The Power of the Dream

The Power of the Dream

Health Benefits of Natural Body Care

2018-08-02 14:46:01 | health


Every woman has a stash of store-bought beauty products. While all those goodies help our skin stay soft, silk and young, not to mention they save our time, they are harmful to our health. It’s easier to purchase that mud mask, hair conditioner or moisturizer than to make your own one, but once you know all the benefits natural body care has, hopefully, you will change your mind. Stick up for animals that die every minute because of those painful testing and avoid harsh chemicals used in popular beauty products that can alter your hormones and lead to serious disease by choosing all natural body care.

1. Reduce your cancer risk
Toxic carcinogens in most beauty products are one of the major cancer culprits. Carcinogens, like formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives can also lead to a number of serious diseases. If you want to be healthy and live a longer life, switch to natural body care today.

2. Avoid skin problems
If you suffer from severe breakouts, it may not be because of bad eating habits or hormone problems. Many beauty and body care products can cause acne and skin irritation too. Choosing natural body care can help you solve this skin problem and forget about it for good.

3. Improve your reproductive health
As I mentioned above, most popular beauty products contain harsh chemicals that affect women’s reproductive health. Sulfates, parabens, formaldehyde and phthalates that are usually added to body care products are among the most harmful chemicals you should avoid applying to your body at all costs.

4. Get rid of headaches
How often do you suffer from severe headaches? Do you think it’s because of stress only? Nope, ladies. Beauty and body care products have awesome scents, but all those fragrances can cause severe headaches even when you are calm and relaxed.
5. Avoid dandruff
No only are men trying to get rid of this problem, women are prone to dandruff too. All those shampoos and conditioners that promise to help you get rid of your problem cause even more dandruff, making you spend more money on over-the-counter anti-dandruff products, which in turn, can worsen your problem and cause yeast overgrowth.