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ezTalks: Best Distance Learning Software

2017-08-01 17:23:57 | keyword tool

The quality of distance education is high, and learning institutions are discarding inferior programs by accrediting new ones that have better reception and offer more quality. One such program is the use of distance education software. Now, we will introduce 7 best distance learning software for you to use.

1. ezTalks Cloud Meeting

This is a video communication platform for distance learning and training. The system uses cloud technology to create new conference communication mode that makes online learning smoother and easier. Effective communication is important as it reduces operating costs. The software is in line with the needs of institutions of higher learning to ensure students meet acceptable levels of quality. video conference software

Advantages of using ezTalks Cloud Meeting:

● HD screen share, video streams, and VoIP which make interaction seamless and interactive.
● Easy and free access for non-members via web browsers.
● Easy connection from anywhere.
● Increased productivity, flexibility and efficiency through participation.

eztalks cloud meeting

2. WeVideo

The software allows students to put together their videos in a group. This enables students to have an atmosphere of togetherness that bridges the distance gap experienced in distance learning.

WeVideo approaches free distance learning with a tutorial like an approach which is considered sufficient in working environments.

Advantages of using WeVideo:

● A wide range of visual and audio effects.
● A simple, easy to use interface.
● Videos can be easily exported for future reference.
● Quality videos at a minimized cost.
● A supportive interface that allows members of the group to add more videos to a project.
● Free sign up option.video metting

Disadvantages of using WeVideo:

● Pricing is excluded from sign up information up until during exportation of videos from the platform.
● Video quality resolution is of low quality for free sign up members.


3. scrible

This is a software that uses various tools to allow students to share notes, project progress and compare ideas. Students can share their resources during research and plan on ways of creating an open forum to enable them to build on their ideas. This tool provides an opportunity to bring together the best resources in one community and develop great plans.facetime alternative

Advantages of using scrible:

● Easily integrates with other software e.g. web browsers and search engines, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, Google Docs among others.
● Offers desired citation formats such as MLA, APA, and Chicago among others.
● Educators quickly monitor and evaluate student involvement and performance.
● Work is easily integrated with Google Docs for further editing.

Disadvantages of using scrible:

● Users can only annotate text and not images or videos.
● Scrible regularly times out; thus time is wasted while logging in again.


4. Dropbox

Dropbox universal folders for others to upload their files and documents. Besides, it creates links for people to grab lesson plans. Dropbox offers a dynamic easy to monitor platform that makes learning easier.

Advantages of using Dropbox:

● Saved documents and records are continually synced across all devices hence reducing redundancy.
● Allows a variety of file types to be stored and easily accessed.
● Easy to monitor who views, what files are viewed and also supports the recovery of deleted files and documents.

Disadvantages of using Dropbox:

● Requires an internet connection to access stored files and documents.


5. Prezi

This is an alternative presentation package that creates presentations with each character and oomph. It has a fantastic look, and intuitive. The software enhances student presentations which are ideal for distance learning.

Advantages of using Prezi:

● It is appropriate for all ages
● Allows importation of slides from Microsoft PowerPoint.
● The software is free and Web-based. (Also comes in iOS and Android).
● Images and texts can be linked to movement e.g. panning and direction sequential build ups.

Disadvantages of using Prezi:

● It is mainly Web-based, hence in case of a slow connection creating the presentations would be a hassle.
● Mastering the usage of Prezi is based on how frequently you will be using it. It takes times to use its features efficiently.



From: https://www.eztalks.com/elearning/distance-learning-software.html

ezTalks: List of Instant Messaging Tools

2017-08-01 17:20:03 | keyword tool

Let us now get to learn about a few examples of instant messaging that are gaining more and more popularity each day.

1. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a well-known instant messaging app that many users use to chat with friends and colleagues. One of the reasons behind the popularity of this app is its simplicity of use. It is also reliable and you need not follow any lengthy sign-up procedure to use it. You only need an internet connection on your device, and then you can get connected on WhatsApp and send text messages, files, videos, and images. You can also enjoy video and voice calls.screen sharing software windows

2. Skype

Though Skype is more popularly known and used for video calling, its instant messaging ability cannot be avoided. Yes, you will have to log in before you can start using this tool, but that will not take much of your time. Once you sign in, you can enjoy numerous interesting features, send and receive instant texts, group chat, share file/media, emoji, and enjoy video and voice calling.

3. ezTalks

If you believe in settling for nothing less than the best then ezTalks is the best option for you. It offers everything that the other IM apps offer and more, ability to send text messages, HD voice and video calls, group chat, add up to 100 (up to 10,000 if you opt for the paid versions) members, whiteboarding, and a lot more. Its huge list of interesting features makes it not only the best example of instant messaging with friends but also with colleagues worldwide.

