

[FBI Engaging in “Civil Asset Forfiture” on Trump Supporters]RRN

By Michael Baxter -March 1, 2023


As Fox News host Brett Bair lobbed softball questions at FBI Director Christopher Wray in a Tuesday evening interview, tacitly applauding his imaginary accomplishments, agents under Wray’s instruction were waging a vindictive financial war on conservatives opposing the criminal Biden regime.


The White Hat partition of the U.S. military said the FBI—assisted by local law enforcement in Red states—has targeted Trump supporters using a practice called “civil asset forfeiture,” whereby unconstitutional laws allow law enforcement to seize property, money, or assets if police merely believe it is connected to criminal activity. Police do not have to file charges or even prove guilt in these cases before seizing and keeping property, and there is no limit to what police can take. Federal forfeiture law gives law enforcement a strong monetary interest in asset seizures. Under the Department of Justice’s equitable sharing program, state and local law enforcement that turn over seized property to the federal government can pocket up to 80 percent of the forfeiture proceeds. Additionally, federal law does not require collecting or reporting data on state, local, or federal seizures.


Cops call it a valuable tool to curb drug and gun trafficking. Constitutional lawyers, on the other hand, say civil asset forfeiture laws promote “legalized theft.”


“It’s discriminately policing for profit,” said Master Chief Bradley D. Earl of the U.S. Navy’s JAG Law Program. “A victim is presumed guilty and must prove his innocence to reclaim property and cash—drawn out litigation the average person can’t afford. And now we have substantive proof the feds have recruited law enforcement in conservative states to hunt supporters of President Trump.”


He added that JAG and the Office of Military Commissions learned of the uptick of civil asset forfeitures from FBI “5th Columnists,” a growing number of agents who have disavowed the regime and sworn to topple Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray’s criminal enterprise. Command Master Chief Earl referred Real Raw News to a “5th Columnist” who agreed to comment under the promise of anonymity.


He recounted two situations where the feds aided crooked cops in Blue-run Texas cities.


On February 5, 64-year-old Dilbert Cummings, a retiree who had just sold his successful plumbing business, was driving his Ford F-250 along State Highway 35—a major thoroughfare—when an Austin Police Dept. patrol car stopped him for violating Texas’ license plate frame law, claiming his rear plate was “obstructed.” A splash of mud obscured a single number. The officers commented on bumper stickers and window decals—Trump 2024, I Stand With Trump, Drain the Swamp, Carry Like It’s 1776, God Bless America, We the People, You can Pry My Rifle from My Cold, Dead Hands, etc.—and asked Cummings if he planned to vote Trump in 2024.


Mr. Cummings asserted his Constitutional right to remain silent, saying he didn’t answer questions, though he did provide his license, registration, and proof of insurance. The cops then noticed an AR-style rifle hanging from the rear window of the truck–Texas has no laws regarding carrying long guns (rifles or shotguns) in motor vehicles. But the cops reportedly said, “If you like guns, you must love Donald Trump,” then asked if Mr. Cummings had any cash or drugs in the vehicle and requested permission to search it.


Mr. Cummings invoked his 4th Amendment right, which supposedly protects U.S. citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. His Constitutional knowledge irritated the police officers, who detained him while they summoned a K-9 unit to check the vehicle for narcotics. When the dog and handler arrived 20 minutes later, they were not alone. A tan sedan with a pair of FBI Special Agents parked behind the K-9 officer’s cruiser. They all spoke in hushed tones before the dog handler walked the Canine around Mr. Cumming’s truck. Naturally, the dog alerted, and as the feds stood in the background, the cops ransacked the truck, tossing Mr. Cummings’ belongings on the side of the road. They found a “WWG1WGA” sticker in his glove box and asked whether he was one of “those people.” The Austin police continued thrashing the vehicle and found seven 1 oz. gold bars in the center console. They showed the gold and the sticker to the feds, who nodded but said nothing.


The cops told Mr. Cummings that his truck, the rifle, and the gold would be seized until he proved in a court of law that he was not involved in the buying and selling of illicit drugs. His protestation fell on deaf ears; he said he had converted cash to gold because it was a “safe asset” and was bringing it to his daughter in Dallas, who needed the funds to close the sale on a new home.


He was left standing on the highway as a wrecker towed his vehicle. No narcotics were found.


