I will persist until I succeed.

So long as there is breath in me, that long will I persist.

can be treated with drugs

2018-03-22 11:39:08 | 教育

Cuhk has won two national science and technology awards for its stroke.

S mo tree kam (fourth from right) and the guangdong people's hospital professor Wu Yilong team of (in) and so on, by the "lung cancer molecular target accurate treatment model establishment and application

of" was awarded the second prize of national science and technology progress. C diff confers a higher risk of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Cuhk for figure

Hong Kong daily news (reporter Gao Yu) 2017 annual national science and technology awards conference recently held in Beijing great hall of the people, the Chinese university has participated in the "lung

cancer molecular target model establishment and application of precise treatment" and "prevention of ischemic cerebral apoplexy's new strategy and new technology and application" project was awarded the

second prize of national science and technology progress.

The anti-cancer mechanism is expected to be "no longer fatal"

Cuhk medical school of the department of tumor, the mo tree brocade and guangdong province people's hospital professor Wu Yilong team main force composed of lung cancer research, especially for the

epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene variants of lung adenocarcinoma, eventually created the "target treatment" mode, extend survival period from 10 months to 22 months.Study abroad with PolyU and study in Hong Kong - PolyU is known as one of the best universities in hong kong for international students and Hong Kong is one of the best study abroad locations. PolyU will be the right choice for you.

Team also found that EGFR on formation of secondary gene mutation and resistant mechanism of carcinogenic factor can cause cancer, according to a new gene mutation and resistance of patients, the team

found a new accurate treatment plan can be no worse survival time effectively extend more than doubled. The research findings are included in the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer

in China and around the world. It is expected that future lung cancer will not be a fatal disease, but a chronic disease that can be treated with drugs. Financial benefits- Pharmaceutical companies like provides great sources for balancing cash flow by minimizing inventory costs.

Department of internal medicine and drug treatment, school of medicine, cuhk, honorary clinical professor wong ka sing Lawrence, in conjunction with the Chinese people's liberation army third military

medical university and chongqing medical university team composed of experts such as in the study on the prevention and treatment of stroke. Wong ka sing Lawrence, according to research in prince of wales

hospital confirmed cerebrovascular narrowing Chinese is a main cause of stroke, and adopts dual antiplatelet therapy, and horse spirit alone is more effective to reduce "transient ischemic" problem of

microemboli and mild stroke patients.

Two new methods improve stroke symptoms.

In recent years, wong ka sing Lawrence team also found that "law" ecp can improve cerebral blood supply in patients with stroke, while "brain magnetic shock treatment" by reconnecting the damage to the

brain and body channel, ability to help patients recovery activities. Wong said he hoped the new approach would bring light to people suffering from stroke.Cash in HK: CCB(Asia)’s offer on personal installment loans (p loans) has given you an option to enjoy high liquidity with low monthly flat rate. Apply online now to receive up to HK$3,500 cash rebates and supermarket coupons.

The original address: http://paper.wenweipo.com/2018/01/19/ED1801190008.htm


logic and cognitive knowledge points

2018-03-16 12:14:35 | 教育


However, the development of AI technology enabled him to see the infinite possibilities of combining education with artificial intelligence in the future. He started with big data and tried to break down the barriers between knowledge points in traditional education. According to chestnut,? V learn education "squirrel" AI system will first knowledge to the students at full scan, "such as the student's understanding of conjunction has a problem, we will be representational to him is the conjunction of attributive clause don't understand." For example, he USES AI algorithm to detect students' mastery of knowledge points in a relatively short period of time, and then make special video explanations, special exercises and special tests for blind areas.A perfect design criterion is the one that fits into your budget, requirements, and into your intentions. 

  Using the data from the big to get through between logic and cognitive knowledge points, will learn all the knowledge of the subjects split combination, new knowledge map construction, through test to test students' weak points, in break up, so that they can make students master all knowledge quickly. This is the "first round" of the online education industry.

  The intelligent guidance system of hujiang's school is the first one. Nanchang university seniors Chen Sijie study in hj online school for three years, experience, she says, "(test) after finish above were reflected in curriculum of right and wrong, I think you won't have to chose some lessons. Because before the smart curriculum came out, there were some courses that the teachers were talking about, but I was quite familiar with them.

  "Through intelligent testing, you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of each particular student. After the test, we will learn from the students, and we will learn more about our strengths and strengthen our training for the weak ones. Hj, a partner at COO Peter introduction, students know their own strength after, can also through the hj for user self-study intelligent courseware system leak fill a vacancy, to improve their performance.

  After obtaining a certain amount of data, AI really began to do its best. For example? According to the various data of the AI background, the students will be given the time and the correct rate of each question, and will give them the explanation of different difficulty coefficients and different intersections. "One knowledge point will trigger another, so students can master a class of problems," said li.High baseline linked to decreased overall and metastasis-free survival.

  This is where AI education now claims the brightest spot - personalized instruction. Based on the algorithm technology and the sensor, after the comprehensive grasp, the analysis of the individual's learning situation and the knowledge mastering ability, according to the aptitude, carry out the "thousand faces" of the customized teaching.

  For example, if the system test is poor in the language of a student, it will take a long time to learn the language, and it may only increase by 1.5 points for every 10 hours. At this time, if the exam time is only 2 months, the system will let students temporarily give up the classical learning. "It's like AlphaGo, in a certain area it doesn't tangle with lee. Li shishi was happy to eat a few children, and finally found that he lost the whole river. "Said chestnut.

