The Lonely Writer

The Lonely Writer

What is Tilt in poker and how to avoid it?

2020-04-09 00:01:12 | 日記

Poker is one of the most famous games in casinos. It is played by millions of people and we all know the reason. It is so exciting to play that you will never lose your interest in it. There are a lot of wagering games, obviously, but poker comes on the list of the best ones. This game is famous and the internet has played a huge part in it. Online poker really did a great job in connecting this game with its players and we all know how easy it is to access the game and play it.

In fact, with the help of online poker games, not just the number of players has increased but the number of new players has also increased. Here is one thing about every poker player. It doesn't matter if the person is experienced or a newbie, he/she will always want to get the best results and win. But there are a lot of things that can limit the chance of this and our emotions are one of those. You must be thinking of how emotions can affect this game.

Well, this is true and the effect is obviously negative. Poker is a wagering game and while playing it, the player can get high and this would make him/her bet more and more and also win more and more. But this is not the case with everyone. No one can win every bet and sometimes this can be really frustrating. We completely understand that losing your money is something that no one wants. But guys and gals let us face it, if you are wagering, then you should prepare for the worse. Emotions can make sure to stop thinking in the right direction and the person will start taking the worse decision.

This is what is called tilting. This is one of the worst and serious problems that can really flush your money. It is better to get control over your emotions and keep your mind on the right track. Tilting closes the door of thoughts and you will not be able to think in the best way and this will affect your decision-making skills which are the most important skill in wagering. You can meet some serious misfortune if you will not get hold of your emotion and that's why it is important to be cool and relaxed while playing this game.

It is better to just play the game of poker gambling in isolation and peace so that you can have your mind under control and that's why we would highly recommend you visit a good gambling website that can help you get rid of the chance of tilting. For this matter, would be one of the best websites to visit. It is very important to visit only trusted websites that can help you get the best experience and also since there are so many fraud and scam websites out there with the purpose of eating your money, you should take special care of it.

Places where you can spend your itunes gift card

2020-04-01 02:58:38 | 日記
iTunes gifts are amazing, they let us enjoy so many things at less rate and many times for free. As the name suggests (iTunes gift card), you must be thinking that these cards can only be used in the iTunes app. You are wrong! These gift cards can be used for many other applications like the App Store and the iBooks store. This means the usage of these cards is not limited just to iTunes. How can you use these cards? Don't worry as we are here to help you. In this article, we are about to tell you some of the places where you can spend your iTunes gift cards.

There are applications for so many things, for live streaming, online chatting gaming and so much. In the App Store, there are millions of applications that are free but some apps cost money to install. Those apps are usually the one that excites you the most as you can use them. But guess what? Now you can. iTunes gift cards let you install paid apps which means you can finally use those applications and explore them. Be it listening to music, watching videos or taking photos, the App store has something for everything. So go ahead and enjoy

We all are a sucker for games. This industry has expanded so much that you can so many games in the App store of your interest. Each and every genre is in the App store be it a thriller game of horror. If you found any game which you would love to play but is paid, you don't have to scroll down and look for a similar game that is free. You can get exactly that game and iTunes gift cards can help you. These gift cards allow you to buy some of the games for free of cost in App stores

Movies and web series 
Movies and TV shows are the best sources of entertainment. These days more than the actual TV, web series are trending as you can watch them anywhere at any time and all you need is a phone. With iTunes gift cards, you don't have to spend any money from your pocket as you can watch movies and web series for free or at a much cheaper rate.

These were some of the things/places on which you can use the iTunes cards (which means أستخدام بطاقة آيتونز) . If you have any of it and don't know what to do, you can use it to get so many things as mentioned above. 

