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Top 5 Interactive Whiteboards for Business

2017-05-26 16:33:03 | 日記

Top 5 Interactive Whiteboards for Business

You can easily use video conferencing services to conduct live meetings even with the remote attendees, and it gives you the feel as if all of you were present in the same room. However, what when you need all the video conference attendees to be a part of a whiteboard session? Well, no worries, as you can easily find an interactive whiteboard for business use that can help solve this problem. But what is the best interactive whiteboard for business, if this is what you are now wondering then go through the list given below.

1. ExplainEverything

ExplainEverything is a popular interactive whiteboard for business that has more than 4.2 million users. It is a highly interactive whiteboard, very simple to use, and allows you to narrate, annotate, and animate drawings, images, and documents. It is also very easy to export and import almost anything from anywhere using this tool.
Though it was initially designed to be used by educators, the intuitive and simple user interface and the ease with which you can collaborate with many users in real-time has made this tool immensely popular in the business world. If you want the remote attendees of your meeting to be a part of the collaborative session, all you need to do is send them a unique code which the tool will generate for you, and you are good to go. The number of people who can share the whiteboard together depends on the subscription you opt for.

2. RealtimeBoard

RealtimeBoard has been created to make your cross team collaboration experience even better. Once you enter its whiteboard sessions you will feel as if all the attendees are in the same room, no matter how distant a location they may actually be in. The organizers may create a whiteboard and then share it with the attendees of the meeting through a link. Once every participant joins they can see the changes happening in the whiteboard and also get to know who is making these changes with the help of the collaborator cursor. Those who purchase the premium or team account can also create and participate in whiteboard sessions through screen sharing.

3. ezTalks

Your search for the best interactive whiteboard for business is most likely to end with ezTalks. The free video conferencing software has the best interactive whiteboard which helps draw unshaped ideas with highlighter, pencil, and you can use an eraser when needed. You may also capture screen and use many other interesting tools. The reason behind the growing popularity of ezTalks is the ease with which you can use not only its innovative whiteboard but other features too, including instant screen and content sharing, HD audio and video, cross-platform chat, and so on.

4. LiveBoard

LiveBoard certainly deserves a place in this list of the best interactive whiteboard for business. This tool is feature-rich, you get this free of cost, and perhaps this makes it all the more popular. LiveBoard provides meeting organizers and allows you to collaborate with many team members at the same time. It also allows you to access and save many boards from its searchable gallery. Once you save the boards you can anytime share it with anyone via social media or email.

5. Jot

Jot! initially may look like a very simple interactive whiteboard, but it offers great features and ensures a great real-time experience. Using this tool all the attendees can take part in whiteboard sessions by sketching ideas on the board (on their mobile phone) using their fingers, and share it right away with other attendees. You can also save sessions and email them as photos to other members.
Drawing and writing have proven to help increase the ability of a person to think more creatively, retain knowledge, and solve problems easily. As these activities involve your brain in a way that texting or typing does not, a whiteboard session thus can prove to be very beneficial, helping you and your teammates explore new ideas and new ways to make your business grow, and to enjoy more profits. However, while selecting a tool that allows remote attendees to participate in a whiteboard session you need to be careful. Make sure to opt for one that together with being interactive, also allows many users to make real-time changes, as this will make things very convenient for all the participants, and prove to be immensely productive for the entire session.

Disadvantages of Interactive Whiteboards

2017-05-26 16:20:42 | 日記

Disadvantages of Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards can be defined as large white screens which are connected to computers as well as projectors, which allows students and teachers to draw or write on the display. They basically link a computer to a touch sensitive screen and a projector. This means that whiteboards make humans act as input devices that control the functions of the computer through a touch screen. Whiteboards provide teachers with the opportunity to interact and communicate with students on a much higher level and this significantly fosters the learning process. This is what makes them ideal for education settings. An example of where you can get a high quality interactive whiteboard is on the video conferencing software -ezTalks Cloud Meeting
Even though whiteboards provide interactive capabilities and visual learning opportunities, they are associated with certain disadvantages. They have a number of disadvantages of whiteboard which impede the learning process inside of classrooms. Some of the notable disadvantages of interactive whiteboards include the following:

1. Time Requirements

Interactive whiteboards assist teachers to explain most concepts in effective ways that are bound to capture the attention of students. However, the design and preparation required for such lessons needs a lot of time. This is because teachers must carry out research, evaluation, interpretation, installation and maneuver the software programs that help in the use of the whiteboards. It is because of this reason that some teachers still prefer to use the good old fashioned textbooks.

