tracking Jha as he crossed the South Carolina border and pulled into the parking lot of a Days Inn Motel in Dillon at 11:30 p.m. As the lot was vacant on the cloudy, moonless night, the Marines opted to arrest Jha before he could book a room. Two Marine SUVs cut off the front and rear driveways, while the third pinned down Jha’s Mercedes. Jha was five feet away from his vehicle when two Marines with an arrest warrant approached him, informing him that he was being placed under arrest on charges of mass murder.


Jha erupted in laughter, saying, “You don’t even know who we are.” He exploded in a crimson fireball that blew his and the Marines’ bodies to bits throughout the parking lot. The other Marines looked on in horror; Jha, a meek, diminutive Indian who had migrated to the U.S. under questionable circumstances, had taken out two intrepid Marines. Arms and legs and teeth fragments were strewn about the lot, illuminated beneath a single bulb that splashed a narrow cone of light on dismembered bodies.


The Marines sanitized the area after seizing the cell phones of two cigarette-smoking bystanders recording the incident. They were told that speaking of what they had witnessed was a taboo topic, a matter of national security, and would put them and their families in “grave jeopardy,” not from the Marines but from allies of the man who had triggered the explosion.


The Marines brought what remains they could to Fort Bragg, where medical examiners deduced that Jha was not Jha, but a clone in which someone had planted a subdermal detonator connected to HMX explosives.


“We got made,” our source said. “Obviously, the communication leak was a trap to flush us out, and it worked. Two brave Marines died. In war, battles are won and lost; we lost this one.”


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By Michael Baxter -2023年3月9日




先週末、米陸軍サイバー司令部は、政権のコビッド19タスクフォース・コーディネーターである容疑者アシシュ・ジャー(Ashish Jha)と、彼の副官であるリサ・バークレイ(Lisa Barclay)の連絡通話を記録した録音が、スミス将軍事務所に転送されていた。JhaはBarclayに対し、ワシントンDCからジョージア州サバナに向けて単身移動して、短期間「ワーキング・バケーション」を行うので、緊急時のみ連絡するようにと、3月6日予告連絡して伝えていたものだった。























『ホワイトハット軍レーダーに掛かったディープステーターの疑わしいインド系人物アシシュ・ジャー(Ashish Jha)を、海兵隊員が逮捕しようとした。しかし、容疑者を尾行した海兵隊員2名が、3月6日月曜日に、敵の策略の爆発工作に巻き込まれて死亡したという。













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