Dice Evolution History

2020-03-25 19:06:27 | 日記
"God does not play dice with the universe." Mysticism, history, poetry, science are united by one thing - so ancient that its evolution is connected with the evolution of all mankind: the dice.
Epochs and civilizations changed, the appearance of dices changed, but the essence remained the same - a person plays with the unknown with the help of a small man-made polyhedron and some signs indicated on its sides.
The result of such a game will be as honest as the dice themselves. The latter are honestly made: each face should have an equal chance of being at the top. The condition, as it seems, is obvious - however, this was not always the case. If you look carefully at an ancient dice the question immediately arises: didn’t they worry over the centuries that the players and their money were entrusted to these crooked contraptions? When and why did everything change? What happened in the history of mankind?
Yelmer Irkens and Alex de Vogt, American anthropologists of Dutch origin, not only put these questions, but were able to offer some answers. Fortunately, the sphere of interests of both scientists is not limited to one specialty: Yelmer Irkens - professor of anthropology at the University of California Davis, an archaeologist and a certified computer engineer; Alex de Vogt is an employee of the American Museum of Natural History, an anthropologist, linguist, ethnographer and specialist in ancient board games.
The result of the joint work is a very interesting study “Evolution of Dice from the Romans to the New Age in the Netherlands”.
Dice from the archaeologists’ point of view are relatively rare and random findings. They hardly come across during excavations of dwellings, but can suddenly “come up” when studying ancient dumps and garbage heaps. They are rarely found in burials, but they can be found on the surface of the cemetery land. As a result, dice are difficult to date. For several years, the American Dutch searched for material for their research, examined hundreds of copies in various museums and vaults, and as a result, 110 dices from different eras, starting from the ancient Roman, were selected. Almost all of them were found in the Netherlands and all match two conditions - the bones are precisely dated and have the shape that later turned out to be the most popular and successfully survived to our days: a cube with six labelled faces, the so-called Dice-6 or just D6.
Bones of this shape appeared in the 3rd millennium BC in Southwest Asia, but the Roman conquerors first brought the “cubes” to Holland when, around 55 BC, the troops of Julius Caesar occupied the lands in the south of modern Netherlands.
The fact of such a “cultural import” is not surprising: it is known that the Romans were passionate dice and backgammon players (in Rome they were called the “game of twelve characters” and “tabula”). The well known expression “Alea iacta est!” is attributed to Julius Caesar - in literal translation it means “the dice is thrown”: alea is one of three dice for playing backgammon, which can also be used for gambling dice.
Another thing is surprising: according to the authors of the study, despite the popularity of the game in Ancient Rome (craps continued to be played even despite severe prohibitions), there was no standard for the most important detail: the actual dice. The Romans made them from almost any available materials - glass, bronze, copper, lead, silver, wood, stone, bone, antler, clay etc. The impression that the ancient Roman cubes are cubic is deceptive. Asymmetrical faces, carelessly sanded sides with hollows and tubercles, crooked corners - and any irregularities affect how the bones lie on the playing surface and, ultimately, what result will fall out.
Nowadays it’s hard to understand why that was allowed. For some reason, the ancient Roman players were not worried about the inferiority of the main attribute of the game. Perhaps they believed that the result of the throw is determined by higher forces, for which such a trifle as curved side cubes does not matter. In any case, this explanation is offered by the authors of the study.
The dice of the Renaissance epoch reflect an obvious desire for uniformity. On the one hand, standardization may be associated with the transition from artisanal to mass production of dice. On the other hand, “the appearance of standard parameters of the die, such as the symmetry of the sides and the arrangement of points, could be one way to make the game more fair, reduce the chances of fraudsters and cheaters in manipulating bones to change the outcome of the throw,” says Yelmer Irkens.
European players for the first time began to realize that the result of the game is governed not by supernatural, but by some other laws. The first mathematical studies of the dices’ behavior were carried out in the 16th century by Italian scientists Girolamo Cardano and Nicolo Tartaglia, then Galileo Galilei.
“In the Renaissance, a new philosophical and scientific world view was born. Scientists such as Galileo and Blaise Pascal began to develop the concepts of chance and probability. From the written sources, we know that in some cases they actually consulted with the players. We believe that dice players also adopted new ideas regarding equal and fair conditions of the game, as well as the concepts of chance and probability,” Irkens explains in a press release on the website of the University of California, Davis. The mysticism that has surrounded the dice for thousands of years has gradually dissipated: faith in providence has given way to awareness of the randomness of what is happening.
Scientists regret that archaeologists do not consider dice to be a significant finding, conducting them in the category "... and other small artefacts." For most of the bones found, not only laboratory research data are missing, but even such elementary “signs of attention” as high-quality photos, measurements and description. There are very few studies on changes in the characteristics of dice by period and region.