2. Insufficient Training

Teachers who have not undergone adequate training with regard to the proper use of whiteboards often encounter challenges using them. This is because they find them to be very complicated and troublesome. This can cause frustration to teachers and they therefore end up not utilizing their full potential. This can also reduce the teachers'morale as they fear embarrassment in front of their students as they struggle to operate the interactive whiteboard.

3. Size Limitations

Short students and young students often experience trouble in reaching the interactive whiteboard's top portion. Teachers employ stools and stepladders to help with such situations but this always poses a risk of injury due to falls. Furthermore, educators try to lower the projection but there is always less room on the interactive whiteboard on which to complete tasks. The students who sit at the back of the classroom might struggle viewing the interactive whiteboard over the heads of the front-row students. In addition, interactive whiteboards are not a long as wall-length chalkboards, this means that teachers cannot leave weekly tasks or homework assignments on them for the long term.

4. Projection Problems

The lighting conditions ought to be right in order for students and teachers to utilize interactive whiteboards. This is because some students can experience some glare from sunlight or interior lights that is reflecting on the screen. There are students who might also experience trouble in reading diagrams, images or fonts which are smaller compared to the standard blackboard chalk writing. In case the power goes out or if the computer battery goes low, the teachers might temporarily lose the projected content. Interactive whiteboard screens which are damaged makes it challenging to effectively project effectively and consequently read the content. Repairs and replacements that are done on the boards are exorbitant.

5. Remote Access Problems

There are educators who allow and encourage classroom discussions as well as permit data entry. For instance, teachers might permit students to freely interact on the interactive whiteboard with the use of their personal computers. This normally results in mixed signals, on-screen nonsense and an overload of inputs. In addition, teachers might have issues if students utilize their remote access off-task drawings or messages that are inappropriate to the screen. This can lead to unnecessary disruptions.

6. High Cost

The largest disadvantage of using an interactive whiteboard is that they are quite costly. It costs many times more compared to the traditional whiteboard. In addition, there are extra costs for accessories and installation. There is also training costs incurred so that those who are going to use the system are competent enough to do so.
Regular troubleshooting and maintenance especially for advanced types of interactive whiteboards is expensive to carry out. The high cost of interactive whiteboards mostly affects non-profit organizations and some schools.

7. Eye Health

Continuously staring at the screen of interactive whiteboards especially in dark areas can negatively affect eyesight by straining the eyes. This is disadvantageous as an individual will have to seek medical attention for the treatment of their eyes and that will incur some charges.

8. Touch Sensitive Limitations

Interactive whiteboards are touch sensitive and this can be a major limitation to its use at times. This is because it might fail to be sensitive enough. This can be quite frustrating to the user such as a teacher in a classroom setting as it will interfere with the lesson plan.

9. Sound

At times the speakers of interactive whiteboards may not be loud enough and this means that students who are sitting at the back of a classroom may fail to properly hear thus lose concentration. This is not good at all because they miss out on the primary reason that brought them to school i.e. learning.

10. Data Distortion

A major benefit of interactive whiteboards is their ability to facilitate simultaneous data entry from several points. However, some of them can distort or jumble information that is coming from multiple input devices simultaneously. This might end up being quite messy and the data might lose meaning. 


It should be noted that the above disadvantages of interactive whiteboards are not exhaustive. The interactive whiteboard is among the top technological tools which have become widely used by numerous school teachers in different countries e.g. video conferencing software - ezTalks Cloud Meeting. It has been proved to enhance learning for students and greatly improves the effectiveness of teachers. Also if you want to know some advantages of interactive whiteboards, you can click here. 

ezTalks: Check Out 7 Skype for Business Alternatives for The Best Suitable

2017-05-26 09:24:39 | 日記

What Is Skype for Business?

Since 2003, Skype has been the primary tool for online meetings for over a decade now. After Microsoft's purchase of Skype in 2011, Skype for Business was launched to replace their original offering. Microsoft is increasing its efforts to integrate Skype with their Office 365 products in the business software/services marketplace. So it's a natural fit for many entrepreneurs, but what is Skype for Business? And does it really suit a fast-growing small enterprise?

Skype for Business provides communication services on many platforms, not just the desktop. It integrates basic chat services, HD video, and phone call capability for both incoming and outgoing calls in a familiar Skype wrapper. The desktop software creates virtual conferencing places where the team comes together across a variety of platforms and software.

