Facebook Lite is the social network application

Facebook Lite is the social network application

Facebook Lite is for you

2017-01-09 09:11:17 | 日記

If your addiction for social media (namely Facebook) has surpassed the level of technology of your smart phone, then you might be a bit frustrated. It is understandable. Over the years, Facebook has added quite a lot of features that might tax lower end mobile systems.The good thing is, you probably don't need half of these features. So in case I'm right, or your phone is ready to fall apart, Facebook Lite is for you!It's important to us for everyone to have a great experience using Facebook on their phone, no matter the device they're using or the connection they're on. Because of various network conditions and types of hardware, experiences can differ. Although 2G mobile networks cover up to 96% of people globally and are used for basic data connectivity by over half the world’s population, at least 1.6 billion people still live in places where mobile broadband networks (3G and 4G) are not available, making data access difficult. More app : Download Play Store
Even for people on 3G networks, the intermittency and stability of the connection are often the biggest barriers to delivering a great mobile experience.
Through our research in emerging markets and in seeing how people use our apps, we know that cost of data and overall data usage is extremely important to people. So we've been working to reduce data usage for people in emerging markets when they want to access Facebook. In addition to continuing to improve how the Facebook for Android app performs on 2G networks, we introduced Facebook Lite in 2015 to address those constraints. Our goal when we launched was to deliver a lightweight, fast, and native Facebook experience for people using typical Android phones and network connections in emerging markets.Facebook Lite features a very spartan interface. Luckily, everything is more or less where you'd expect it to be. The Feed, Requests, Messages and Notifications buttons are on the top.Every other section such as, Friends, Groups or Photos can be found in the Menu tab. The interface is bare bones, containing only a minimum of pictures and separator lines, but maintaining the classic blue look.Facebook Lite continues to keep you updated. New stories are highlighted while you view the news feed and Android notifications will pick up on them as usual.Have you got an account Instagram ? Click now

