The Lonely Writer

The Lonely Writer

Kingsman The Golden Circle Will be releasing in Chinese Cinema On The Same day

2017-09-13 07:25:03 | 日記
Kingsman The Golden Circle Will be releasing in Chinese Cinema On The Same day
The cast is fun, if not total ecstasy. The young artists of Theron Edgerton and Sophie Cookson have proved themselves well; I think this is a great start in a big movie. On other roles, stars of world size settled down, who tried on an unusual role, which, incidentally, turned out very, very high quality. Colin Firth of the heartthrob melodram turned into a gentleman, who in case of what can and the muzzle, oh, forgive, a person to fill and put people in the place completely devoid of decency and sense of tact. Particular respect is due to the fact that Colin performed most of the tricks himself. (By the way, thanks to his talent and dedication, he took an honorable place on the shelf with his favorite actors). Mark Strong quite naturally looks in the image of the coordinator, and not the villain / magician (the right to emphasize). Frankly, I was subdued by Samuel L. Jackson. To create such an amazing villain who suffers from hemophobia, lisps, at the same time evokes hostility and laughter, and besides is a global threat, one must be able to do it! Oh, yes, it was extremely surprising to meet Mark Hamill, and even the image of a shy professor, not the savior of an entire galaxy.
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