

[Special Forces Raid Biden Beach House]RRN

By Michael Baxter -January 10, 2023


Not long after a story about classified documents being found at an old D.C. office used by then-Vice President Joseph Biden hit the news, U.S. Special Forces raided one of three Delaware properties owned by the illegitimate president and his wife, Jill, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.


The house was dark and appeared vacant when Special Forces at 2:30 a.m. approached the multimillion-dollar estate from the beachfront side of the property. They disabled a wireless alarm and used glass cutters to remove windows on the lower floor to gain entry, our source added. Having tactically cleared the residence room-by-room to ensure no threats were present, the team began rifling through belongings in search of not only illicitly kept documents, but also proof the Bidens had used the home as a “love nest” to sexually groom, molest, and rape underage children.


“We had sufficient cause to believe unspeakable things happened to children in that home, recently. I can’t elaborate on probable cause now,” our source said.


Although Special Forces found no visible evidence of child sex crimes, they did find a closet full of clothes “a 10-year-old might wear.” The unworn shirts and shorts hung on hangers and still had price and size stickers affixed. The mishmash of kaleidoscopic apparel appeared contemporary, ruling out the possibility that Joe and Jill had years ago bought them for Ashley, Bo, or Hunter. Several pair of child-size sneakers lay on the closet floor, as well as boxed toys like Legos and board games, all unopened, sealed in shrink wrap.


Special Forces seized electronic devices—cell phones, laptops, and an iPad—from the master bedroom. In a night table drawer, they discovered several handwritten journals Jill Biden had authored; the dated entries stretched from July 2012 – September 2022. While leafing through one, the Special Forces officer-in-command came across a perplexing memoir she had penned on April 15, 2021. It was a eulogy—to her husband.


“Sometimes I miss you, but not often anymore. You’re gone but still here, physical manifestations plaguing my dreams and haunting me when I’m awake. So, this is my price, costly. Only death, when it arrives, will finally free me,” part of it read.


A day later she wrote, “One day I’m going to tell the world about him. One of these days I’ll tell the world who O. really is.”


Special Forces, our source said, spent an hour scouring the home, taking what they deemed crucial evidence, before egressing the area. Our source would not share operational details such as how they arrived at or left the beach, and he refused to entertain our speculation. Nor would he say weather the raid was a direct response to yesterday’s news of Biden’s irresponsible handling of classified documents that should have been surrendered to the National Archives years ago.


Unlike President Trump, then-Vice President Biden had no authority to declassify documents of national importance. That power resides in only the President of the United States.


Our source said U.S. Army Cyber Command will review the seized laptops, and that he’ll provide updates when appropriate.[end]




マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年1月10日


ジョセフ・バイデン副大統領(当時)が使っていた古いワシントンD.C.のオフィスで、機密文書が見つかったという話がメディアでニュースになっていた。それから間もなくして、非合法不正大統領とその不正妻ジルが所有する3つのデラウェア州にある不動産の1つを、米軍特殊部隊が急襲したと、Eric M. Smith将軍事務所関係者が、リアルローニュースに語った。




「あの家では最近、児童たちに言いようのない出来事が起こっていた 」と信じるに足る十分な根拠があったのである。今はその理由を詳しく説明できない」と、我々の情報筋は語った。




特殊部隊は、主寝室から携帯電話、ノートパソコン、iPadなどの電子機器を押収した。ナイトテーブルの引き出しからは、妻ジル・バイデンが執筆した手書きの日記が、数冊発見された。日付の記入項目は、 2012 年 7 月から 2022 年 9 月まで続いていた。そのうちの1冊を読んでいた特殊部隊司令官は、彼女が2021年4月15日に書いた不可解な手記に行き当たったのである。それは、夫への弔辞だった。




その1日後、日記にはこう書かれていた。「いつかO(影武者バイデン)の真実を世界に伝えようと思う。いつかOが誰なのか、正体を世に明らかにするだろう 」と。









『[ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)]によると、ジル・トレイシー・ジェイコブス・バイデン(: Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden , 1951年6月3日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の(不正選挙で当選したとされる)第47代アメリカ合衆国副大統領ジョー・バイデンの2番目の妻である。夫のジョー・バイデンが第46代アメリカ合衆国大統領へ(不正選挙により当選)就任した事により、2021年1月20日からアメリカ合衆国の(不正妻)ファーストレディである。










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