


2006年02月23日 | Weblog
 怖さを乗り越える +一歩踏み出す = 小さな自信が生み出すこととは?

v(^-^) ★木村のひとりごと★ (^-^)vv(^-^) ★木村のひとりごと★ (^-^)v


 木村 「いいなー 私もそんなかっこいい環境で働きたいわー」

 友人 「そんなええもんちゃうで。周りは人だらけやし。

 木村 「ええっ!・・・よく支えられてるなぁ~」

 友人 「え~? それって、"姉歯的"なこと?


  「はいっ!今日の声はこちらですよ~ \(^∇^*)(*^∇^)/ 」 
   ★成功への道!カナダ留学生 日々の寄せ書き


□  怖さを乗り越える!一歩踏み出す!
 ■ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

 書かれたエッセイが、TESL Canada のサイトに
 学校詳細はこちら ⇒

 ★International Language Institute (Halifax) ★


 ILI は、ハリファックスで唯一、「支店」でない学校。

 このILIに通う、Mariko さんの書かれたエッセイが



 ◆ Growing Up Again

 I’ve been staying in Halifax as an overseas student
 for around 3 months. Now I realize that I’ve been
 changing recently. When I came here I felt that I had
 returned to a child, because I couldn’t do anything by
 myself. For example, I didn’t know how to use Canadian
 coin and how to take a bus. Also I couldn’t communicate
 with people well because of the poverty of my English.

 Although I wasn’t scared of my host mother, I was scared
 of conversation with her. In fact, I immediately lost weight.
 I couldn’t eat much with talking with her, because I was
 too nervous. I could rest from the tension only while
 I was with cats because of no English conversation.

 Also I was scared of the telephone. When I was home
 alone, I wanted to pull the telephone line off, but
 I didn’t. Even though I could pretend to be out, I didn’t .
 I think I really made my host mother’s friends confused.

 In addition, I avoided taking a bus. Fortunately my house
 and my school are very close so I don’t need a bus.
 As a result, unfortunately I became a person who can’t
 take a bus. I was afraid that I might mistake a bus and be
 lost forever.

 I often go to a library in Japan, so I do that here too.
 I could barely get a library card, but the card was available
 for only using the Internet, so I couldn’t borrow books
 and CDs. I needed two IDs for the regular card;
 however, I didn’t know that.

 Like the above, my ability as a pupil, no, Canadian pupils
 were much better than me. Then I strived to solve
 those problems.

 First of all, I tried to tell my host mother the happenings
 which I had outside including school. Of course she knew
 about my school, but she didn’t know well about classes
 and students, so I had to explain that to her clearly.
 Whenever something outside happened to me, I got to
 think how I could describe it for her. Since my host
 mother is patient, she waited for my words, so I had to
 speak until the end. I went on talking every day.
 One day I noticed that I had been relaxing by talking with
 her. Also I told her about my family, friends in Japan,
 my purpose and so on. Then she could understand my
 character well. My weight didn’t return but it’s good for
 me. I can keep my weight. The reason is not nervousness,
 it’s my host mother’s nutritional dishes.

 Second of all, I tried taking the bus. It’s much easier than
 I thought. It’s no wonder, if it was difficult to use the bus,
 nobody would take it. Now I can use the bus and transfer
 to another bus and go to a distant library.

 Third, I got a regular library card. I asked the librarian and
 got the card, asked how to use the computer and how to
 borrow books and CDs, etc. After all, I just feared to do
 something before doing it. If I didn’t understand something,
 I could ask someone and check by myself.
 Now I’m taking a lecture at a library. To be honest, I can’t
 understand it well, because the lecture is too difficult for
 me. However, I go on taking it. Challenge to do something
 is the most important for me.

 Finally, it’s about the telephone. I want to say that I can
 speak well on a phone, but I can’t say that. Although I’m
 not nervous when a phone rings, I can’t speak well. I still
 make people confused on a phone now. Nevertheless, I
 thinkI’ve become a junior high school student now.

 Studying abroad is a big challenge for everyone and the
 effort will change to good or bad depending on ourselves.
 Taking a bus, going to a library, answering a phone, each
 of them is merely a small thing. However, the little
 confidence must make me recognize that I can do
 everything that I want. Tackling without fear can enable
 us to make our life easier.

 Mariko Arai

 ~ Marikoさんからのコメントはこちらから

 ♪ 怖さを乗り越えること、努力すること、
   留学生活を左右するということ とても共感しました!

   これからも、応援しています!! (木村)

☆*:・°【 資料請求はこちらのフォームで 】 ★:*:・°

  「はいっ!今日の声はこちらですよ~ \(^∇^*)(*^∇^)/ 」 
   ★成功への道!カナダ留学生 日々の寄せ書き

☆---- 「成功体質」をつくる カナダ英才留学 ----☆

 ⇒ GETTカナダ留学デスクホームページ
   フリーダイヤル 0120-226-232 

  NPO留学協会認定 RCA海外留学アドバイザー
  米国CCE.Inc、厚生労働省認定 GCDF-Japan キャリアコンサルタントが