防災教育出前授業  英語バージョン Earthquake Drills

2017年05月18日 | English
Today at Fukui Junior High School, we prepared for earthquakes.
We did many drills and activities like:

Earthquake simulation:
Students sit in a room that shakes like an earthquake. The room is in a truck that simulates the shaking of an earthquake.

Person carrying safety:
Students learn how to carry a person safely by folding a blanket around two poles. They use the blanket and poles to carry the students, like using a strecher.

Rope work (knot-tying):
Students learn how to tie different knots that are safe and sturdy.

Fire extinguisher simulation:
Students use fire extinguishers filled with water to knock down fake fire sign.

It was fun doing these activites. It is important to learn these skills.

Gabby`s comment: I was very happy to learn about earthquakes with the Fukui students and teachers.
I was proud of the students, while doing the activities. It was fun. I liked the shaking room and the rope work the best.
