GEDAN:blog@World of Warcraft

World of WarcraftのTIPs、攻略など。管理者:miomio@blackrock&GEDAN

Darkshire@Duskwood(1) 単体QとSven

2005年01月08日 16時51分49秒 | Quest

□[28]Worgen in the Woods(Part1) by Calor
    Kill 6 Nightbane Shadow Weaver worgen (Castep type)
 □[29]Worgen in the Woods(Part2) by Calor
   Kill 12 Nightbane Dark Runner worgen、[59.41](大)・[64.51](小)にキャンプあり
  □[31]Worgen in the Woods(Part3) by Calor
    Kill 8 Nightbane Vile Fang and 8 Nightbane Tainted One worgen(町の南の墓のほう)
   □[31]Worgen in the Woods(Part4) by Calor
    Bring Calor's note to Jonathan Carevin[75.49](交差点の右下の家)

□[23]Sliveries to Sven(同じMAP左上すみにいるSvenにお届け物)
□[21]Eifht-Legged Menaces[45.67]三叉路の角 by Watcher Dotto(Pigmyクモ12匹kill)
□Raven Hill
 □Jitters' Growling Gut
  by Jitters@RavenHoll[18.56]
  □Dusky Crab Cakes by INN,調理場のおっさん[73.43] クモの足6本集める Get:775exp@LV24
    ※「Eifht-Legged Menaces」と一緒にやるといい
    □Return to Jitters(end) by INN,調理場のおっさん[73.43] Goal:Jitters@RavenHoll[18.56] Get:12s、775exp@LV24

[26]Crime and Punishment (Elite) by Councilman Millstipe[71.47]@TownHall  
  Dextren Wardの手を持ってきて。
@The Stockade(SW)

□[25]Look To The Stars(Part1) by Viktori Prism'Antras[79.48]
   Bronze Tube 1個持ってきて。Engeneeringの人に頼むべし。
 □[25]Look To The Stars(Part2) by Viktori Prism'Antras
  □[[25]Look To The Stars(Part3) by Blind Mary[81.59]
    Blind Maryのメガネとってきて。大事にしてたみたい。
    Map右下のお墓エリア、教会内のInsane Ghoul(LV26)から人数分Drop。
   □[33]Look To The Stars(Part4) by Viktori Prism'Antras
     southern ogre mound(Map南、やや西より)のボス、Zzarc'VulからDrop。

□[21]Wolves at Our Heels by Lars[7.35]@The hushed Bank(SlainQ)

□[25]The Totem of Infliction by Madame Eva[75.45]
  10 ghoul fangs, 10 skeleton fingers and 5 vials of spider venom を取ってきて。
□[24]The Night Watch by Commander Althea Ebonlocke
 □[26]The Night Watch by Commander Althea Ebonlocke
  □[30]The Night Watch by Commander Althea Ebonlocke
    kill 20 Plague Spreaders in the eastern Raven Hill mausoleum Get:10slotBAGか12のannmoか矢用のBag

◆Sven's Revenge
□[25]Sven's Revenge by Sven Yorgen[7.35]@The hushed Bank
 □[25]Sven's Camp [7.35]
The Yorgen Farmsteadにいって、畑の奥の土もってあるとこ[49,78]調べる。
  □[25]The Shadowy Figure by Sven Yorgen
   □[25]The Shadowy Search Continues by Madame Eva[75.45] ◎
    □[25]Inquire at the Inn by Clerk Daltry
     □[25]Finding the Shadowy Figure by Tavernkeep Smitts
      □[25]Return to Sven by Jitters(Svenのとこ行くだけ)
       □[28]Proving Your Worth by Sven Yorgen
         Kill 15 Skeletal Raiders, 3 Skeletal Healers and 3 Skeletal Warders@RevanHill墓北
        □[29]Seeking Wisdom by Jitters
          Give Jitters' Completed Journal to Bishop Farthing[39.27]@SW,Catedralの教会
         □[29]The Doomed Fleet y Bishop Farthing
           WetlandsのMenethil Harbor,INNにいるGlorin Steelbrowと話す
          □[29]Lightforge Iron by Glorin Steelbrow
            wreckage of The Flying Osprey(INNの南側の裏にある船上、Chest[12.64]入ってる)を探す。
           □[29]The Lost Ingots by Chest Opening
             Gather 5 Lightforge Ingots, then return to Glorin Steelbrow in the Wetlands.
             Kill Murlocs for the rest of the ingots, it may take some time.

            □[29]Blessed Arm by Glorin Steelbrow
              Take the Crate of Lightforge Ingots to Grimand Elmore@SW,Dwarvn District北西すみ(建物内?)
             □[29]Armed and Ready by Grimand Elmore
                Bring Morbent's Bane to Sven in Duskwood.
              □[33]Morbent Fel (Elite) by Sven Yorgen
                Use Morbent's Bane(ITEM) on Morbent Fel, kill Morbent Fel(Level 35 (Elite) Humanoid ), then return Morbent's Bane to Sven at his camp.
□[35] The Weatherd grave
    KillQ 墓場うろうろしてる 30のRogとPalで殺せる。
   □[35]The Daughter Who Lived
     Watcher Sara Ladimore <The Night Watch>(町の西うろうろ)と話す。
    □[35]A Daughter's Love

□[25]An Old History Book by Rotted One(Mob)
  Milton Sheaf@SW [74.7]へ。
 □[38]Southshore by Milton Sheaf@SW
   Speak with Loremaster Dibbs in Southshore.
   Southshore is the closest town to the Ruins of Alterac.
  □[38]Preserving Knowledge (Elite) by Loremaster Dibbs@Hillsbrad Foothills
   □[38]Return to Milton by Loremaster Dibbs@Hillsbrad Foothills

クモいるとこ 13.59 14.66あたり いずれも川沿い