Tips to choose online gambling site

2020-03-24 02:36:40 | 日記

Choosing online gambling sites is not a hard task. With proper knowledge and skill, you can successfully do it. With the trend of online gambling, more and more people are joining this platform so that they can get the best option of playing gambling games. it is obvious that since everything is going online, casinos didn’t want to step back and that is the reason they introduced an online platform to us which became a big hit.

Since many people are joining this platform daily, you thought why not share something important that would help would be gambling players. We are to introduce some of the tips that can help you to choose the best gambling websites.

Go through the reviews and select the recommended one

The best part of the internet is that everything is transparent so you can easily get to know about the websites. There are so many forums and online discussions going on in which you can participate to know about the website. There are also reviews left by the players online which can help you to decide whether the website is worth trying or not. Looking for reviews is important for newcomers as they can help you to know more about the website especially when you don’t have any experienced mentor who can guide you.

Select the one with secured payment mode

Payment mode is one of the most crucial factors on which your selecting criteria should base on. You should always make sure that the website has the best and the most secure payment mode through which you can keep track of the payment transaction. Many of the websites which are spam or fraud try to steal your money through an unsafe and secured payment method. GooglePay, Paypal, credit or debit transactions are recommended.

Check the availability of game

So this can go in two ways. A website that has only a single game and a website that has many gambling games available on it. The choice is totally up to you. If you love slots and only like to play it, then you can go for the website which is specialized for slot games online but we usually wouldn’t recommend this. Just because you love a specific game doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance of getting profit from any other games and also, you might get bored of a single game that’s why you should have an option of other games too.

These were some of the tips that you should never forget. The best part of an online website is that you can go online to play the game anytime that’s why go ahead and select one. Some of Malaysia’s leading online casinos are so popular that they are used by millions of players.

Mistakes people make when applying for job in nigeria

2019-12-19 10:23:19 | 日記

A well-settled life is all that we want. For that, a good job is very important. If you are thinking of finding a job in Nigeria then it is not rocket science. There are many jobs and you get the one you want but unfortunately, there are a couple of things that can block your way to a successful career. Getting a job is not a struggle if you know which direction you have to go in.

Many people attempt some huge mistakes while applying for Nigerian jobs. If you are seeking a good work opportunity in the area then there are a couple of things that we don't want you to do and that's why we are here today, We will be telling some common mistakes that most people attempt.

Poor CV and resume

This is on the top of the list for a reason. The first thing that we want to tell you is that your cv or resume is your first impression. If you failed to make a good CV or resume then you have already done a blunder. Now, what to do? The only thing is to make a good CV or resume. It should be informative and visually good. There are two things that we would like to tell you.

  • The first thing that we would like to tell you is that you should never forget to mention all the professional or academic records as this adds points in your favor. Your employer would like to look at the CV that has quality information about you.
  • The second thing that we would like to tell you is that your CV or resume should be very pretty. It should be neat and clean. CV and resume have a lot of elements and you should know how you can place them in the best manner.

Call for interview

Some companies like to do a telephonic conversation because they like to know how a person is when it comes to communication. You need to be ready for that. You should have good communication skills in order to impress the employer on the phone itself.


If you will pass the telephonic interview then it will come to the round of the actual interview and when it happens, you need to make sure about two things. Those two things are dressing style and body language. Dress up formal and make yourself feel confident.