Of course, it is linked to Microsoft's Office tools as well, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook for calendaring. Outlook calendars are the key ingredient, allowing users to set their current status and availability, so meetings can be coordinated properly across time zones. PowerPoint slides can be presented online, too. Document sharing for financial spreadsheets, legal documents and contracts, etc. is also easily facilitated by the software. The instant messaging and collaborative whiteboard options create options for brainstorming, problem solving and discussion, as well as collaborative editing through the Office suite.

skype for business alternative

Why Does Skype for Business Fall Short?

Skype for Business has issues that will force many small businesses to reconsider its use within their organization, especially if you're relying on teams in two of the biggest markets in the world. In China, clients are expected to install a modified version which monitors all text messages and voice calls, even from outside China. So sharing sensitive topics, IP security, and technical documentation with local clients in China represents a real threat to companies who may find their important communications ending up in competitors' hands. In India, it's no longer possible to originate Skype calls to landlines or mobile so contacting people via Skype for online meetings is difficult unless everyone is using their data connections.

For technical issues, users also report logging-in glitches, sharing screen failures, non-message delivery, slow attachment upload, slow software start-up times, resource-hogging on the host computer, to name but a few. For small companies who don't have an IT team on-call the software presents real challenges, even on the Mac desktop.

7 Skype for Business Alternatives

So what's a busy executive to do? Well, this article will introduce seven alternatives to Skype for Business: Google Hangouts, ezTalks Cloud Meeting, Facebook Messenger, Apple's FaceTime, join.me, TrueConf and Appear.in. Is any of them a suitable Skype Business alternative? Read on.

1. Google Hangouts

For everyone who uses Gmail, Google Hangouts resides in the bottom left of the main screen. For iOS and Android phone users, there are apps available in the relevant app store that can be installed. There is also a web page service that connects to the browser for cross-platform connections. Non-Chrome browsers will need an extension. On handsets, Google Duo replaces the Hangouts apps. Hangouts provides three ways for connecting with people: chat messaging, phone calls, and Goolge video conferencing callwith up to 10 users. Chat messaging and video conferencing call can be set up for multiple recipients.

Hangouts limits interaction via phone networks, so there is no way to have a group call over a phone network, nor can a phone caller participate in meetings. This is a real problem if you are trying to host an online meeting where internet connectivity is poor, but the telephone network is solid. Additionally, there are no real capabilities to schedule, manage or record online meetings. All in all, if you're looking for a Skype for Business alternative client, keep reading.

skype for business alternatives

2. ezTalks Cloud Meeting

The second option that we look at is ezTalks Cloud Meeting which is video conferencing software which allows users to host or join any online meeting. The portability of the software means that users can create a meeting on a mobile device wherever they are. Simplified login from the Facebook or Google account means that user never have to worry about forgetting that password. 

Users are served with professional grade features for scheduling online meetings and sending reminders even across time zones. ezTalks Cloud Meeting provides users with a wide range of meeting management tools that: manage speakers and invitees; share desktops and documents, make online presentations, make annotations, and use interactive online whiteboards and allow participants to record and review proceedings.

Chat, HD video and phone calls are integrated across all major platforms. The meeting host and participants have access to granular controls for video with pinch to zoom, screen rotation, and private chat inside/outside the main meeting room.

ezTalks Cloud Meeting also provides the most generous free plan for up to 100 people with unlimited meetings. ezTalks Cloud Meeting is available on all major platforms and via browser. The communication is encrypted as well for high-grade security. But for the fast growing company, it's the only alternative to Skype for Business that allows for massive meetings on its paid plans. The Pro Package allows for 500 participants, and the Entreprise Package can scale right up to 10,000 in-meeting participants.

alternatives to skype for business

3. Facebook Messenger

Messenger is slowly evolving into something that is a part of the Facebook family of apps, but with its own distinct identity. As a way to reach friends and family, it is an effective platform wherever they are online. Recent additions have boosted its capabilities, including HD video, call out to landlines, and group call. In Japan, Facebook even functions as a business tool among business people.

But there are a number of obstacles to using Messenger for business meetings. First, not everyone likes to mix the personal with business, business people may not be willing to share their personal Facebook details with employees, contractors or customers. Security is also an issue: shared documents that are confidential could be delivered outside the closed network through deliberate or accidental means. It's also not possible to schedule meetings, share whiteboards, or record proceedings. In all, it's just not a practical Skype Business alternative.

alternative to skype for business

4. join.me

Join.me is part of the LogMeIn family of team collaboration software. It is a meeting and online collaboration system that uses the freemium model for providing services. The base service is its desktop app, which connects to mobile apps for the most popular mobile services. Ideal for webinars, screen sharing tools make it possible, but annotation, passing, recording and sharing webinars are all part of the premium plans.