4. Viber

Viber is yet another example of instant messaging that can help you stay connected with your colleagues and friends just using any internet connection. Using Viber you can enjoy instant messaging, live video chats, and voice calls. This tool also offers many free and paid stickers as well as emoji icons that will make your instant messaging experience all the more enjoyable.webconference tools

5. Meebo

Meebo is another popular web-based application that supports all popular chat networks, it allows voice and video chat, and even has an iPhone interface. What is most attractive about it is that it works no matter where you are, and no matter what type of operating system you are using, as long as you have a good internet connection and a web browser.conference call video

6. Kik

Kik is yet another IM app that does not need you to use phone numbers from your contact list to get connected. Instead, you can add people by their usernames and enjoy a group chat with up to 50 people. So, if you have an important matter to discuss with colleagues with instant response from all, this IM app can prove to be of help. Not only can you send text messages, but also share memes, funny GIFs, and images, thus making it a great option for a nice chat with friends and family.

7. WeChat

WeChat offers you all that you may be interested in. So, using it you can send messages free of cost, and also enjoy voice and video calling. It even has an interesting feature known as Moments, which allows you to share your precious memories and moments with videos and photos, and a Friends Radar using which you can scan your surroundings to find other people using WeChat and connect with them.


From: https://www.eztalks.com/unified-communications/examples-of-instant-messaging.html

ezTalks: Introducing More about Unified Communications

2017-08-01 17:12:25 | keyword tool

Unified communications is a developing technology which brings a wide range of communications into one platform. To be specific, calls, video calls, mails, video chats, web based meeting and so forth into one platform. Furthermore, the unified communications platforms such as ezTalks attempt to make the communications devices be independent or give isolate applications to all platforms.

Now, we look into the history of unified communications (UC) briefly.

unified communications history

Invention of the first voice over IP (VoIP)

The unified communications history lays its foundation in the first invention of the voice over IP (VoIP) back in the late 1980’s and mid 1990's. By this time we were all focusing on possible ways to save on cash by setting voice over their information circuits. At that point Cisco purchased an organization called Celsius who was investigating making VoIP to the genuine telephones and not simply moving voice parcels as information bundles crosswise. This was a bet on Cisco’s part since everybody still depended on storehouse equipment based PBX switches and even the switch vendors argued that the idea won’t work.skype not working

This was the initial endeavor to make voice an application to save on cash which was being undertaken by Cisco around the mid to late 1990's by utilizing the term AVVID. At that point, with the development of the Linux operating system, different new companies started reflecting Cisco’s case by building a shabby PBX with elements to give to medium or smaller organizations.

Using the same message or mail server

The second part of unified communications was later seen in the merging of phone to be able to email, message, and fax mail in a similar Message Store or Mail server.

Today, the voice is dealt with as only an application running on your system which a strong conveyance convention called Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). What is special about this is currently voice can be blended into your corporate applications too. For example, a collection of users can be chipping away at an exploration extend all utilizing a similar system based application and from the application they can set up telephone calls between scientists or even raise it to a phone call. This will give genuine ongoing joint effort, which organizations have been scanning for and is at long last now being conveyed. This is the genuine development that will be the concentration point in this decade this makes me think what the unified communications will look like in the future.best video conferencing software

What will unified communications look like later on?

It's never simple to anticipate the future, and doing as such with certainty regularly brings about humiliation. Be that as it may, it’s significantly less demanding to identify trends and along these lines make strides important to set up an association for progress. For example, there are right now some unmistakable trends happening inside the unified communications (UC) space. UC has hit its walk as of late with steady advancement from cumbersome, frequently problematic systems to the present streamlined and much more adaptable cloud-based solutions such as ezTalks Cloud Meeting. Be that as it may, UC is proceeding to consistently advance with a great part of the headway now focused on adequately utilizing the developing number of cell phones entering the business condition. Moderate assessments put the versatile development rate at 15 percent for every year during that time 2020.cross team collaboration

As portability has developed, user dependence on cell phones and tablets has intensified with these cell phones now assuming a conspicuous part in empowering and enabling a variety of business communication channels including dynamic access to content informing, video conferencing and voice communications - paying little heed to where users are geologically. In the meantime, there has been a shift in gadget proprietorship with the "bring your own device" (BYOD) trend grabbing hold inside associations of all sizes. To such an extent, actually, that Gartner predicts that half of bosses will require employees to supply their own particular work gadgets by 2017.

Justifiably, as BYOD develops, the emphasis will intensify on engaging specialists with the capacity to redo and customize how they utilize their own particular gadgets to speak with collaborators, clients and suppliers. For associations to remain on top of things - to future-evidence its ventures – they should have an adaptable unified communications system with an instinctive entrance. Like the 100 percent cloud-based ezTalks system, the fate of the UC plan of action is a solution that enables users to not just deal with their inclinations and settings from anyplace all alone individual gadget, but it is likewise dependent upon the underlying system being one worked around the users' needs.

From: https://www.eztalks.com/unified-communications/history-of-unified-communications.html