GEDAN:blog@World of Warcraft

World of WarcraftのTIPs、攻略など。管理者:miomio@blackrock&GEDAN


2005年02月08日 17時48分05秒 | Quest
Griphon[89.45] To:Darkshore、Desolace、Feralas
Caryssa Moonhunter[89.46]

□[46]Escaping the Hive - Zukk'ash Pod
  MAP中央やや左下の蜂(Zorg)の巣内。人を助ける。Q受け取りはGinro Hearthkindle@町
 □[46]A Hero's Welcome - Ginro Hearthkindle
   □[46] Rise of the Silithid - Shandris Feathermoon[30.46]一番大きな建物の奥

□[45]Find OOX-22/FE! - OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon(MobからDrop)
 □[45]Rescue OOX-22/FE! - Homing Robot OOX-22/FE

□[47]Freedom for All Creatures - Kindal Moonweaver Bamboo Cage Key (2)
 □[47]Doling Justice(Part1) - Jer'kai Moonweaver
  □[47]Doling Justice(Part2) - Jer'kai Moonweaver
   □[47]An Orphan Looking For a Home - Jer'kai Moonweaver 
    □[47]A Short Incubation - Quentin@Thousand Needles
     □[47]The Newest Member of the Family - Quentin@Thousand Needles
      □[47]Food for Baby - Agnar Beastamer@The Hinterlands
       □[48]Becoming a Parent - Agnar Beastamer@The Hinterlands

□[47]In Search of Knowledge - Troyas Moonbreeze[31.45]建物内
 □[47]Feralas: A History - Feralas: A History@Teldrassil(受けるの忘れた)
  □[48]The Borrower - Daryn Lightwind@Teldrassil
   □[48]The Super Snapper FX(Elite) - Curgle Cranklehop@Tanaris
    □[48]Return to Troyas - Daryn Lightwind
     □[50]The Stave of Equinex - Troyas Moonbreeze[31.45]建物内
      □[50]The Morrow Stone - Equinex Monolith
□[45]Master of the Wild Leather - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
□[44]Thalanaar Delivery - Undelivered Parcel
□[49]The Giant Guardian - Rockbiter
□[44]The High Wilderness - Angelas Moonbreeze[31.45]建物内
□[46]The Mark of Quality - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
  Thick Yethi Hide 10枚集める。[53.56]辺り。DropItemだがSkinnigでも取れる。
□[43]The Missing Courier(Part1) - Latronicus Moonspear[30.46]一番大きな建物の奥  Ginro Hearthkindle[31.45]と話す。建物2階。
 □[43]Return to Feathermoon Stronghold - Solarsal Gazebo
   上の次に発生。Feathermoon Stronghold[45.66] (これ情報サイトには載ってないみたい)
 □[43]The Missing Courier(Part2) - Ginro Hearthkindle
   海岸にあるボートさがして。[46.64] 海の中に沈んでいる。
   □[44]Boat Wreckage - Wrecked Row Boat[46.64]
     今渡したITEM:ナイフをGinro Hearthkindle[31.45]に持っていって。
    □[44]The Knife Revealed - Ginro Hearthkindle[31.45]
      Quintis Jonespyre[32.44]と話して。
     □[44]Psychometric Reading - Quintis Jonespyre[32.44]建物の上に上ったてっぺん
       Ginro Hearthkindle[31.45]と話す。
      □[44]The Woodpaw Gnolls - Ginro Hearthkindle
       □[46]The Writhing Deep - Large Leather Backpacks