Simplicity is its focus: ease of meeting set-up, invitations and notifications helps speed users along. No complex software installation is needed, either. Free plans are limited to 10 attendees, 5 video streams, screen sharing and internet-based calling. The Pro plan raises this to 50 attendees with 10 streams, but it adds audio conferencing, meeting management tools and a productive feature set. There is now a third-tier, which enhances the available tools with 250 attendees.

For getting started, join.me is one of the easiest tools, but a fast-growing company will easily outgrow its service. Additionally, reports of crashes and problems with the audio setup, operation and administration of join.me accounts all hinder its adoption as a great Skype alternative for business everywhere.

skype business alternative

5. Apple FaceTime for iOS/Mac

Apple's own entry to online video conferencing is called FaceTime. It's a high quality experience for the world of iOS or Mac. FaceTime offers an easy way to connect with users for HD video or audio-only calls on both Wi-Fi networks and mobile networks. The calls are encrypted for security end-to-end and quality is high for both audio and video calls. FaceTime is also available on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

However, its crucial limitation is that you cannot connect with the hundreds of millions of non-iOS users out there. There is no way to make either a video or audio-only call to any Windows, Linux or Android user via the FaceTime platform. Currently, FaceTime also doesn't offer a group video chat feature either. So hosting any kind of team meeting is impossible. Meeting scheduling, recording, whiteboards, screen sharing, etc. are all currently impossible, too. FaceTime is just not a powerful Skype Business alternative for video conferencing tool for the professional user.

skype for business alternative client

6. TrueConf

TrueConf is another desktop-based video conferencing solution that aims to bring the desktop together with the cloud and mobile world for video conferences rooms, and workplaces. TrueConf provides an array of co-working tools to chat, record, present, and share the meeting space right on the desktop or laptop. Not only does it work cross-platform, it also integrates tightly with their server software and conference terminal. Flexible in its choice of layouts, and video resolution up to 4K, TrueConf requires a download to get started. It is simple to set up and use. Login is available via a number of social networks as well as direct login.

A few niggles have been exposed in its operations, including the limit to one device per login user which means that you cannot listen simultaneously on your computer and on a mobile device because one login is permitted only. Users should also note that the free plan is truly hobbled: only video conferencing calls up to 3 users is supported. The power comes in the TrueConf Server edition with conferencing up to only 250 members suggesting that it is a contender as a serious alternative to Skype for Business.

skype alternative for business

7. Appear.in

Appear.in offers a simple way to create an web video conference right on the browser window. Then, the host welcomes guests via the room code. Meetings can be held on the fly without creating a permanent room, or claimed by the meeting host. All chat is currently using the peer-to-peer model. Shared screens are added via a browser extension for popular browsers. No downloads are necessary for the browser-based apps to work because Appear.in supports WebRTC. The freemium model also applies here, with 8 concurrent video chats for the trial version, and 12 for the premium model.

There are limitations: no phone call capability; because of peer-to-peer connections, users will need fast network connectivity and a powerful computer for processing so much video, and Mac users have to install a separate desktop browser, because Safari is not supported. Otherwise Appear.in supports Chrome, Firefox and Opera on all platforms, with iOS via an app. Appear.in premium is still in beta-stage, so features required by business users are still in development. If business users require stable services, then perhaps Appear.in should not be in your list of alternatives to Skype for Business any time soon.

alternative for skype for business

So What Tool Is a Real Skype for Business Alternative?

The market space for online video conferencing for business professionals and entrepreneurs is exciting with a lot of options coming to the table, the less professional, everyday solutions quickly show their limitations for commercial usage. FaceTime, Messenger and Hangouts suffer from serious limitations on their technology that make even the free price unpalatable.

Professional Skype for Business alternatives are attractive and provide some degree of professional grade functionality. Only ezTalks Cloud Meeting covers the ground between the startup, fast growing company and small or medium enterprise.

This ability to interact virtually saves every enterprise the travel expenses and human costs by replacing tedious business travel with online video conferences. So, if you need to be in two places at the same time, you should choose ezTalks Cloud Meeting for your Skype for Business alternative client.

From: https://www.eztalks.com

Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong 2017: ezTalks Video Conferencing Technology Wins Appreciation

2017-05-25 16:25:18 | 日記

May 24, 2017 ezTalks Technology Co., Ltd., the global leading video conferencing solution provider, is presenting its best of breed technologies at H50 on 24-25 Mayat Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong, the North Asia’s biggest, best attended cloud and digital event which helps to touch and explore the latest disruptive business technologies for a digital transformation journey.


