The Power of the Dream

The Power of the Dream

few minutes of helpless

2014-08-29 11:35:05 | life

Have been hoping that he will not grow old, even if the appearance has quietly shift, also wish you have a young heart forever alexander hera pre wedding, inner world will be like a riot of wheatgrass in April, you look very dynamic.

Little imagine, every little bit of time down the branches, quietly, even that even that quickly, even if the total between you before you know it, she never take away the carried, old like a forgetful person forgot things, as long as there is life, leave traces of her in a hurry and go to, animals, plants, people also don't fall.

When I was a child, favorite color is thick, like the vibrant vitality, the most annoying color is dark red, hate that kind of like a flame at any time are likely to consume the dangers of the world. From his start with the decision, life condition, on the wear is certainly not to choose the color of the beautiful, always choose some small gray, cream-colored color, because the young, as long as don't grow too ugly, can let a person feel beautiful. Favorite, is I to wait to see, should not be set on themselves; Hate, this is should stay away from, is not to wear.

Don't hate, also do not like, to choose, that is your own style. Remember every time I go to buy clothes at that time, the in the mind is very puzzled, the clothing store in town to walk, see the favorite, won't buy it right away, to compare the prices before buying. Wait to buy back to wear in the body, the neighbor aunt always says with a smile: "the color and the design, not modern, not good-looking, also can become beautiful when wear on you, becomes very tasty. This set of clothes to wear to the eighty - year - old also won't someone said you wear bright." Such praise words, who will be sweet into honey alexander hera wedding.

The previous days, is a matter of counting the day by day grow up tall, from will only play to have their own ideas, will help my parents do some could live. When they have to wear not sorrow eat, always feel sorrow and the sorrow. Not give it to the road of the way to go since no measurable, grew up to want to assume the responsibility of the panic, to find the other half of the mysterious and concerns, not strong say sorrow?

Gradually, gradually, freckle face, soft, and elastic skin lost its former preferences also follow gone bad. Originally favorite thick green is not as love, hate the crimson not be abandon, the color of the clothes from small to very bright, review the words of the neighbor aunt could no longer hear its sweet, love, hate no longer bounded clearly.

In the future, though still confused, has nothing, can accept. Come wind or rain, anyway, to have it all with the nature, only stay a few minutes of helpless.

Don't want to grow up again, don't want to grow old, because age, can only put a world of young in the heart, become a memory once. By chance in a word, a picture, can let you immersed in passing memory for a long time can't find the way back to reality.

Because in the past, the only change; Because of getting older, just have memories. Cry cry smile, that was the passage back. Want to go to the road, no longer is colorful, no longer confused, no longer fear, is full of coolamway.

ok, just let it be!

2014-08-21 17:01:00 | life

In this time around are quiet, so quiet at night, a bag of snacks in combination with a wonderful song, attentively listen to the music feeling really very comfortable, very satisfied, all still is ~ ~ ~, recently listened to a lot of different styles of music in my spare time, always thought that oneself like fast-tempoed before, infectious songs, even for a time very like rock, like the sort of crazy catharsis, feel as if only then the madness of anger, is the youth!!!!! Now!!!!! ? With the passage of time, his own ideas, concepts, and ideas are also day by day to treat some things change, slowly like some quiet lyric songs like stefanie sun "met" eason chan "firmly" happiness like that of the melody, can be in when I lost my heart tired to bring me some comfort, more is want to find a belongs to own the sense of belonging in these songs <a style="color:#404040; text-decoration:none;" href="">alexander hera pre wedding</a>!!!!!

