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10 Things Every Puppy Owner Should Know

2018-07-09 14:08:09 | keyword tool

Here we leave you the 10 things that every new puppy owner should know before having a new little one at home or preparing for a puppy.

1. It will be more playful and destructive as a child. 
In the first months, the puppies begin to draw their teeth and that is when your hair is probably going to find that your chairs, socks and toys are the best pacifiers of the discomfort. You have to be very careful not to eat something that hurts and not scold him for biting your favorite shoes, remember not to throw everything away now.

2. Puppies need a lot of sleep
The smaller the puppies need to sleep the more. If your puppy is used to sleeping with others, he will probably cry the first few nights alone. In addition they will go to the bathroom suddenly at night, so you have to pay attention to them.

3. They need special food
Puppies can not eat the same croquettes or food as an adult dog, they can hurt their teeth and not get the nutrients they need to grow. That is why you must be aware that a baby needs special food and that dogs also develop differently depending on the size of the breed: a small breed develops faster than a large one, so a chihuahua can eat food from adult before a great Dane.

4. They need a lot of attention
Puppies need exact hours to go to the bathroom, be fed 3 to 4 times a day, be entertained all day long; basically you will have the same time how to have a newborn at home.

5. Training your puppy is a matter of patience
Puppies learn quickly to be trained at home, even in weeks. But because they are so young, they quickly forget the lessons, but it is always better to train them from a young age so that adults have their lessons in mind.

6. They will make your dogs bigger.
Adult dogs are calmer, they are usually more educated and how to behave ... until a baby arrives that makes them crazy and makes them feel small again; That is when an old dog must learn new tricks

7. Your young children may not be good parents. 
Parents often believe that by having very young children it is a good idea to have puppies; Soon they discover that it is not like that. If you have young children, it is best to wait until they reach an age when they are responsible for a puppy, in the end it is also a life to take care of.

8. Until they grow up they will be good gym partners 
If you expected your puppy to become your partner to run every morning, you will have to wait a few months. When they are puppies if they exercise but usually they just throw themselves, turn, run in a circle or anything but follow your step; but do not worry it will eventually be your best gym partner.

9. They are more faithful in the long term 
Sometimes when the puppies grow they change their personality, but that does not mean that they no longer love you or that they are less loyal. The younger they get home, the more accustomed they are to part of the family, so they come to see you as a father figure and they need you more than you think.

10. It always makes a puppy happier at home 
They may be a whirlwind of madness, but a puppy always makes the days happy, besides being the most tender little creatures that can be. If you have or have a puppy do not hesitate to put us in the comments your experiences.

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The 5 Things Dogs Can See Before They Happen

2018-07-09 14:06:19 | keyword tool

How do you know, dogs are highly intuitive animals and they are always alert of what happens around them. It is known from scientific studies that they even know when a person is sad or stressed; Some even believe that they can know when someone is going to die or even that they see ghosts. However right now we are not going to talk to you about ghosts, but rather of their developed sensory ability that can even help us avoid a catastrophe.

The earthquakes
From ancient Greece to the present, there are reports of how dogs have sensed earthquakes before they occur. In China, stories are even told of how some dogs show signs of stress before the earthquakes. There are many theories of how these natural phenomena come to be felt, but it is even believed that they listen to the stones that fall on the floor; Another theory is that dogs feel seismic activity through their paws. If you notice that your dog begins to act in an unusual way and you live in a highly seismic zone, it may be because an earthquake is approaching.

Electric Storms
Thanks to the electromagnetic forces that storms generate, dogs are able to detect when they are going to occur before they begin to release their rays. It is believed that dogs' well-developed hearing also listens when lightning strikes before humans hear them; as well as his sense of smell is so developed that he can smell electricity in the air.

Some diseases
When people get to suffer certain diseases, such as diabetes or cancer. These aromas are very subtle for humans, but dogs can detect it very easily. If you notice that your dog smells too much or gets too close to a part of your body, you should consider going to visit your doctor. Some places even train dogs to smell cancer, just like dogs trained to find drugs and bombs. However, homemade dogs when they detect cancer only detect it to the people they live with the most, this is because they are their loved ones and they know something is wrong with them.