With over 5,000 technology influencers and 150 leading international exhibitors, the first day witnessed a good start with continuous flow of visitors into the exhibition center. The exhibition offers great chance for ezTalks to showcase its all-new innovative solutions, meet old friends and make new contacts.



eztalks videoconferencing at cloud expo asia hong kong ing


Compatible endpoints with full-featured functions

The H.323 endpoint, ezTalks HVPE3000, is the highlight, which enables H.323 endpoints to join video conferences from different terminals fast and economically. HVPE3000 makes H.323 meeting scalable via ezTalks H.264 based meeting solutions to unlimited participants from different terminals cost-effectively without investing multiple expensive endpoints.


Experience ezTalks meetings from any terminals

At the show ezTalks team also set up real-time meetings to demonstrate the vision of an efficient meeting room based on ezTalks complete portfolio of solutions via any terminal and is compatible with a wide range of cameras and speakerphones.


Free trial plan enabling 100 participants

Audience are available of a free plan with up to 100 participants in per conference session. ezTalks Cloud enables people to work seamlessly across desktops and mobile devices with ultimate crystal clear audio and high definition video no matter where they are.


Co-located with Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong, ezTalks is also showcasing its videoconferencing solutions at CeBIT Australia 2017 and Wireless Japan Expocomm from 23rd to 26th May.

Guests are welcome to drop by Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong at H50, Halls 1C to 1E to experience the technology and experience ezTalks delivers, as well as souvenirs.

For those who want to meet ezTalks at CeBIT Australia 2017, please visit booth J30 at Darling Harbour Sydney.

For audience who would like to meet ezTalks at Wireless Japan Expocomm, find us at Booth 4-2-2.



For press: press@eztalks.com

For sales: sales@eztalks.com

Phone: +1 (888) 567-8889

Website: https://www.eztalks.com


About Cloud Expo Asia

Cloud Expo Asia is North Asia’s biggest, best attended cloud and digital event which helps to touch and explore the latest disruptive business technologies for a digital transformation journey.


Expo Comm Wireless Japan 2017: ezTalks Brings Brand New Video Conferencing Collaboration Experience

2017-05-25 16:13:58 | 日記

May 25, 2017 - At Expo Comm Wireless Japan, ezTalks is showcasing its full suite of videoconferencing innovations based on advanced video and audio technologies to drive digital communication and unlock new opportunities for enterprises.


Co-located with CeBIT Australia 2017 at Sydney and Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong, Expo Comm Wireless Japan furnishes visitors with industry insights in Japanese market. Under the theme of “Brilliant Video Conferencing”, ezTalks has showcased its latest innovative technologies that drive digital business forward including the software solution, hardware endpoints, room solutions as well as expert consultancy at Tokyo. 


eztalks videoconferencing expo comm wireless japan ing


Affordable, secure and flexible, ezTalks Cloud is the highlight in the exhibition which appeals to most of the visitors at ezTalks booth. The newly added features enable up to 100 participants for free in one conference session with full-featured functions, which accelerate the video conferencing industry into a brand new level. “I have compared a lot of suppliers including the big names such as Zoom and Webex, but never been touched by neither of them. The trial plan of these brands are always limited, I cannot figure out whether it suits my demand. The decision making process is long. ezTalks Cloud perfectly resolves this problem with the flexibility and accessibility to try before making decisions.” AsaiRina, an IT Administrator of a local company said. As the first provider to bring up the freemium plan to 100-participant, ezTalks is at the front to innovate and put forward solutions that perfectly meet customer needs.


Apart from that, audience can also get demos of ezTalks meetings via PCs, tablets, desktops and mobiles with a modern collaboration experience that’s integrated with full range of unified communications solutions for greater mobility, flexibility and productivity.


Guests are welcome to drop by Wireless Japan Expocomm to experience the technology and experience ezTalks delivers, as well as souvenirs at Booth 4-2-2.


Audience can also meet ezTalks at Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong at H50, Halls 1C to 1E

or at CeBIT Australia 2017, booth J30 at Darling Harbour Sydney.



For press: press@eztalks.com

For sales: sales@eztalks.com

Phone: +1 (888) 567-8889

Website: https://www.eztalks.com


About Wireless Japan Expocomm

Wireless Japan Expocomm is most specialized event for wireless industry which showcases products like wireless technologies, unified communications, cloud platform and other products and services etc. in the Business Services, Telecom Products & Equipment industries.