A person quietly listening to the music looping on and on, forgot all!!!!! Life really is a concerned teacher, let I learned a lot of things in halting growth, luckily I always have a optimistic attitude, my life maxim is "rather than sad alive happy be always"!! Have article said "life is a to know, to learn to put down, when you hold hands is nothing inside, when you can loosen the hand to embrace the whole world"! I don't understand to embrace the world need to what kind of mood, I also know that kind of mood is not my the small people can achieve, person, perhaps is such, when almost every smiling face, is always pull a long face when he goes wrong, don't want to face but have to face, perhaps, in this process, people also gradually mature!!!!! But I just don't like mature man, always feel a person mature is complex, your now than to simple happiness <a style="color:#404040; text-decoration:none;" href="">alexander hera</a>!!!!! The ups and downs of life, there will always be a need quiet aftertaste, there will always be some pain need to feel alone!!!!! Look at the time already fast at 2:30, wrote so many trapped not line, also don't know wake up tomorrow and what time is it, and have no energy to go out around, ok, just let it be! Accustomed to, is everything all righ <a style="color:#404040; text-decoration:none;" href="細讀alexander-hera的作品不可取代的魅力-歷 久不衰的婚照pre-wedding/">alexander hera</a>t!!

for his mistake.

2014-08-08 09:28:29 | life

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Montana U.S. Sen. John Walsh dropped his election campaign Thursday amid allegations he plagiarized large portions of a 2007 research project, leaving fellow Democrats to scramble for a replacement with the election less than three months away <a style="color:#404040; text-decoration:none;" href="">alexander hera pre wedding</a>.

Nationally, the development only improves the odds for Republicans, who need a net gain of six seats in November to take Senate control. Even before Walsh's exit, strategists in both parties considered his Senate race against U.S. Rep. Steve Daines an opportunity to tip one more seat in Republicans' favor.

The Montana Democratic Party must hold a nominating convention before Aug. 20 to choose a replacement candidate <a style="color:#404040; text-decoration:none;" href="價錢/">alexander hera wedding</a>.

Notably absent from any list of candidates will be former Gov. Brian Schweitzer, whose name had circulated as a promising potential contender even before Walsh's announcement. The two-term Democratic governor shot down the possibility in social media postings Thursday. He later confirmed that he would not run in a message to The Association Press.

Schweitzer also declined a chance to run earlier this year, when he said he wasn't interested in the seat that opened when six-term Sen. Max Baucus was named U.S. Ambassador to China.

Walsh was appointed to fill Baucus' seat in February. The former National Guard commander said in a statement to supporters Thursday that he was leaving the race but will stay in office until his term ends in January 2015.

Walsh said the controversy surrounding his U.S. Army War College research paper had become a "distraction."

"I am ending my campaign so that I can focus on fulfilling the responsibility entrusted to me as your U.S. Senator," he said. "You deserve someone who will always fight for Montana, and I will."

His campaign declined interview requests <a style="color:#404040; text-decoration:none;" href="">alexander hera wedding</a>.

The announcement came as an Army War College investigation is set to begin Aug. 15 into Walsh's college paper. The senator previously said he wrongfully cited some passages in the work, but not deliberately. Lee Newspapers of Montana first reported Walsh's departure from the race.

The decision is a boost for Daines, a former technology company executive from Bozeman who is giving up his House seat after one term to run for Senate.

The Republican said Thursday he respected Walsh's decision. He wouldn't comment on the plagiarism allegation other than to say it was between Walsh and Montanans.

Daines has maintained a sizable fundraising advantage, raising $3.6 million since last fall, his campaign said last month. Walsh had raised nearly $2.8 million, according to his campaign.

The upcoming nominating convention for a replacement will be comprised of Democratic leaders from county party committees, along with federal and statewide elected officials and the party's executive board.

Montana State University political analyst David Parker said Walsh made the right choice for his family given the huge amount of media attention surrounding the plagiarism charges. But he said it puts Democrats in a bind for November.

"I'm not sure the seat is winnable for Democrats," Parker said. "It was always a tough race in a tough electoral environment. Putting out a candidate with three months to have to introduce himself to the state, that's hard."

The New York Times revealed the extensive use of unattributed material in Walsh's paper about the spread of democracy in the Middle East. Walsh originally called it an "unintentional mistake" and told the AP part of the fault might lie in his being treated for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder following his deployment in Iraq.

He later said he was not blaming PTSD for his mistake.