

DUO section2

2024-03-28 11:33:00 | 日記

10 Bob was so beside himself that he could scarcely tell fact from fiction.

11 His new novel, which conbines prose with his gift for poetry, is going to be pablished.

12 An up to date edition of the encyclopedia will come out next month.

13 山田さんがその心惹かれるお伽話をやさしい日本語に翻訳した
Ms.Yamada translated the fascinating fairy tale into plain Japanese.

14 以下の一節は有名な寓話からの引用です。The following passage is quoted from a well known fable.

15 現代文学に詳しいですか?ほとんど知りません。Are you familiar with contemporary literature?I know next to nothing about it.

17 恥ずかしがらないで、あなたの発音はだいたい合っています。
Don't be shy.your pronounciation is more or less correct.

18 この記事には語量を本気で増やしたいと思う人に役立つ情報が含まれています。
This article contains tips for those who are eager to increase their vocabraly.

Could you move over a little?Oh sorry. I didn't realize I was taking up so much space.
20 この不愉快な物体はなに?これは抽象芸術の作品だよ。
What's this ugly object?This is a piece of abstract art.

シャーチェラーグ廟 Shahcheragh Holy Shrine

2024-03-25 17:45:52 | 旅行

I didn't expect that inside mosque was such a beautiful. the mosque places on shiraz Iran.There were 2 times terro attack at Shahcheragh Holy sunni's to shia's. it's very conplicated.‬


What surprised me the most was that there was a church.and many iranians doesn't hegitate to visit there.
In Iran,not only the church but there was also synagogue. It was defferent from what I thought before visiting.

DUO section 1

2024-03-23 11:12:47 | 日記

1 We must respect the will of the individual.


2 Take it easy. I can assure you that everything will turn out fine.


3 Let go of your negative outlook on life.always maintain a positive attitude.


4 You should be fair to everyone regardress of national origin,gender,or creed.生まれた国、性別、信条に関係なく、誰にでも公平でなくてはならない。

5 Equality is guaranteed by the constitution.

6 He leaned against the pillar and gazed at the statue of the liberty.彼は柱に寄りかかって自由の女神像をじっと見つめた。

7 A woman passed by me giving off a subtle scent of perfume. It reminds me of my exgirlfriend.ほのかに香水の香りを漂わせながら1人の女性が僕の前を通り過ぎた。前の彼女のことを思い出した。

8 Natto smells awful but tastes terrific.

9 I'm soaked with sweat.stand back, you stink.take a shower.       汗でびしょ濡れだよ。来ないで臭いわ。シャワーを浴びて。

ブルーモスク The Blue Mosque

2024-03-20 00:56:06 | 旅行

In turkey,Blue Mosque was so beatiful.there's a praying time when tourist can't enter.Sunni's praying are 5times in a day, Shia's praying are 3times.
But real one was deferrent from the photos on the net.the net one was enphasized blue.