“The FBI sees Trump as a great threat, and demoralizing his base is seen as an enormous success,” the FBI informant said. “Wray is behind it all, and he hates Trump so much he’ll go after anyone he can get that’s on Trump’s side. He’s obsessed with Trump. He’s a maniac.”


On February 22, twelve FBI agents dressed in tactical gear and armed with automatic rifles descended on the home—a doublewide trailer on 20 acres of land—of an elderly couple who had hung “Dark Brandon” and “Trump-Lake 2024” banners on the fence encircling their Houston property. The FBI despots tore down the anti-Biden and pro-Trump flags before illegally trespassing on the property and shooting dead the homeowners’ dogs. They accused the couple in their 70s of flying drones over federal buildings, saying they had probable cause to enter the home sans warrant. The feds found and seized $63K in cash, the couple’s life savings, because the husband and wife couldn’t prove the money didn’t profit from drug sales.


The couple said they owned no drones and had no idea what the FBI was talking about, but that didn’t matter. They were told to fight in court but warned doing so might put them on “additional lists.”


Our JAG source said, “This is happening widely right now. If you support Trump, you have crosshairs on your back. Biden has sanctioned this. They’re going after anyone they can find—it’s hateful vengeance against anyone still support

ing President Trump. We’re working to shut this shit down, but we can only be in so many places simultaneously.”


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マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年3月1日号






地方のFBI警官による取り締まりは、麻薬や銃の密輸を抑制するための貴重な手段だと当該の法律は建前を唄っている。しかし一方、憲法学者は、民事資産没収法が 「合法化された窃盗 」を違法に促進する憲法違反の内容だと言う。




彼は、JAGと軍事委員会事務局が、FBIの「第5列主義者」(現政権を否定し、DSのメリック・ガーランドと闇FBI長官クリストファー・レイの犯罪組織を打倒すると誓った正義の捜査官の数が日増しに増えている)から、多発している民事資産差押え件数の上昇を知ったのだと付け加えた。アール司令部長は、匿名を条件にコメントすることに同意した 「5thコラムニスト」を、リアル・ロー・ニュースに紹介しました。




2月5日、64歳のディルバート・カミングス氏は、成功した仕事の配管工事を売却したばかりの退職者で、主要幹線道路である州道35号線に沿ってフォードF-250を運転していたところ、オースチン警察のパトカーが、彼の後部プレートが「邪魔だ」と難癖を付けて、テキサス州ナンバープレート・フレーム法違反(※軽微な違反)で彼の車を止めたのである。泥が飛び散って、ナンバーが一つ見えなくなっていたからという、ただそれだけの小さな容疑だ。警察官はバンパー・ステッカーやウィンドウ・ステッカー(Trump 2024, I Stand With Trump, Drain the Swamp, Carry Like It's 1776, God Bless America, We the People, You can Pry My Rifle from My Cold, Dead Hands など必須プレート)についてコメントしてから、2024年にトランプ氏に投票する予定があるかどうかを、カミングス氏に飛躍質問していたという。




カミングス氏は、不当な捜索や押収から米国民を保護するとされる憲法修正第4条の権利を宣言し述べ、ただちに発動した。するとその警察官は怒ってカミングス氏を拘束し、その間に[K-9捜査官]を呼んで、車内に麻薬がないか否かを調べさせた。20分後、犬と捜索ハンドラーが到着すると、やって来たのは彼らだけではなかった。闇FBIの特別捜査官を乗せた茶色のセダンが、K-9捜査部隊のクルーザーの後ろに停まっていたのだ。犬のハンドラーにカミング氏のトラック周辺を歩かせる前に、彼らは皆、ひそひそ声で内緒話していたという。当然、探索犬は警戒した。闇FBI捜査官が背後に立つと、捜査警官はトラック内を物色し始めて、カミングス氏の持ち物を道端に突然投げ捨てたという。室内グローブボックスから、トランピストの持つ「WWG1WGA 」ステッカーを見つけ出したのである。そして彼が「あの人たち (トランプ派連中)」の仲間なのかどうかを、怪訝に尋ねたのである。オースチン警察署員がさらに執拗に車を取り調べ、車内センターコンソールから、1オンスの金塊を7個発見したという。彼らは金塊とステッカーを闇FBI捜査官に見せたが、その闇FBI捜査官は頷いたものの、その時は何も言葉を出しませんでした。















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