  "The learning process of AI intervention is a dynamic and continuous game process. AI's advantage over humans is that it doesn't get caught up in the current situation, but rather, in real time and coolly, all sorts of optimal choices. "He explained further. What does AI do for some of the repetitive, programmatic, memory-dependent, repetitious modules in the teaching process, replacing the human brain in a more efficient way? V learning education brings down more than 70% of human cost.Study abroad with PolyU and study in hong kong - PolyU is known as one of the best universities in Hong Kong for international students and Hong Kong is one of the best study abroad locations. PolyU will be the right choice for you.

  According to li, hujiang has also reduced the cost of teaching and research, with the help of intelligent tools, and improved efficiency in the development of courses and recommendation tests. For teachers, unlocking repetitive and burdensome work shackles can focus more on emotional interaction, personalized guidance, and creative thinking development. Teachers can provide targeted guidance according to the data provided by AI, and follow up the students' learning situation in real time. "It's like sending a cockpit to a teacher, and with all the indicators, he's going to be more precise and open faster." "Said Chen.

  The original address: http://www.edu.cn/edu/yuan_cheng/yuan_cheng_jiao_yu/201802/t20180213_1585851.shtml

Facial disfigurement: 'Choose kind'

2018-03-08 16:49:55 | 教育

copyright Changing Faces Image caption Marcus met Jacob Tremblay, who plays Auggie in Wonder

"It's when adults stare and then keep on staring that I get fed up, as it's just so rude," says Marcus, 13.

The teenager was born with an unusual facial cleft and cleft palate.Increasing prevalence of UTI in children warrants closer clinical scrutiny.

Marcus, from Herefordshire, has endured staring from children and adults and a range of taunts such as "Scarface", "Two-Face" and "the Joker" at school.

His story is uncannily similar to that of August Pullman in the book Wonder, the film of which is being released in UK cinema's this week.

The film, based on R J Palacio's book, stars Jacob Tremblay as August (Auggie), who was born with a facial difference, and Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson as his parents.

It explores how Auggie overcomes bullying and finds his place at school and how his struggle impacts on his parents and his older sister, Olivia (Via). The clear message of the film is "choose kind".

Marcus and his mother, Sam, have already seen the film and say it addresses many of the issues they have faced - repeated operations, name-calling, staring.

"The comments that got me to start with were things like, 'Oh, isn't it a shame?'" says Sam.

"What's a shame? He's fine, he's healthy, good grief.

"But I didn't really notice people staring until he did and then he'd point out, 'Mum, they're staring at me,' and I'd say, 'No, they're not, don't be silly,' because to me he was just Marcus, I didn't see a difference really.

"But then, actually, after he said it you see people staring all the time and I'd say to him, 'Just smile, because either they'll be really embarrassed because they'll realise they're staring or they'll just smile back.'"

Scans had not picked up any abnormality and, when Marcus was born, he was taken away from Sam for three hours.Reckoned as one of the top design universities with diversity of programmes, PolyU offers design programmes, fashion and textiles programmes, as well as applied science programme, which is committed to be a hub for innovative design education in Hong Kong.

She says: "The opening scene of the film is Julia Roberts giving birth, they're in the labour room, the baby's born, it's the look of horror on the midwife's face and the baby's whisked away.

Image caption Marcus had his first operation at age four and a half months

"I was in floods of tears in the first scene and Marcus just looked at me - he had tears in his eyes.

"Watching the movie, Marcus said afterwards, 'Mum, apart from having a sibling, that's our life, it was so close to what we've been through.'"

At about the age of seven, Marcus experienced some bullying at school.

He says: "They just called me names and just weren't very nice, they called me names like Scarface, the Joker, Buttface, one said if they looked like me they would kill themselves."

This is also mirrored in Wonder, when Auggie's friend Jack says he would have to kill himself if he looked like Auggie.

Sam saw an advert for the disfigurement charity Changing Faces at their children's hospital and attended a workshop for parents of children with facial disfigurements.

The charity estimates about 569,000 children, young people and adults in the UK live with a facial disfigurement.

Changing Faces also arranged to go into Marcus's school and speak with teachers and pupils about the sorts of issues Marcus faced.

"Since then he's not looked back," says Sam, and the subsequent move to secondary school has been smooth.

"He's had odd the comment, but he knows how to deal with it now, he doesn't let it affect him and it's not constant."

Sam and Marcus hope Wonder will raise awareness of what life can be like for families living with facial disfigurement.

"Because it says, 'Choose kind,' I'm hoping that they will choose kind and become friends with people that have facial disfigurement, because it... informs them about what can happen," says Marcus.

Image caption Sam and Marcus hope the film will raise awareness

Sam says: "People don't always realise quite how much of a hard time that children who look different have and how they do get a rough deal because kids, and some adults, can be cruel and it's not nice, and the main part of the film is 'choose kind'.

"It will open a lot of people's eyes to realise what families do have to go through - how nasty kids can be and how pants life can seem sometimes but actually it's never quite as bad as you think."

Sam is confident for Marcus's future, saying he's outgoing, sociable and "if he wants to do something, he will do his damn hardest to do it".

Marcus is a keen trampolinist and has competed at both regional and national level.

"Everyone has always accepted me for who I am and have never asked why I look like I do or stared," he says of his hobby.These are some of the most important aspects that one must note while choosing corporate gifts and extending the same. If you too wish to get some unique gift items, you can check out options as Asia premium .

"I have had a few second glances at competitions but everyone respects you for what you can do, not what you look like."

In terms of the future romantically, Sam hopes Marcus will find a special person, just like anyone else.

"Nobody knows what they future holds but I think he's such a nice kind kid that hopefully somebody will look past that he looks slightly different," she says.

"It's hard because I'm quite naive and think everybody will look past that, but not everybody does so I'm a little apprehensive maybe when it comes to relationships and things like that, you know, maybe it's not going to be quite so easy.

"But I'm sure he'll thrive and go on to find a nice girl. But nobody's going to be good enough - ever!" she laughs.