□[50]The Mystery of Morrowgrain - Quintis Jonespyre[32.44]建物の上に上ったてっぺん[32.44]建物の上に上ったてっぺん
□[43]The Ruins of Solarsal - Shandris Feathermoon[30.46]一番大きな建物の奥
 □[43]Return to Feathermoon Stronghold - Solarsal Gazebo[26.52]
   Shandris Feathermoon[30.46]一番大きな建物の奥、に報告。
  □[43]Against the Hatecrest(Part1) - Shandris Feathermoon[30.46]一番大きな建物の奥
   □[43]Against the Hatecrest(Part2) - Latronicus Moonspear
     Hatecrest Naga Scale 10個とってきて。南の島[25.64]辺りにいる。
    □[45]Against Lord Shalzaru - Latronicus Moonsear
      Lord Shalzaru倒して。
     □[45]Delivering the Relic - Latronicus Moonspear
□[51]The Sunken Temple - Angelas Moonbreeze[31.45]建物内
 □[51]The Stone Circle - Marvon Rivetseeker@Tanaris
  □[51]Into the Depths - Marvon Rivetseeker@Tanaris
   □[51]Secret of the Circle - Marvon Rivetseeker@Tanaris

□[55]Tribal Leatherworking - Caryssia Moonhunter
□[49]Wandering Shay - Shay Leafrunner

□[45]Wild Leather Armor - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
□[45]Wild Leather Boots - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
□[45]Wild Leather Helmet - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
□[45]Wild Leather Leggings - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
□[45]Wild Leather Shoulders - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]
□[45]Wild Leather Vest - Pratt McGrubben[30.42]

Blasted Lands

2005年02月08日 17時37分10秒 | Quest
Blasted Lands
Bloodmage Drazial,Bloodmage Lynnore[50.14]
Deathly Usher(死んだ状態で話せる)[48.23]

□[50]A Boar's Vitality - Bloodmage Drazial[50.14]
 □[50]Spirit of the Boar - Bloodmage Drazial[50.14]
□[55]Everything Counts In Large Amounts - Kum'isha the Collector
□[55]One Draenei's Junk... - Kum'isha the Collector 
□[57]Petty Squabbles - Ambassador Ardalan@Blasted Lands
 □[57]A Tale of Sorrow - Fallen Hero of the Horde@Swamp of Sorrows
  □[57]The Stones That Bind Us - Fallen Hero of the Horde@Swamp of Sorrows
   □[57]Heroes of Old(Part1) - Fallen Hero of the Horde
    □[57]Heroes of Old(Part2) - Corporal Thund Splithoof
□[55]Ragnar Thunderbrew (Elite) - Enohar Thunderbrew@Blasted Lands
 □[55]Hurley Blackbreath (Elite) Dun Morogh A 55 Ragnar Thunderbrew
□[50]Snickerfang Jowls - 50 Bloodmage Drazial[50.14]
 □[50]Rage of Ages - 50 Bloodmage Drazial[50.14]
□[50]The Basilisk's Bite - Bloodmage Lynnore[50.14]
□[50]The Decisive Striker - 50 Bloodmage Drazial[50.14]
□[55]To Serve Kum'isha - 55 Kum'isha the Collector
□[50]Vulture's Vigor - 50 Bloodmage Lynnore[50.14]

□[42]Deliver the Shipment - Watcher Biggs@Swamp of Sorrows
□[58]Kirith (Elite) - Fallen Hero of the Horde@Swamp of Sorrows
 □[60]The Cover of Darkness - Spirit of Kirith
  □[60]The Demon Hunter - Fallen Hero of the Horde@Swamp of Sorrows
   □[57]Loramus - Loramus Thalipedes@Azshara
    □[58]Breaking the Ward - Loramus Thalipedes@Azshara
     □[58]The Name of the Beast(Part1) - Loramus Thalipedes@Azshara
      □[58]The Name of the Beast(Part2/Elite) - Lord Arkkoroc@Azshara
       □[58]The Name of the Beast(Part3) - Lord Arkkoroc@Azshara
□[45]Supplies for Nethergarde - Watchmaster Sorigal@Duskwood
□[47]Thadius Grimshade - Gryphon Master Talonaxe@The Hinterlands
 □[47]Nekrum's Medallion(Elite) - Thadius Grimshade@Blasted Lands
  □[47]The Divination - Thadius Grimshade@The Hinterlands
   □[47]Return to the Hinterlands(Elite) - Thadius Grimshade@Blasted Lands
    □[53]Saving Sharpbeak(Elite) - Gryphon Master Talonaxe@The Hinterlands
□[40]The Lost Supplies - Lost Supplies@Swamp of Sorrows(続き物)