Heart Attacks and Seizures
There are dogs that are trained specifically to alert their owners before they have a heart attack and even give them help in what they can to save the person; however, not all dogs can recognize these attacks. It is also said that dogs can know when a person will have seizures minutes before.

Enter labor
Several reports have been documented where dogs predict when people are entering labor; many of these talk about how dogs practically become the shadow of their owners one day before they enter work. It is said that this happens because women, when they are about to go into labor, release a very particular aroma, similar to that which people who have cancer or other degenerative diseases have.

It is true that your dog will be the first to know when the dealer of the best online store for dogs is coming to your house, with everything he needs. So why do not you go around and know some of our products. Now you also know that your dog can save your life alerting you of any situation that may happen.

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How to improve the relationship with our dogs?

2018-07-09 14:01:22 | keyword tool

As in all relationships, the one we have with our furry ones must be worked and procured. However, unlike relationships with other humans, we are the ones who are aware that a relationship with our puppies is being generated, that is why we must know how to promote this union. It is important to create a bond with our furry as soon as possible, to build trust with us and avoid being ignored. That is why we now bring you some recommendations to improve relationships with our dogs.

Quality time
All relationships consist in being for each other, both to enjoy and to share experiences. The time that is shared with our furry ones will help that the relationship between both becomes stronger; try to find time to have fun with him.

Why is communication with our dogs important? Simply because confusion is the main enemy in relationships, and especially with our furry ones because they understand more of what we do than what we say. That's why when you're educating your dog you have to pay attention to the movements and actions you do with your furry so it does not get confused.

Reaches your heart through the stomach
The easiest way to get to the heart of your dog is for food. Prepare or give food that is tasty and nutritious to show you that you care. Remember that dogs also have tastes for certain foods, know them and find which foods hurt them so that they do not eat them.

Train it
Training our furry friends will help improve the relationship with us and with other people, since being educated has more freedom, both outdoors and inside the house. Try not to punish him so much, we want a relationship of love not a relationship created based on the fear that our dog will have us.

Know it
It is important to identify what are the signs of behavior of our furry, know when you are anxious or scared. If your dog knows that he can count on you to protect him, his relationship will be much stronger. You should also know that if you feel like being with him at a point in your day, do not force yourself, they feel when you are with them for pleasure and it helps them to know that you are a trustworthy person that they can love more easily.

It is a fact that having physical contact with our furry ones helps to reduce the levels of stress in our puppies; caressing them helps them to reduce their heartbeat and substances that cause stress; This occurs because of the generation of the hormone oxytocin or also known as the hormone of love and anti stress. To have physical contact with our furry ones is important to generate a bond, nevertheless also it is necessary to distinguish which races do not like to have so much physical contact. You have to respect your space as they respect ours.

Take care of your hairy as part of your family, only you can create a better union with him and make every moment they share unforgettable.

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Doga : Yoga for dog

2018-07-09 13:58:54 | keyword tool

What we would all do to make our dog happy and relaxed? There are many people who will surely love doing this activity, and we called it Doga.

Doga is a word that comes from the combination between Dog (dog) and Yoga. This curious invention is attributed to the yoga teacher, who decided to include her puppy in her classes, after checking the state of relaxation her puppy got when she saw her practice the exercises.

In addition, the origin of the doga is justified by the lack of free time that we have many of those who live in the city, absorbed in the rhythm of stress and that surely we lack the hours necessary to enjoy time with our dogs. The combination of lack of time with the style of yoga practice makes the doga widely accepted.

Surely you've heard about Yoga, a discipline that combines meditation with some postures to keep the body in balance. The doga does that, but with your dog. It is a practice that combines positions between you and your best dog friend.

Benefits of yoga for dogs

Part of the advantages of doga practice are

  • Relaxation of muscles
  • Benefits the health of joints and bones
  • The bond that is created through the synchronization of breathing with its owner.
  • Improves the circulation and flexibility of our dogs,
  • Strengthen your concentration and obedience by making your training easier to achieve

Can dogs meditate?
Dogs can enter a mental state of relaxation especially when you transmit them to them. That is why this practice is altogether. In addition, you can support yourself of some essences in spray with 100% natural ingredients like lavender and green tea to relax them prior to the practice. This, in combination with the classic Om song or some relaxing music, allows your dog to enter a state of concentration.

Surely you have been able to see some yoga postures at some point. Well, dogs can only really do the posture called "Adho Mukha Svanasana" by themselves, the rest requires the help of the owner.

The goal is to get them to do some exercise and socialize and that their owners learn to relax by giving them massages.

Stretching techniques
During yoga for dogs, the owners stretch in trying to place their dogs in some yoga postures. For this, it is necessary to practice deep breathing; the movements must be slow; nothing is fast; there should be no noise

The most basic exercise is summarized in 5 steps:

  • Stand in front of your dog
  • Breath deeply
  • Lean forward
  • Place your hands under the dog
  • Lift your hands slowly while leaning down

WOPET helps pet parents protect their pets more carefully. Wopet offer best automatic dog / cat feeder,fashion dog / cat carrier,dog / cat booster seat when pet parents are out for work or vacation . Wholesale please contact with support@wopetshop.com


10 secrets to make your dog happy

2018-07-09 13:57:15 | keyword tool

We all want to have a happy dog, and although each dog has its own personality, they all have something in common: they fill our lives with happiness. Whether it's filling us with kisses or just being there when we're sad, they make us love them more every day. But what do we do to make them happy? Today we bring a list of 10 secrets (not so secret) to make your dog happy.

1, Take it for a walk

Many believe that by having a large patio or a huge garden at home they do not need to walk their dogs, however you have to consider that nothing replaces the experience of socializing and creating a bond with other dogs. Dust the leash and take your puppy for a walk, a walk or explore some place they have never been to. It will be good, for both.

2, Play with your puppy

We know that many will seem a no-brainer, but sometimes it is necessary to remind us to enjoy some time. A game as simple as throwing the ball, hiding prizes in a toy or just playing hide and seek can make your dog happier. 

3, Keep an eye on fleas and ticks

Nothing will make your dog happier than showing him how much you care, and what better way to do it than paying close attention to his health. At any time can be a victim of these animals, so it is important that you keep away from your best friend to avoid scratching.

4, Be aware of its dental health

Dogs love to eat and chew things, especially when their teeth are growing and also when they are losing them. There are 2 simple steps; 1. Give him some bait to bite and calm the itching on his gums, 2. Brush his teeth at least once a day to keep them clean and strong. 

5, Go on a trip together

Knowing part of the family will make your dog very happy, and what better than taking him on a trip with you. Simply find a pet friendly hotel where your dog can be without problems and ready, the rest is just take it safely in the car or plane. Always take into account a conveyor or carrying case that makes the trip more comfortable and safe for your dog.

6, Make sure your puppy is well identified

This is a basic, if for some reason you get to lose your dog, you must have an identification plate to find it as quickly as possible. You can use a recorded plate, or something more sophisticated like a GPS.

7, Dedicate love and time

Dogs are animals that are naturally affectionate, and you've probably noticed when you snuggle on your feet or on the couch with you. You must make sure that you spend enough time with him, caressing him and letting him know that you think about him and that you care.

8, Keep your dog feel good at different season

If it's spring or summer, make sure your dog is well hydrated and somewhere in shade. Protect it from excessive sun and keep its paws protected from the hot pavement. If it is winter keep warm, covered with a sweater or coat and with their paws and nose protected from possible cracks that may occur.

9, Visits to the veterinarian are priority

Although it may not seem so much to him, visiting the vet is the best way to make him happy. Especially if you detect some strange behavior or something to worry about. Having your dog healthy is a good way to make him happy. The most important problems you must prevent are eye and ear infections, keeping your nails short, keeping your elbows hydrated and the pads of your paws.

10, Balanced diet

Last but not least, food. Giving your dog a quality food that is specific to its breed or size can ensure a long and happy life because it promotes the health of your dog.

Remember that they are living beings, and like us, they require samples of affection and affection (and I do not speak of hugs only) I speak of making them happier on a daily basis. If you do it daily, you will create a habit and it will become an action that you will do without realizing it.

WOPET helps pet parents protect their pets more carefully. Wopet offer best automatic dog / cat feeder,fashion dog / cat carrier,dog / cat booster seat when pet parents are out for work or vacation . Wholesale please contact with support@wopetshop.com
